Heya! Trying something new with a collaboration effort with dilbertdog ( https://inkbunny.net/dilbertdog ) with an auction ^^ The money that's bided will depend on the type of rendering and amount ...
I know I'm a day late but hope everyone had a good valentines day weather you spent it with your spouse/loved ones or friends. never forget to alway love yourself As well!
I'll be closing down commissions till late january! I'm pleased at the result at how many commissions I got right off the bat and I thank you all for that! But i've burned myself on not mixing persona...
I've been really loving your work! It's always great to see new talent and such great comics on here! Hope you're also enjoying yourself on InkBunny and having fun with your art! :D
I've been really loving your work! It's always great to see new talent and such great comics on here