Oh Hai :3 I suppose that this is the Part where I tell you a Bit about myself. Well, My Name is Alex, though most people just call me Alexis. ∅ I'm 'not' an Artist, but a Designer of Sorts. ∅ I'm a Writer, 3D Modeler, and Conceptor of Disaster. ∅ I'm 'almost' Gay, but... ∅ I'm not Interested, in whatever you want from me... ∅ Well... That might be an over-assumption. ∅ Friendly, Always willing to chit-chat <3
∴Reguarding Commissions∴ ⊗ I Currently Accept Secondlife Commissions, for "Sculpting" and specialize in Weapons, Vehicles and that likes. Rates Vary on a Commission to Commission Basis, Inquire by Contacting me if interested.