Name: Sonwaka o`Tego
Short form: Sony / busy wolf
Gender: male
Birthday: July 1986
City: Hannover, Germany
Languages: German, English
I am Sonwaka from Germany, currently 26 years old. I am studying mechanical engineering at the university of Hannover in the 13th semester (yes I know this is too long...). I like to hear music, specially german rock and metal.
My favorite books are >>The dark tower<<-novels by Steven King, by now I am reading a lot of fantasy-horror books like Nightwatch. I´m also interested in movies, to call some of my favorites: Donny Darco, Adams æbler, Silent Hill, MST3K, SinCity, Cloverfield, NGE … a lot more.
So, what so say more about me? Maybe that I do a lot of work on honorary base in the university and other associations. I don’t really know why I do that, but it helps me to develop my personality and makes me feel good. My friends are the most important part in my live, I always know who stands behind me, this makes me happy and self-assured. I believe that every sentient being depends on his environment, without it a mental self-definition would not be possible, that´s why friends are essential in every of our lives.
This should only be a short introduction of myself, that should help you to give you an idea about who I am. You are invited to contact me by mail (
Be yourself,
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