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NB Tails!

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by Kircai
For no reason in particular, wanted to play with some style and what better than a show of support for the protests of the week.

male 1,129,595, fox 235,743, diaper 69,704, sonic 59,306, sonic the hedgehog 57,481, babyfur 35,617, mobian 27,292, diapers 19,591, tails 15,901, diaperfur 15,529, abdl 13,472, tails the fox 7,704, miles prower 4,319, blm 43, acab 22, catharsis 14
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 4 years ago
Rating: General

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4 years ago
Interesting style choice.  :3  It feels familiar somehow, like maybe it's borrow some elements from a particular artist who just loves to post controversial nonsense that may or may not contain themes of 60+ year old racism just so they can get attention.  Am I reading too far into this?
4 years ago
Whaaaat, you mean the same artist that called me the worst parts of the fandom and apparently has a hyper 'free speech' discord that explicitly bans me? Nooo, couldn't be :p
4 years ago
Golly gosh, that can't possibly be the case. This is clearly a completely unique style that has never been seen before.
4 years ago
I don't know because we haven't named any names, but I raccoon reckon we're possibly talking about the same person.  I don't know what explicitly he's said about you, but judging by some responses I've seen on his journals and pics before I can believe the existence of this discord.

It kinda saddens me to see he's this far gone, I had to finally unwatch him just because I didn't want any even remote connection to him anymore.  He's always been a very direct, tactless prick (and always admitted it) but he wasn't always like, well this.  So stuck in a right wing bubble and refusing to look out, and constantly posting politically charged content just to try to get as much attention (positive and negative) as possible.  I just couldn't stand dealing with the damn drama magnet.  We're all free to have any political opinion we want, but fuck it's pretty wrong to stir controversy further just for a little attention.
4 years ago
Hahahahaha hahahahaha

You’re not wrong though.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Stop the Sjw bullshit. Racism is almost dead.
4 years ago
You sound triggered.
4 years ago
" LaserBoi wrote:
Racism is almost dead.

are you serious

That has got to be the most ignorant thing I've ever read. You're 100% a white boy who's too stupid to be educated, just sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.
3 years, 12 months ago
Well if you're call white people too stupid to be educated then you're a racist.

A gif is not an argument.
3 years, 10 months ago
Some of us wear lab coats, others have their pants hanging down.
3 years, 10 months ago
Das rite! Swearing is definitely better than a college degree.
4 years ago
I used to really respect that guy. Watching his streams was the thing that first motivated me to start drawing. Now, though....
4 years ago
I was legitimately fooled for like 20 seconds
4 years ago
I'm roaring with laughter.
4 years ago
Hey so am I!
4 years ago
Loool this pun tho
4 years ago
I think I found my new favorite pic of Tails, for the support of BLM and for nooooo other reason involving the irony of the style.
4 years ago
this seems accurate... BLM are imho diaper wearing babies .. very.. very accurate, you truly do honour the "cause", my dear comrade XD
4 years ago
4 years ago
oh come on, it's a joke , not a dick, don't take it so hard XD
4 years ago
Nah, being a racist makes you a fucking dick.
4 years ago
It’s a JOKE. Get over it.
4 years ago
no such thing as an ironic racist, dickbag.
4 years ago
ok gamer
3 years, 12 months ago
Honestly, I was just going to not read the whole white privilege post because it was long and I tune out political stuff like that but I read it anyway aaand.. it didn't seem racist. It was surprisingly reasonable, because it wasn't saying white privilege doesn't exist, it's just not where you are and it's not everywhere, and privilege changes based on where you are in the world, which I think most people would agree with if they read through it.

Honestly though, that joke was still kinda harsh... ^^; like i get it's just a joke but still struck a nerve-
Like from my perspective still kinda self conscious about the diaper stuff, so it's kind of like mocking people like me while saying we make the other stuff we associate with look bad..

