WelcomeWelcome to my little page. I'm relatively new to the world of anthros and online art (other than dA) and I'm currently working on getting a specific style down. I feel pretty good about my art, and I'd love to make some friends. ^^
I'm a supporter of quite a few fandoms, including Fairy Tail, Sonic, MLP:FiM, Pokémon, and Digimon. I'm particularly fond of Fairy Tail, Pokémon and Sonic and the Pokémon and Sonic franchise, so if you're wondering or curious about getting me to draw something from them then by all means feel free to ask. I'm relatively friendly, but stubborn as a rock so messing with me when you aren't my friend or bashing on me or my art is not recommended. I WILL hunt you down and I WILL find you and it WILL NOT be pretty when I do.
Status: Female - Single - Straight - College Student - Almost Broke
Requests - RARE, and usually only if I'm bored or like your character.
Trades - Uncommon, but I do rather enjoy them. ^^
Commissions - OPEN! Check out my Commissions Tab (yes, I ACTUALLY use it)!
Come Find Me!
deviantART: Night-the-PantherCat, Champion-Frita, Midnite-Melodie
Pokémon Forums in General: Obliveon, NightKrazy
the Otaku: PureChaos406
WarriorcatsRPG: •Spottedstar•
Please visit my Etsy Shop!