Oh great... as if I needed more good news... The screen of my laptop died ( https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/tqk0c4ozdj6ifydwkrrq3/30202.jpeg?rlkey=am8um605yyyu2j79owrkoz6yt&dl=0 ) . Now who knows when ...
As usual there's a lot of you I would have loved to draw but there's not time for that, so it's up to the all mighty Google to give me a random number, so the winner is... number 19, DollyCloudy ( ht...
The amazing artist TedYume ( https://inkbunny.net/TedYume ) is hosting an art raffle as a celebration for more than 2k watchers, and they are the creator of my character Thulit so you know their art...
Greetings! I'm Luxro, also known as JonatanM; so I'm JM-Luxro ^^ I'm an artist and animator who make sticks fight animations on YouTube and digital arts for commissions or fun. Feel free to PM me or contact me on Discord or Gmail for information about commissions.