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lethal comPONY by Blobskin
lethal comPONY
Coming Soon
Two fetishes that aren't exactly known for being kind to the little one. Let's see if we can make it work. *AJ's Mouth* (working title) A human small enough to wrestle ants is stranded in the pony w...
6 months, 4 weeks ago
City in Her Chair Rewrite
I almost doubled the word count so it is no longer just a bloated flash fic. It is now a proper short story with a much better flow! I added a lot of detail to the city, had Green tease them much more...
1 year, 7 months ago
About the Content Flood
So fair notice to those who find me early here on Inkbunny, this pattern of uploading 1 to 2 items PER DAY will NOT be a constant thing. I've been writing for a few years and only just now decided to ...
1 year, 11 months ago
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lethal comPONY by Blobskin
lethal comPONY
More Than An Alicorn by Blobskin
More Than An Alicorn
Trust by Blobskin
Population Control Ch 5 by Blobskin
Population Control Ch 5
Population Control Ch 4 by Blobskin
Population Control Ch 4
Population Control Ch 3 by Blobskin
Population Control Ch 3
Population Control Ch 2 by Blobskin
Population Control Ch 2
Population Control Ch 1 by Blobskin
Population Control Ch 1
PvK | One Shot One Kill by Blobskin
PvK | One Shot One Kill
OP Alicorn Isekai Adventure by Blobskin
OP Alicorn Isekai Adventure

PoolsSubmissions grouped togetherSee All
Population Control Ch 1 by Blobskin
Population Control Ch 2 by Blobskin
Population Control Ch 3 by Blobskin
Population Control
A pony mercenary living in an advanced sci-fi world has been recruited to terrorize an entire planet of primitive tiny aliens called humans. This is her story.
5 submissions
I call myself Blobskin. Where the name came from I don't even remember. I've had it for a long time. The reason I started writing was due to a lack of anything I wanted to read. No one was writing the type of stories I wanted so I decided to just do it myself. I am a macrophile, a lover of giants. Gentle giants preferably. I am a porn author, I'm not going to pretend otherwise, but I do regularly write cutesy or action based stories too. The majority of my work is set in the MLP universe, in a variant of it, or otherwise uses ponies and humans as the primary species. Though I have really wanted to branch out and write more generic furry fiction.

I love the macro/micro community. I love gentle. I like cruel. I love most of the fetishes. I like crushes and cuddles. I like boobs and butts. I like kisses and farts. I know there are others in the community who were/are like me, that feel like no one is writing the kinds of stories they want to read. So with my love of so many themes I have decided I want to fill the void. To write the stories no one else seems interested in writing. A bold declaration and I know I am only one author. I could never totally fill the demand. Yet I still choose to try.

I don't RP and I don't officially do requests. My history with both over the years has not been enjoyable so I've lost interest in them. Though I still wish to write stories that myself and others can enjoy. I shall work hard and write much. Stick around and let's have some fun.

Warning: Most of my work is of an adult nature and I have little interest in non macro/micro content. Don't follow me expecting content outside those two qualifications. You'll just be disappointed. Sorry and thank you for understanding.
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7 months, 2 weeks ago
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