Hi, I'm Da Ti, a maniac Green-Fire-Dragon from Germany (Lower Saxony). europeanfurs --> germanfurs --> lower.saxony.furs
here you are on the "nomal" part of my account, if you like it a little filthy you'll find my more kincky stuff here: https://inkbunny.net/stickyDaTi
I'm a male Anthro-Were-Dragon, thats means: I'm a Antro-Dragon which any time able become a Human or Feral Dragon. But as Antro I like it best FAdragons WesternDragons
I build suits, draw a little (most muddy/sticky/filty stuff), build animatronic things and I am interested in all technical.
I´m a fan of fantasy, middle-ages and cyberpunk.
I gladly hear beautiful quiet Metal music. (Best: Mystic Prophecy, Amon Amarth, PowerWolf or Ensiferum)
I'm a electro-craft-master (my main work) and a pyrotechnician
I am christian, but not in any christian church. (I'm Arianer and from the chritian doctrine, I'm belive only in the doctrine of charity and besides I belive in reincarnations)
Then, I'm self Hetero in RL... (straight) (but not frigid to others and that's why I nearly do not care what Da Ti is doing online) and I like all what is muddy, filty and sticky (lava, tar, mud, ...) and too play and have fun with tentacles and tails.
I upload all clean arts, they are very specific from the themes. A niche I found was for Mothers Day, I know it's sad, It shows I give not only dirty coms in order.
I had fun to create the hidden story for all images incl. Screenshots/screen captures to find the facial expressions.~
I see you lived in Germany. Have the cute dragon a favorite food? n.n
I upload all clean arts, they are very specific from the themes. A niche I found was for Mothers Day