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Emergency surgery >.<

Nightmare of a day yesterday. I had just had surgery last week. Yesterday was a routine follow up, but I had bled heavily the night before, so the surgeon was going to seal it up, but when cleaning away blood clots, it started bleeding again and WOULD.. NOT.. STOP! DX

I'm okay now, it's been stopped and sealed up, but damn we left at 10:30am and didn't get back home until 11pm. Of course it's fortunate that it happened during the follow-up, because if I would have had to go to the emergency room on my own, my insurance wouldn't have covered it and I'd be bankrupt. MURRICA!
Viewed: 78 times
Added: 1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago
1 month, 2 weeks ago
i so dont miss america for that reason alone, thats so pathetic of your insurance.. im glad things seem to be all b etter now thoug
1 month, 2 weeks ago
It might be that I don't know what doctor I'm going to get in the ER and not all of them would be in network. It's still shit though.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
You know they talk about conspiracies and stuff but now I have to truly wonder....

The overturn of roe v wade means no abortion...  In one of the few places in the world where childbirth cost serious money, like several grand alone with insurance and 10's++ of thousands with out.  

Makes me wonder if forced expecting mothers won't start traveling to Mexico to have kids.  It's free there.

Good to know you're alright.
Sadly though things are not going to get better that's for sure.
1 month, 1 week ago
abortion is still legal in the united states the Overturning of Roe V Wade merely makes it a state issue not a federal one. it is illegal in SOME states now.
1 month, 1 week ago
Unfortunately it is a federal issue, even if it's not federally illegal. My state, for example is over-reaching and doing everything they can to make sure people can't go to another state to get an abortion if they live here, and people who work remotely (I'm talking tech support) for companies that offer insurance for abortions have lost their jobs, even though the company operates in a state where it's legal and the techs themselves have nothing to do with the insurance side. Not to mention the Republicans who have come out in favor of making it a federal ban.
1 month, 1 week ago
my own poltics and belifs on this issue aside. you may be of the opinion that it SHOULD be a federal issue but it never was intended to be and it is now no longer.

Maybe states shouldent over reach? I dont know what indavidual states have as rights to do restriction wise on citizens OF those states traveling or working abroad but there is president for holding people acountable for breaking the law were you live even if you go elseware to do it. we actualy do this federaly, if you go to the DR and diddle a 13 year old where it's legal or was untill recently? or maybe im thinking of one of the south american countries...not importent...

If you DO that and come back to the states and the Athorities find out your just as liable for the crime as if you ahd done it on US soil as your a US citizen so..not sure were we should draw the line on abortion tourism.

but it is up to the indavidual states wich is for the best... in point of fact the LESS power the government can exert the better at least tradeing federal power for state power means you have the option of changeing states.

It is also more represenative of Local Democracy to have these sorts of things handled at the state level so a bunch of People all packed into major population centors on the west coast arnt setting polacy that effects people liveing no where near them with completly different lives and belives and preferances...it is also while still not a small feat, an easyer thing to get laws changed at the local level then at the federal level.
1 month, 1 week ago
There's a misconception about Roe V Wade. Roe V Wade simply set a standard for WHEN the state can get involved in abortion, and when it's the right of the mother. The supreme court could have changed those standards rather than throwing them out completely, but they threw it out completely. This life at the moment of conception thing is a religious issue and a state does NOT have a right to force that on anyone. Roe V Wade just solidified that. Banning abortion completely is still unconstitutional, just now they have an excuse to do it anyway.
1 month, 1 week ago
Dont think if go so far as to call it a religious issue not all morality stems from religion it comes from the argument over when, if ever, is it ok to suck a fetus out with a hose. Not a pleasant topic or an easy one. I understand the argument of life from conception but a zeigoat thats only a tiny cluster of cells is hard to think of as human...still in a very short time from then it will be.

I think in the same vain the government shouldent be deciding for the states when they can intervene. And there are some states were abortions legal up to absolutely gross levels of "thats a freaking baby!" So...guess that door swings both ways.
1 month, 1 week ago
But this is of course not a black and white issue. There was a woman in Louisianna who was forced to give birth even though the child she was carrying had no skull and wouldn't survive birth, putting her at risk having to carry it to full term. At what point does the state have the right to put someone in danger for no reason?

edit: and I'm not sure if Louisianna is one of those states that would have charged the doctors with murder if they went ahead and removed the fetus before it got to that point. I know there are some states that put those laws on the books.
1 month, 1 week ago
I'm not sure why thats happening at all even most conservatives, and by most I mean damn near ALL of them agree that its fine to abort if the fetus has no post birth viability or if carrying to term would endanger the mother. That's kinda Ludacris its not even an issue of the unborns right to life at that point.
1 month, 1 week ago
Well just like with all issues where the will of the people is ignored, it comes down to money. Wealthy evangelicals funding the Republican party. I believe there was a study that found that 90, maybe even 99% of bills passed into law nowadays are crafted by and benefit the ultra wealthy. Functionally we're an oligarchy.
1 month, 1 week ago
Oops got bigger than I expected.  Yes I know that it is extremely complicated.  My real point was poking back at healthcare and the fact that more that half the countries out there giving birth is FREE.

In the US at best you might pay a few thousand with insurance, at worst there are cases where it cost over 90k because of no insurance.    Then again no medical bill can go after you legally either but it seems really crappy taking away something that could save tens of thousands, though those without insurance have serious issues getting an abortion anyways unless it's very early.
1 month, 1 week ago
I agree completly the medical system in the USA is a clownshoes patchwork quilt of really good sown together with tons of WTF? XD
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I'm ditching this godforsaken country the first chance I get.
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I wish I could, but it's been hard enough trying to ditch Texas.
1 month, 1 week ago
People keep saying that but practically no other countries are better off than the US..
Sure some like Canada, Sweden, Japan & such might seem better but they have downsides.
(bad weather, mandatory public service, over-crowding, xenophobia, etc)
The world in general is on a decline, people need to get more stern & demand changes for the better.
1 month, 1 week ago
Considering how things have been with Canada recently don't know if I would include them in that list XD

But your right DX were seeing global decline!
1 month, 1 week ago
Surgery for what, what happened?
1 month, 1 week ago
Long story. Will tell you in PMs if you want.
1 month, 1 week ago
Not sure, if explicitly kink related then no.
If it's some common injury or anomaly I might know about & have some info on then maybe.
1 month, 1 week ago
Silly bunny, blood is supposed to stay on the inside!
1 month, 1 week ago
Tell that to the blood
1 month, 1 week ago
*offers hugs*
1 month, 1 week ago
1 month, 1 week ago
Heal up well and swiftly! Wishing you well.
1 month, 1 week ago
I'm feeling better today than yesterday, so getting there. Doctor says it shouldn't delay my recovery from the previous
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