Yrac|鴉|ヤク https://portaly.cc/yracyrac  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ Hello! This is Yrac, love everything cute and horny! 這邊是喜歡一切可愛又色色事物的 Yrac 鴉! こちらは可愛くてちょっぴりセクシーなものが大好きな Yrac (ヤク) です!
Hello! This is Yrac, love everything cute and horny ! Basically, I draw the material from life. From those lovely animals & cute guys. Turning them into these fantastic illustrations! If you like these little lovely horny furry & boys, welcome to join my Fanbox to access limited artworks!
哈囉! 這邊是喜歡一切可愛又色色事物的Yrac 鴉鴉! 我將取材於生活周遭有趣的動物&可愛少年們的觀察,轉化成令人心癢難耐的插畫。如果你特別喜歡這些可愛又色色的獸太&少年們,誠摯地邀請你來欣賞 FAN