I've done so many of these things, buuut.. was wondering if there'd be people interested in a group scene style image of the Summer Fun series? Probably have like 8ish characters in it doing different...
Annnd sale is over! Hope everyone had a good Easter holidays! The summer fun lineless coms are still open, but back to their original $25USD price. What ye get: 3/4 Body lineless artworks playing ...
I'm.. alive! Yeah! And since it's Easter, but I entirely fail at holiday themed art.. lets do some more Summer Fun beach style commissions at a discounted price instead! I'll have 5 slots available ...
And if you want to interact with me even less FB: https://www.facebook.com/lulu.amore.716 (I totally don't look at my messages, but feel free to add me and fail to have any real interaction because I tend to ignore FB entirely, woo)