thank you! and lol at the polar bears thing in your profile, I can relate, everyone who discovers I'm canadian asks if I live in an igloo and how I get around when there's no roads. >.>
thank you! and lol at the polar bears thing in your profile, I can relate, everyone who discovers I'
lmao ppl assume just because i live in tokyo everything here is like what you see in manga or japanimation (i believe its just called anime everywhere else lol) lol so yeah i know how it feels to be stereotyped lol
now if you exsusme ive got to go catch a pikachu to fight off all these hollows and gundam worriors so that i may get laid by a big breasted blue haired girl from space :p lol
ps i like your art its very good
lmao ppl assume just because i live in tokyo everything here is like what you see in manga or japani