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Kevin Pandaheart
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American football: catch
American football: snap
two kids
concert of year end

Comisión para [iconname]tamino[/iconname]. Hecho con lápices de colores
Inspirado en dos poemas, el primero, escrito por él mismo, Ben Cottrell (Tamino):

Somos lobos. Bebemos profundo de las nubes,
y la tierra y los árboles y el cielo.
Tenemos el placer de cantar en voz alta,
Y compartirnos la tristeza profunda con nuestros gritos.

Hacemos amigos de las estrellas y el sol,
estamos familiarizados con las flores y la hierba
Acariciamos el suelo blando en el que corremos
Y sonreímos con la luna al pasar.

Somos criaturas de humo y de gris,
nuestros corazones son incambiables y puros
Afirmamos nuestra devoción cada día
Por el paquete que nos ayudará a soportar

Ayúdenos riendo, hermanos, ayuden a vivir.
Una sonrisa más, un abrazo, un año más.
Sobrevivimos a través del amor que damos
Y hacemos retroceder el miedo a lo invisible.

El seguno es de Jorge Luis Borges:


Sólo una cosa no hay. Es el olvido.
Dios, que salva el metal, salva la escoria
Y cifra en Su profética memoria
Las lunas que serán y las que han sido.

Ya todo está. Los miles de reflejos
Que entre los dos crepúsculos del día
Tu rostro fue dejando en los espejos
Y los que irá dejando todavía.

Y todo es una parte del diverso
Cristal de esa memoria, el universo;
No tienen fin sus arduos corredores

Y las puertas se cierran a tu paso;
Sólo del otro lado del ocaso
Verás los Arquetipos y Esplendores.


Comission for [iconname]tamino[/iconname]. Made in color pencils
Inspired in two poems, the first, written by him, Ben Cottrell (Tamino):

We are Wolves. We drink deep from the clouds
And the earth and the trees and the sky.
We take pleasure in singing aloud
And share sadness profound with our cry.

We make friends with the stars and the sun,
We're familiar with flowers and grass.
We caress the soft ground as we run,
And we smile with the moon as we pass.

We are creatures of smoke and of gray,
And our hearts are unchanging and pure.
We affirm our devotion each day
To the Pack that will help us endure.

Help us laugh, Brothers, help us to live
One more smile, one embrace, one more year.
We survive through the love that we give
And drive back our invisible fear.

The other one, for Jorge Luis Borges:


One thing does not exist: Oblivion.
God saves the metal and the dross, his key
Ciphers in his prophetic memory
The moons to come, and moons of evenings gone.

All there: reflections in the looking-glass
-Between the two huge twilights of the day-
That your face has gone leaving where you pass,
And those it will go leaving on your way.

And everything is part of that diverse
Crystal of memory, the universe;
Unending are the mazes it engenders

Of doors that seal themselves as you walk through;
Only from sunset’s farther side shall you
Behold at last the Archetypes and Splendors.

wolf 193,431, art 34,404, traditional 21,251, animal 12,275, moon 7,419, canis 4,098, nature 4,066, luna 3,249, lobo 1,674, howling 335, lupus 328, howl 285, wolfs 175, herd 53, lobos 11, manada 1, aullando 1, aullar 1
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 13 years, 10 months ago
Rating: General

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13 years, 10 months ago
Thank you for sharing the poems with this!  I enjoyed both.  The Borges poem especially made me want to read more.

Iike the critter in the moon, too.  Didn't notice on the first glance...I'm glad I looked twice!
13 years, 6 months ago
Really nice..
11 years, 6 months ago
The poem! The picture! I absolutely love this! Why can I only fave with three stars! D:
11 years, 6 months ago
Owr thank you very much!!
Even this wasn't famous on inkbunny, because it doesn't have porn XP
11 years, 6 months ago
I don't come here just for the pornographic art x3 though my favorites are full of it since that's pretty much what this site is. But I do enjoy the drawings with meaning, and non-sexual depiction.
11 years, 6 months ago
me too. Actually here in furaffinity I've found really good artist full of emotion, more than furaffinity, the better it is that here is easier to find them (just disabling the mature content)
11 years, 6 months ago
Yeah? Any good recommendations? I'm always looking to follow new artists :3 I never tried disabling to mature content to see what I can find. I'll have to do that sometime. PM me :3 otherwise we may flood the comments x3
10 years, 11 months ago
This is so awesome!
10 years, 11 months ago
thank you!!
8 years, 5 months ago
This is so beautiful, I love your work with light and texture, the proportions are perfect. Wolves are my favourite animal and I couldn't favourite this fast enough:) The poems are beautiful and very deep and insightful especially the original wolf one. This is one of my favourite pictures EVER period!
8 years, 5 months ago
Oh wow, thank you very much, this is a very old picture, I think this was my second commission ever n__n hehe
I'm so glad it still moves some hearts around
8 years, 5 months ago
You're very welcome, yes, it moved me a lot:)
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