Well let me tell you a little about myself. Well first of all I look husky but I am not I am a little species called Alaskan Klee Kai and we are about 10-15lb of pure fluff. I was born in the fall of 2004 so I'm 11 years old today. I have one special ability and that is to shape shift though I'm not that good at it yet. I can shift to my anthro form that stands about 3.2 feet tall or my feral form.
I enjoy cuddles roleplaying hugs cookies playing. I don't like people who always answer with one word. k? lol or letter.
I do have a mate of 7 years no we don't have little pups unless you count our many pets.
Well that is all for now I'll see you guys later!
Remember that life is not about getting threw the storm it's about learning to dance in the rain!