Originally Submitted to FurAffinity.net on Sep 24th, 2012 08:12 PM.
Ok so i worked my ever-lovin' ASS off on this one.. 3+ hours for sure! all for the sake of test driving this coloring style WITHOUT black lineart.
Ferra is Also a character I play with A Lot in a MMO i play called "Champions online" which is a 100% free to play Super hero mmo (you can earn Zen without buying it). the customization is the MAJOR plus on this games qualities. there's also beast heads such as wolves saber cats lizards and even a fish or 2 O_o and tails to fit accordingly! as if this game wanted even furries to play it.
So heres My bit of fan art of Ferra's in-game costume i worked up for her, the reason I made just her out of my others, is because shes freaking dangerous! her build is the highest damaging build i have EVER created. Aeros is also a strong build but most of his is DPS not burst. (2k crits 0.5 seconds for 4 seconds add it up kthnx XD).
Ferra Relies on the 'bleed' debuff that is given to opponents when you preform moves with swords or claws on the enemy, it can stack up to 5 times dealing around 100 cut DPS until said bleeds wear off, or i land the next part of my combo. The next thing i do is land a move that "Ruptures" said bleeds for about 1,050 damage each along with possibly 3,350 damage from the blade Not to mention buffs i get from just fighting increasing said damage further. when she crits that, it hits over 18,000 damage including the damage from both separately and melts tank chars. Of course this is not factoring in armor, which either way might reduce the damage by what... 30%? ...wow...
Now then, in PVP the highest HP ive seen on a players character is around 13,000 but its SUPER rare to find characters with that much health. (Ferra has 8,500) so i leave you to figure out just how big of a deal her damage is, if she able to land it.
only downside. 4 powers in the MMO in general are TOTAL BULL**** as in, cheap, unfair, and just... No. if you get into PvP on champs, be aware people spam moves like Force Cascade, Devour essence, Strafing shot (the jet thing), and Unleashed rage. if you fight anyone with those moves just.. run from the troll.. >____>
9 years, 2 months ago
08 Jan 2016 05:36 CET
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