On April I will reopen a little bit my RSM, (the section where you can ask for a free draw), however I will take some ideas first, I will have only 7 slots open, but before you start typing, you must ...
Be ready for The Great Party. https://sta.sh/22ee0hsx0m4i Only on The Interdimensional Sorcery Book of Orcinus. One Slot is available for the RSM on this event. More info on my Discord account https:...
I will not take requests anymore on IB unless on very very specific cases, I will take them mostly on my Discord server, The Interdimensional Sorcery Book of Orcinus. Here I will take requests and mak...
Hi There, my name is Orcinus, I'm writer, dancer (sometimes) and commissioner. I normally request sexy and cool stuff to great artists around the world, maybe you will find some of them around here or my FA and my DA site. I'll be around here posting some of the arts I requested in my life and some random. Remember: There's nothing more real than fantasy...