All my art can be seen on my twitter or baraag! Whichever floats ya boat ❤️ Hopefully twitter dont take me down Or hit me on discord @ Bortb...
I got the script ready for it, went over it a week later, and hated everything about it. The comic won't be happening unless I go back and really love the idea ):
I got the script ready for it, went over it a week later, and hated everything about it. The comic
I had set up a tumblr forever ago, but don't know how to use it. I go through long phases of inactivity, so I try to just keep my work in one or two places so it's easier for me to keep up on. I'm terrible at staying on top of online stuff
I had set up a tumblr forever ago, but don't know how to use it. I go through long phases of inacti