Now that the year 2021 is coming to a close, I wanted to give you a short summary of what I'm working on and what my writing plans are for the near future. But before anything else, I thank you for al...
3 years, 3 months ago
Hey everybody, I'm Matkaja.
I'm a writer and I've been a furry for some time now, but I've only recently discovered the large, colorful world of furry erotica. Combining my love for both, I've decided to become part of all the writers that supply this site with new stories every day. I currently write about whatever comes to my mind and will try to keep new stories coming at a steady pace.
In terms of content, I particularly enjoy writing stuff with pokémon, size difference, furry, fluffy creatures and affectionate, passionate plots. If you like that sort of thing, there might be something for you in my library here.
So, I hope you enjoy your stay and find a story that you like.