General Info My preferred method of communication is via notes. Payment Payment must be made in FULL before commission is started. Payment is only made through PAYPAL. No exceptions. Payment must...
Art has always been a passion of mine ever since I was a kid. And never could I imagine that one day I would be making money off my passion with commission, with every commission I receive it fills me with joy! And not just because I'm getting money for it but, when you order a commission from me that tells me that my art is good enough for you pay
your hard earned money for it. And for that I thank you. This page give me away to put my art out there for all to see and to put a small part of me out there. I have much to work on and hope with the support of this community I could one day publish my art books and graphic novels I'm working on currently but still have a long way to go before their done. I hope to post more and more art in the future and look forward to see what becomes of this little page. Thank you to all who support me!