I'm commenting here and not on JagaFuxFell's story - because Jaga blocked me. His current story with an idiot Jaga & the mad scientist & Ridley & the VERY odd wrap-up, I long to comment on, BUT he blocked me over some crack I made about the Rhinelander tie-cutting festival. I wait -in vain- for him to forgive & forget, and so I will set up a new ID. Too many, like Immelmann, have blocked me for reasons I can not recall.* I can't predict a response, so I brace myself when this website tells me that somebody replied. The latest one WAS negative.
* One, Joeyboy, got crap on Tumblr from somebody pretending to me ! I am not a nasty man and I have never been able to get on Tumblr. Fortunantly he realized the truth and, so, unblocked me. Others have remained recalcitrant.
I'm commenting here and not on JagaFuxFell's story - because Jaga blocked me. His current story with