I'm still alive, just pretty exhausted. Hope the new year treats us better than the last... I'm not keeping my hopes high Still, thanks to everyone who stuck with me through last year, and lets hope w...
I'm participating in 4 Secret Santas now counting this one... why do I put myself more work than I already have? XD These are so fun! And after not having Secret Santa on this sit last year, we gotta ...
Oh great... as if I needed more good news... The screen of my laptop died ( https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tqk0c4ozdj6ifydwkrrq3/30202.jpeg?rlkey=am8um605yyyu2j79owrkoz6yt&dl=0 ) . Now who knows when ...
Greetings! I'm Luxro, also known as JonatanM; so I'm JM-Luxro ^^ I'm an artist and animator who make sticks fight animations on YouTube and digital arts for commissions or fun. Feel free to PM me or contact me on Discord or Gmail for information about commissions.