Greetings and welcome to my profile!
About me:My name is J'adoube, I'm a trotteur français, a horse, I live in spain. My brother can be found at my profile ID; there he is, black haired, about 500 kg of pure muscle and dedication, I love him a lot.
I'm mated, I'm in love and destiny might keep me that way for the rest of my life as it is my desire.
My loved draggy/Mi dragón amado:
My galery:What you can see there might be not of the taste of everyone but if you have a look at it I'm sure you'll find something of your taste.
For everything else I'm sure you can forgive this weird horse and undertand he has his own and stragne kinkinesses even not agreeing with them I'm sure you have your own wich I will alwais respect.
My furry brother:
My hobbies:As you can see I'm an archer, even tho I have been doing archery only for 2 years now. My specialization is traditional archery, based on shortbows (mongolian ect). I've been riding horses since I was 3 years old, horses are and will be part of my life and I share my blood with them proudly. In the other hand, I'm a musician, concretely a guitarrists for 8 years now. I do play jazz, but as a result I'm able to play almost any kind of modern music, rock, blues, pop, metal... anything that sounds good is welcome. I used, and still use to, fly RC planes, but I had to leave this a bit sided dute to half of time. You'll find me easily also at games but I don't spend a lot of time at them.
Contact:Please, do so! Add me to any of my IM services, Second life, anywhere as I just love to meet people mostly if I do share hobbies, or just if you're curious.
Languages:Si, hablo español, es mi idioma nativo y estoy orgulloso de ello. Cualquier furry español que me quiera contactar es y sera bienvenido.