I'm not sure what sorta stuff I should upload here I don't want to put up my Blue Phoenix stuffs cause I want to migrate them to their own page on FA and I don't really want this sight to shadow my F...
I live in: The Uk, Essex My beliefs are: Atheist, Polyamorous, LaVeyan Satanism
About My Fursona: Tun Rae is A Phoenix whenever he's male, and White tigress whenever she's female. Shi's a very adept mage (twinkish even) and can shape hir image at will. Shi has two birthdays a year as shi ages twice as fast as humans. Shi was born 18th April 1996 and has a half b'day on 18th October so that makes hir 30 half years old (Not 15 years old, the distinction is important) If you'd like to know a more full story, I'm sure that I can write it at some time Tun Rae on the Rabbit Hole 私は堕天使です。 私は笑顔マスクを着用する。