Whatever though, guess that's the internet for you. Namaste.
4 years ago
Ehh, I've no illusions of my brand. 'Want to make a point? Gotta speak the right language.'
4 years ago
in any case, this is hilarious.. thanks for the laughs ^^
4 years ago
Geez. Leftist really are getting sour in America. I mean, they deal in extremes.
4 years ago
Leftists are salty and they are the extremists here
4 years ago
lmao you really are that stupid, huh?
4 years ago
I can only infer what this is in response to, but it's nice to know there are some good people on this site. 🏳️‍🌈
4 years ago
Looks cool! Really liked his outfit.
4 years ago
Roaring with laughter uwu
4 years ago
Cute art piece, strong and important message. Now that's how you do it!

Glad to see there are good people still around! :)
4 years ago
No. Sjws ruin the phrase
4 years ago
No, people who think "Black Lives Matter" is just a phrase are what ruin it.
4 years ago
Just tryna puzzle this out. Is this what it says on the tin? Or. Some layered irony?
4 years ago
RoareyRaccoon just keeps spouting racist, white nationalist nonsense on par with something a John Birch Society member would be complaining about in the 60s. This is mocking him.
4 years ago
I appreciate your explaining this. At first I thought using their style to mock blm.

In other words. I love it :D
4 years ago
Stop. And also enough with the bull
4 years ago
Your suggestion is nonsense. I will do no such thing :D
4 years ago
To me this is less about race and more about systemic injustice and use of excessive force. It's about the police being miletarized and the prison system being a private, for-profit business. There is something truly wrong with leadership in the US. It is starting to look more and more like Putin's Russia everyday. If I was to participate in one of many lovely protests here in my home city I would be more afraid of police than even the looters. At least I can give the looters my stuff and they will likely leave me alone but the police.. they are out for blood. They even treat journalists like animals. It is surreal to say the least to watch the news and see police shooting at the cameraman.
4 years ago
Nothing wrong with the us leadership Jesus.
2 years, 6 months ago
Are you THAT gullible?
4 years ago
4 years ago
Very cute
4 years ago
Well that is the difference between a real Conservative who knows what America is about vs a Cuckservative who wants a fascist daddy eager to froth over poor old BS that was already called out decide ages ago that it belongs in the dust bin of history and held in museums to remember the shame
4 years ago
Nah, it's just conservative.
4 years ago
No it’s not and there is no fascist daddy. Seriously. I’m really sick of liberals pushing their agenda so much.
4 years ago
Oh noes, when we pushed for free speech we didn't realize the other side would get it too!
4 years ago
To me there are only good ideas and bad ideas no matter what side you are on.
4 years ago
4 years ago
I'm loving this so much! No lives matter until Black lives matter!
There's no place for racist bullshit in this community!
4 years ago
Wow kudos to you. I only realized this was a style mimic by the time I was at the comment section.
4 years ago
I'm Roaryng with laughter here! And you've earned yourself a watch!
4 years ago
the cop wasn't a real cop (his badge was fake, no numbers)
the paramedic wasn't a paramedic either
the truth is out there 👀
4 years ago
.... How are you alive
4 years ago
4 years ago
Oh god not this bullshit. #AllLivesMatter
4 years ago
4 years ago
Fuck off, of course all lives matter, but at the moment, black lives matter.
Let's say you had an accident with a chainsaw, cut through your leg.
Let's say another person slipped and had a small scrape.
Who deserves to get treatment the fastest? AKA Who matters more at that moment?
YOU! Of course you, your leg is bleeding so badly and you might actually die. At the moment, the race that matters most IS black people.
4 years ago
And boom goes the diapered mite!
4 years ago
Gotta love all the salty racists in the comments. Lmao

