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9 years, 6 months ago
Hey, Tae?  Cody?  Why have all but four (or so) of your stories seemingly disappeared from over on FIMFic?  I'm cofused about that.

Let me know, k?

9 years, 7 months ago
Hey, Tae (or Cody; I love hearing from you both)!  How's things going with you guys?  Been awhile since I; *ahem* we have heard from either of you guys, and I hope that whatever's been going on with you have finally leveled out.

Especially with you, Tae.  I hope that this finds you well (both physically and otherwise), and in better circumstances.

And if you need to talk, or just a friendly ear to listen, I'm on Yahoo Messenger.  Just give me a hollar, okay?

Love ya, sweetling.
9 years, 9 months ago

And thank you; I will!  I'm loving that story!  You guys are the absolute best!

And sorry for the late reply.  Had stuff goin' on in my offline life; mostly to do with family stooffs.

Nothin' bad; mostly just us doin' some cleanin', goin' through the closets and getting rid of clothes and such that we can't wear; etc.; and taking them to our favorite place (I don't know if you'd call it a resale or a thrift store.  Either or, I guess) that's just a short distance from where we live called "Mary & Martha's".

Plus giving the dog a bath.  Which is always loads of fun. *insert sarcasm here*

Oh, and me doing some long-overdue writing and drawing and such.

Anyway, I hope this finds you well, Tae.  Take care, okay?
9 years, 9 months ago
*smiles* It's no problem at all, Wolf. And the new chapter is up for Cody's story, check it out. :)
9 years, 9 months ago
Oh, and on another note, thanks so much for the Watch, Tae.  I really appreciate it, coming from one of my fave authors.:D
9 years, 9 months ago
Now  me?  I'm a Christian, too, but I lean toward being the diplomatic one in the bunch, and try to be understanding about both view-points.

As to the "hard work trying to move out" thing, been there, done that, as they say.

I wound up having to got through all that mess when me and my sibs' mom passed away back in November of 2012, and I wound up moving up to where my aforementioned sis lives.  That's like a four hour drive away from where I used to live.

It was not fun, trust me!

Then you add my dog into the mix, the fact that we're still currently living with the sis and in-law, and haven't gotten my own place yet?  Yeah.  It's a mess.:P

Anyway, good luck, Tae.  Be well, okay?
9 years, 9 months ago
, so, as you can imagine, they have a bit of a problem with it.

And actually, I found out something about some of my own family that I didn't know about until just a few nights ago, and that was that my second-oldest nephew Mike's wife, Abby, has some gay members of her family, and she supports them.  (which is only right and proper, of course, and that just makes me love her even more than I already did when she and Mike became a couple.

And Mike agrees with her, too, of course, and I just love the dickens out of him for that.  (Proud aunt, right here.)

But they love Mike, and they're pretty diplomatic (read: they want him to be happy), so I guess it all works out.
9 years, 9 months ago
Ah, I see.  

Yeah, that would cause more than a few problems, I'm thinking.  Especially if the parentals and a good many of the family don't approve of that.

Good luck, my friend.  I know that you'll work it out. *hugs*

And actually, I found out something about some of my own family that I didn't know about until just a few nights ago, and that was that my second-oldest nephew Mike's wife, Abby, has some gay members of her family, and she supports them.  (which is only right and proper, of course, and that just makes me love her even more than I already did when she and Mike became a couple.

And Mike agrees with her, too, of course, and I just love the dickens out of him for that.  (Proud aunt, right here.)

The thing is, my sis and bro-in-law are devout
9 years, 9 months ago
Heh, it's mostly a mix of parental nonsense and the recent Supreme Court rulings. Lots of family fights, and hard work trying to move out.
9 years, 9 months ago
Your very welcome, m' dear!

And thank YOU for accepting my friends request.  I hope this finds you well, and whatever you're dealing with finally dealt with, oncer and for all.

Be well, okay?
9 years, 9 months ago
Thanks! :D
9 years, 9 months ago
Hey, welcome to the site, Tae!  I hope that you like it here!
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