Hello! And thank you for visiting my humble little page. I know its not much right now, but I greatly appreciate your taking the time to stop by and check out the place, even if its for only a couple seconds
I post my little doodles and drawings here that I occasionally make in my free time. I've only started drawing genuinely very recently and I greatly appreciate any feedback and critique people are willing to give.
I carry a notebook with me that I make all my drawings in and I draw with a mechanical pencil, since I feel it helps make for smoother lines. It's a regular lined paper notebook, as you'll likely notice yourself
I don't actually have a proper sketchbook or set of art equipment and just try to make what I can with what I have. I only draw traditionally right now, but I want to someday start drawing digitally when I get better.
And speaking of which, I have strong desires to try to learn to draw and make more respectable artwork someday for the kind people here to see, people that I hope to do my best to befriend.
You'll find I'm a very agreeable and kind little guy, so please feel free to leave a comment, shout, or message. I appreciate any and all kinds of interactions I get. I promise, I'm very approachable :3
My biggest goal above all else is to make friends, and I treasure every friend I have. If you're also just starting things out too, then lets do our best to support eachother ^w^
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