I have three fursonas, first is Urok the Dragon, second is a Chakat called Snowblind and the third is, a WinterFur the white Wolf.
If I signed a comment with -Snowblind, I'm speaking as hir.
If I signed a comment with -WinterFur, I'm speaking as him.
If I didn't sign it, I'm speaking as Urok, my 'FURst' fursona.
Urok is pronounced "Oorock"
Administrator of:
Nickname there is BlackDragonOfDarkness
Find me on TeamSpeak3 server ( as Black_Dragon.
On the St0rmNet forums as Dragonst0rm,
sometimes on St0rm's IRC ( server as Dragonst0rm.
Avid reader of Goldfur's website, (I've actually read every single Chakat Universe story on the site.)
Currently writing two stories I hope to have hosted there.
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