Cute art though!! BLM <33
4 years ago
The diaper matches the ideology.
4 years ago
Yes. Clean, fresh, and free of any shit.
4 years ago
Make sure to loot the baby wipes aisle, comrade.
4 years ago
You are my hero
4 years ago
I thought this was one of Roary’s pictures at first.
4 years ago
4 years ago
Cannot give this enough stars x33
4 years ago
fooled my ass, lmao
4 years ago
these comments are popcorn-worthy
4 years ago
The guy this pic is totally NOT based on ( ;) ) would haaaate this picture :) It's glorious!
3 years, 11 months ago
yeah i discovered him like 5 minutes ago and immediately clicked off
3 years, 11 months ago
3 years, 11 months ago
Well, I found the guy this is making fun of.  He's far-right-winged.  Him and his followers have this "lefties are stupid and are what's wrong with the world" viewpoint.  Seen it many times, even moreso nowadays.  This is no different than the other side with their "conservatives are racist and are what's wrong with the world" stuff I see everywhere, including the comments here.  Labels and hatred never changed minds, only civil discussion and debate.  Matter of fact, labels, (for example "basket of deplorables,") kinda led to the GOP we have now, and will only continue to lead to divisive results like that.  As far as I'm concerned, if all I have to go by is a couple political opinions (provided they aren't outright communist or white nationalist), how could I ever accuse anyone of being anything?  I don't know them or their lives.  I wish more people could discuss things more peacefully, but both sides are only doubling down more and more on the blind, ignorant hatred of each other, so that won't happen anytime soon...

Bonus points to you for actually keeping an open forum, though, most people block others for disagreeing with them, yet I see you talking with a lot of people of varying levels of tolerance.  That's a plus.  I just wish you'd not say things like you did above where you insinuated all conservatives are racist, as that only increases the divide (and is also wrong, as broad-stroke stereotypes tend to be)
3 years, 11 months ago

It wasn't 'labeling' that caused Goldwater to foster white identity in the southern strategy. It wasn't when Falwell actively politicize abortion and form the evangelical voting  bloc. It wasn't when Reagan campaigned a few miles from where civil rights activist had been murdered, talking about state's rights. It wasn't when Boehner and McConnell as a state policy position refused to work with Third Way Obama.  

No, only conservatives are to blame for their continued rive towards open white fascism.
3 years, 10 months ago
I am curious of you two. Neither of you according to your bios are American, yet you are both absolutely obsessed in American politics. Can you explain to me why non-Americans do this? Maybe you should both move to America to do this? It is just odd to me.

Edit: to be clear the other person is the one you are doing art of.
3 years, 10 months ago
Huh, news to me, guess I shouldn't have been receiving all these absentee ballots over the years.
3 years, 10 months ago
'Big Daddy' lives in the UK. It says you live in British Columbia on your Twitter profile.
3 years, 10 months ago
Yep. And the clerk in my hometown mails me my ballot for, frankly, far too many elections & referendums. I've had 6 ballots so far this year, it's a bit ridiculous. And I can't speak for someone that's not me.
3 years, 10 months ago
And Robert Byrd, career Democrat, was a charter member for the KKK.  So, no, conservatives aren't only to blame for racism, especially since historically, political parties didn't start to care about that sort of stuff until it became a war-causing issue.  Matter of fact, the man credited with ending slavery, Abe Lincoln, went on record saying, "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that."  This is the trappings of the "we're the good guys who can do no wrong and the other side is evil" mentality that both sides are getting more and more guilty of with each passing day.  This is why I was so thrilled to see you keep an open forum despite disagreeing with others.  Also, to say that conservatives are the only one pushing racism nowadays is also false.  A lot of liberals attack white people simply for being white (see white privilege) and males for simply being male (see male privilege)  I'm half white (mom's side), half native American (dad's side) and I'm also male.  Right now, after 4 years in college and a cum laude degree, I'm working for pennies in a factory because no office job seems to want me, despite my qualifications.  My stepdad, also white, works incredibly hard for his money with a union hall.  My mom, also white, works pretty much 24/7 from home for a hospital.  We earned everything we got up to this point, and whiteness hasn't assisted any of it.  Where I'm from, skin color and gender aren't hindrances to anything, and I've been friends with many non-white people who are doing great as well.  Then again, I'm from WV, the state that broke away from the south because they wanted nothing to do with slavery and racism.  This is why this rhetoric drives me nuts and why I hate narrow-mindedness and echo chambers.  This is why I WANT (and am grateful for) open forums of discussion.  Not all Republicans are out of touch old people hindering progress, and not all Democrats are lazy socialist young people wanting a free ride, regardless of what the news says, and I wish more people understood this instead of taking the "my side is always right and their side is always wrong, no exceptions" stance.  That doesn't change minds, that doesn't help anyone's cause, it just increases the divide.
3 years, 10 months ago
The fact that this rambling nonsense interchangeably uses liberal and socialist makes me think you don't know what either means, among other things. Also being a democrat doesn't automatically make you 'liberal', nor is liberalism left-wing, nor are leftists lazy.
3 years, 8 months ago
To start, I don't get on here much due to the overabundance of cub porn, so sorry for the late reply.

