I love this page,is very comfortable and versatile :D I'll upload some of my bests works,and I hope you like it.Thanks for views on my page,and visit my dA page please https://morgenstern-06.devianta...
Evanescence ♥ Krypteria ♥ Within Temptation ♥ Nightwish ♥ Rammstein ♥ Leaves' Eyes ♥ Apocalyptica ♥ The Rasmus ♥ HIM ♥ Lacrimosa
♥ My loves
[♥] Music [♥] Goth [♥] Draw [♥] Writing [♥] Literature and Books [♥] Rain [♥] The blue color [♥] Coca-Cola and Milk [♥] Animals [♥] Darkness [♥] Anime [♥] Sleeping [♥] DS Videogames [♥] My hair [♥] Vampires
桜 の 花 は 何時 踊る When will the sakura flowers dance?
歌う 七 の 子 眠る ころ When the singing seven-year-old child sleeps
桜 の 花 は 何時 朽ちる When will the sakura flowers wilt?
死んだ 七 の 子 上る ころ When the dead seven-year-old child ascends
I am NOT a furry,just to clear that up. I love drawing the art, but that's it (Etuix's Idem)