Looking to open for some sketches here soon (likely as soon as the end of the weekend), but first wanted to see if anyone might have a request to be made about one of my own characters. If there's so...
Just a quick journal, but as posted about a month ago I have launched a new pinup series called FIREPOWER! Carrying on in the spirit of the old Martial Pinups and Firepower series, FIREPOWER! will fe...
Heading off to bed due to work tomorrow, but just wanted to post this up here first. Been practicing a bit more digitally again, and if there are any of my sketches you'd like to see colored, feel fr...
I LOVE your gallery, my first loves were always wolves, vehicles, and guns. You're works are well coloured and proportioned. I love how authentic everything looks and that you've used the proper names and realistic images. Your username couldn't be more perfect, did you choose it after Sergei Simonov, the man who created the SKS battle rifle?
I LOVE your gallery, my first loves were always wolves, vehicles, and guns. You're works are well co