BB (Before Banta)
Virtuoso Lydia Cat is born
Lynx is born
Miley is born
Adolph is born
Annie is born
Kashina Mousie is born
Sharon Mousie is born
Rocky Nightfur is born
Mei-Ying Nightfur is born
Mayor Mia is born
Danny is born
Boomer is born
Maria Mousie is born
Gabi Mousie is born
Martha Mousie is born
Dawn Mousie is born
Fae Mousie is born
Sugar LeRabbit is born
Trevon’s Dad is born
Tipton is born
Les is born
4 BB - Les’s parents dies mysteriously and Tipton’s parents adopt her.
AB (After Banta)
1 AB - Banta was formed
The Squeak Squad was formed by a then 12-year-old Kashina Mousie
1 AB (three months later) - Kashina Mousie takes in 7 (including Stella Rat and Rocky Nightfur)
1 AB (two months later) - Trevon’s family moves to the small village of Banta so that his dad can be a ninja for the Squeak Squad.
2 AB - Rocky Nightfur demeans Kashina Mousie and gets in her head and makes her think she is not a great ninja and that she should quit.
2 AB (one day later) - Kashina Mousie quits and Sharon Lyra Mousie takes charge as per Kashina’s request.
3 AB - Stella Rat spies a holodisk of Rocky’s plan and was caught by Rocky. Rocky killed Stella Rat so she wouldn’t blab it to Sharon. The Squeak Squad is renamed the Mousie Clan.
4 AB - Banta’s main construction complete.
4 AB (one month later) - Stuwart Carotoga, Trevon’s father, overhears Rocky’s plan and is confronts him. Rocky holds his own and wins and Rocky tells of his plan knowing he will not tell a soul. When he left to tell Sharon, Slavers confronted Stuwart and killed him.
5 AB - The Ninja Section of the cemetery is completed and Sharon gives the “Ninjas Die with Honor” speech. This is Sharon’s first and last confirmed public appearance.
5 AB (three months later) - Star Fleet takes interest in Flarth and they join the Federation of Planets.
5 AB (six months after the speech) - Sharon starts to treat her team with disrespect abusing them over missing Kashina causing one of the reasons for the Dark Age of Ninjas to begin.
6 AB - Rocky Nightfur puts his plan into action and fakes a mission for Maria to go after a non-existent artifact. She was ambushed by Slavers, but held her own. This was the second reason the Dark Age of Ninjas began.
6 AB (same day) Dawn and Sharon were ambushed by Slavers after getting a call to stop the mafia from whacking Mayor Mia Hedgie. This call was made by Rocky Nightfur and they were ambushed by Slavers. Sharon was hit with a special exploding bullet, that explodes upon entering the body, and dies from internal bleeding. Dawn was spared by a pink blur.
6 AB (one day later) Rocky Nightfur completes his plan and takes charge of the Mousie Clan renaming them to the Rocky Isle Ninjas. He also abandons the name Mousie and goes back to using Nightfur.
6 AB (two months later) - Boomer fights Rocky on Dulce Island with the help of Danny A. Porcupine and Virtuoso. Boomer turns her back on her team and joins the Rocky Isle Ninjas, but not before Boomer knocking Danny into the ocean and Rocky taking Virtuoso’s leg as a trophy.
7 AB - The Mousie Clan remnants (Gabi, Fae, Dawn, Maria, and Martha Mousie) grown tired of destroying and killing and splits from the Rocky Isle Ninjas. This also when the “Fissure Argument”, the argument on how the team should be ran, happened.
7 AB (two days later) - Banta is divided into territory and the turn war between ninja clans begins and the teams hold the following territories:
Old Ways Ninjas (lead by Maria Mousie): Port
Gabina (led by Gabi Mousie): Residential, Banta Park, Pawn Row, and Prism Tower
Techie Clan (led by Martha Mousie): Shopping District, Industrial District, and Internet Boulevard
Pink Heart Pirate Ninja Clan (lead by Dawn Lynn Mousie): Theatre District, Red Light District, Panhandler’s Key (where the rich and powerful people live and play)
7 AB (two months later) - Pretty Magicians Clan, a ninja clan who takes their outfit and magic powers from anime, is formed by Red Hand. Their first act was to take the neutral cemetery.
7 AB (five days later) - Pretty Magicians Clan attacks the parts of the old Mousie Clan causing the Old Ways Ninjas to lose all their turf in Banta, Gabina Clan to lose all but Prism Tower, Techie loses the Industrial District and the Sh0pping District, and the Pink Heart Clan loses the Red Light District.
8 AB - Kashina rejoins the Mousie Clan under the Gabina Clan and becomes leader.
8 AB (one day later) - Kashina reaches out to the Techies and they rejoin the Mousie Clan. Afterwards Gabina Clan regains the Residential District, Techies regains the Industrial District, and they reclaim the cemetery as neutral ground.
8 AB (one month later) - Kashina is ousted by Gabi for wanting to align the team with the Pink Heart clan (Gabi hates them because they are all about style and the fact they use pirate weapons). The Gabina and Techie clan’s alliance ends after Gabi refused to accept technology into the clan.
8 AB (one month later) - The holdings that the Gabina and Techie Clan gained under Kashina Mousie is quickly taken away from them and the cemetery once again falls into the hands of the Pretty Magicians Clan.