So, I wanted to give this journalish a try hehe, I liked writing blog posts (all two fo them) and so well maybe I can have something here. Work... ugh, really didn´t think much of it till I got my jo...
uses it as well because he's always playing LoL or busy, so it's a joint account nwn, so anything you need from any of us we're here.
We are foxger brothers, Zeke's the big bro with 8 years and he's also the cute and sexy one X3, and I (Kory) am the little bro with 7 years and I'm the white one hehe.
We like to play videogames, boardgames, trading card games... we really love magic the gathering, we like to cook, making tropical coctails, anime, cartoons, speciialy regular show X3, movies specially comedy ones, stand up comedy, youtube vids, I love gadgets and i'm addicted to cellphones and such, we live to sleep, eat and eat again X3. I personally love to read, specially fantasy like dragons and stuff, also I love gay books, specially kyell gold X3, My bro likes to read mostly furry fics, and also kyell gold hehe. I love smash bros, zelda and other nintnendo stuff.
umm... that's all we can think of for now... anything else just ask :3