I am Reli Garro, the Deity of Dreams, Wishes, and Desires from the Daigathia dimension, a kind of dream world. I am 207,431 relative years old, give or take a millennia, my favorite color is gold, and I love exploring and adventures.
Currently, I've been working on: Bellytown; a new pregnancy hideaway in Secondlife! If you play SecondLife, love pregnancy, love preggos, are one, want to be one, or want to make some other person one, then just message me inworld (my username is Religarro.Enyo) for an Landmark!
ATTENTION! If you message me in Secondlife and I don't respond, It's probably because SL glitched and I didn't get it. Please feel free to message me in Secondlife as much as you want or need to until I respond to you.