But no, I didn't use those terms interchangeably (they're entire paragraphs apart, as a matter of fact), it's only "nonsense" if you can't see the truth in it, and I know more about politics than you seem to think, considering how involved in it I was for about 2-3 years not only at my college as a member of the student government, but online after that (though the second part holds less weight)  My point was I'm tired of people acting like their side can do no wrong and the other side is evil (as an example, I gave a few historical, factual examples of real, well documented people in response to their claim that only conservatives are to blame for the world's problems), as well as both sides inability to meet any kind of compromise.  If that was somehow missed, I don't know what else to say to make it clearer.
3 years, 8 months ago
Mate, you didn't put paragraphs for them to be 'paragraphs apart'. There is just one solid block of incomprehensible gibberish. From what little that is actually readable, you sound like your political understanding comes from some right-wing blog. You use the same scripted copy/paste non-arguments that every other right-winger does now-a-days. There isn't a single unique thought among your uninspired, unparseable mess of word salad. You didn't even respond to hardly anything I said in reply to it either, aside from how you used terms that are light-years apart definition wise as interchangeable terms, because of how little you know about politics.

Congrats of being able to use the internet, by the way - that isn't a qualification for knowing shit about politics, or really anything else. Maybe you should stick to whatever right-wing shit-hole you crawled out of so can get clout points for crying about the 'ebil leffis' and praise for indiscriminately smashing words together and pretending you made a genius statement.
3 years, 5 months ago
So, no further discussions on anything I said?  Just picking like one or two misinterpreted pieces and going on the attack?  And of course, the ever-popular "you must use right-wing blogs/Fox/Newsmax" insult, even though I use none of the above (I don't use obviously biased sources with agendas)  Even better, you assume, with no evidence, that I'm some far-right nut, despite not knowing me personally in the slightest, which is easy to do when you're a keyboard warrior and know nothing about politics, which seems to be the case here, going by your replies.  There's plenty to talk about in my "word salad," you just have no counter points to any of the facts I presented and refuse to discuss the issues, instead going for the disruptive and unproductive approach of character undermining and ad hominems that the politically ignorant and ill-equipped go for every time.  That's fine, if all you have in insults, all you have proven is you're incapable of discussing these issues like an actual adult and oughta stay out of these sorts of discussions, as you're doing neither side any favors (you make your side like bad and give the other side a false idea of what your side should represent) by running your mouth like that.

Also, I did address your comments, you just ignored it (you also picked my words entirely out of context and used them incorrectly by doing so, assuming I lumped the stereotypical "worst" of the left, according to, and as described by the stereotypical, biased, far-right news sources, as...well, the entire left, which I didn't at all) and you failed to address literally anything I said, you just "tl;dr'd" it and went for the personal attacks, and since you've had two replies to keep it civil and mature and failed twice, I have nothing further to discuss with someone as disruptive to civil discourse and as ignorant as you, as it'd be a waste of my time at this point, more than it already has been.

And for future reference, I repeat to anyone else seeing this, I don't come on this website often, and I would much appreciate it if future replies were substantive and actually discussed the issues instead of digital diarrhea that accomplishes nothing but a waste of time and energy.  If you can't, and all you plan on doing is attacking me on a personal level despite not knowing anything about me and basing your attacks on false assumptions, please don't bother replying.  Thanks in advance.  I want open discussion, and appreciate most of it here, I just have no time for childish insults based on false premises by people clearly not here for civil discourse.
3 years, 10 months ago
Surprised this isn't on Kiwi Farms.
3 years, 10 months ago
I love you.
3 years, 10 months ago
3 years, 10 months ago
i fuckin love this both with and without the context of that other guy.
2 years, 10 months ago
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who hates RoareyRaccoon
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