Not really sure how to start this off & I have class in like 30 minutes so here goes: Remember how the Garry's mod workshop had to take down 1000's of nintendo add-ons? That's been biting my ass for ...
I come with good news this journal I SWEAR. Now that classes have started back up I am exempt from responsibilities outlined in my past journal because my college's timetable system blessed me with a...
Chapter 9 to Peashooter x Reader is available now on Ao3: ( ) With that out of the way, I'd like to disclose how Written works will be ...
I draw & render porn. I will not hesitate to block any followers under the age of 18.
If you wish to contact me, please do so either in Twitter DMs or my Discord if you're on my friends list. This account is more for archiving my renders in a way people can find them. If you'd like to see all of my renders (includes renders with human characters, since inkbunny doesn't alllow them) they can be found in my public drive:
IPs to expect: - Super Mario - Pokémon - Plants Vrs. Zombies - Minecraft - Half-Life 2 - Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 (Because those are the only ones I played) - Animal Crossing - TF2
If you think this lineup is nuts, it's because it is. Also, I like nuts.