NOTE: I"m not Gami. Just use the same species.
Species: Grei
Age: 24
Shell of choice: Reese's chocolate shell
Operating system: 8 or Fedora
Personal quote: Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things.
Music type/genre: Japanese, rock, blues, classical, techno, funk....
Favorite movie: Evil dead, BTTF, and a few I can't think of at 2 am.
Favorite game: Mario anything.
Favorite game platform: Emulators, anyone?
Music player of choice: program? I use my mp3 player.
Favorite artist: GreeeeN
Favorite animal: The kind you can pick up and snuggle
Favorite website: ?
Favorite food: hotwings
Links and Contact Details
No contact details added.