Wow it's a new year! But it will be the same me. The only thing changing is my underwear. btw trunks feel really nice. But also if you have come this far after trying so hard, believe it or not it ...
I feel like as the title says. I don't have a lot of motivation lately and I am going to give this place another year to see if it grows, but right now it feels like a schizo post to put art here when...
Second, not first, of an open species designed by me based on certain interests I like in fantasy characters. Monolith is a hybrid Starborn Terrestris variant of Quenarr
Formerly known as DeusExKittycoon, the ashes have given birth to a monumentally evolved specimen. Monolith. Little is known about this living artifact other than the knowledge that it has the ability to create, share, and interact with those who are brave enough to approach it. Though little is known about this artifact, it seems to be completely harmless, almost a sanctuary within it's immediate presence. Don't be fooled though, if you tempt the Void of Infinite Stars you will be consumed by it, a legacy forgotten by those who grew complacent of it's omnipresence.
Monolith, not the name I chose, but a name I have been given to as time raised me from a small hill to a mountainous being that I will never personally understand why. Art is my bread and butter, and art will be the thing you see here. Forgive my truancy and absence, it has been a long time coming since I extended my roots for new homes.
I have been drawing seriously since 2006, in 2008, there were few who say the birth of who I became today, and rather or not they are around to witness it, it was them who helped me embrace the skills I have now. Revel in this glory, for now...