Hi everyone! So I know I'm doing a new years update abit too early, but there are some things has to be said. First of all I want to thank everyone who follows me or even just look through my drawing...
So my pen suddenly decided it didn't want to function properly anymore xD It registers movement but not when the pen actually touch the screen. Strangely enough it still works when I calibrate the sen...
Holy crap! When I first posted my "art" here I didn't think anyone would want to look at it, but now we reached 1000 sub views! Thank you everyone! I look forward to seeing what the future hold. :) <...
Greetings, salutations, hello, welcome, aloha, nihow...hmmm... Yes. Well, Thank you kindly stranger for making favorites out of my little stories. Even a little interaction like that is enough to 'bout go on to brighten my little day.