Yeah I don't understand why not every artist already does it since there are so many assholes online who do something like that :/ But of course there are also some artist who scam people so the idea with paying half sounds like the best idea to me ^^
Yeah I don't understand why not every artist already does it since there are so many assholes online
Well yeah like that both just lose half of their money if one of the two sides try to scam the other. I saw a few scam artists on FurAffinity for example.... The just don't respond, ignore the person or try to say the nver got the money. Unfortunetly the admins doesn't seem to ban them but well it's FA so it's no suprise xD
Well yeah like that both just lose half of their money if one of the two sides try to scam the other
man that sucks.. this looked like it took alot of hard work T.w.T i hate people who do stuff like this DX this is why artists turn to getting payment upfront or after a rough sketch is done
man that sucks.. this looked like it took alot of hard work T.w.T i hate people who do stuff like th
When I sreach for the name gamerdelta I can find an Youtube channel and an DeviantArt Account. Is this maybe the same guy? If it is you might be able to contact him there. Link:
When I sreach for the name gamerdelta I can find an Youtube channel and an DeviantArt Account. Is th
That's why I always use a unique name without a bunch of numbers or x letters in front or at the end xD That's what I always see online if someone already used that name someone else uses the same just with an number or x ^^
That's why I always use a unique name without a bunch of numbers or x letters in front or at the end
Even if it is done what would make him pay anyways? he owes, from the look of it, a minimum of $176. and even if he paid up front he could be one of those people who paid, and then took the art and disputed the transaction on paypal to get his money back cause of paypal's rules if you showed the proof content you'd get in trouble if it contained stuff like the last two pages of this. I've seen it happen a few times and the artists who it happened to closed their commissions indefinitely.
Even if it is done what would make him pay anyways? he owes, from the look of it, a minimum of $176.
Hey that happened to me :D except it wasn't porn and I couldn't even get to show proof since they ended it in an hour instead of 7 days like they said!!
This is why artists are not taking commissions from strangers and why invoices should be enforced and refunds should be pre-approved by the artist before they are finalized but fuck PayPal and their customer is always right bullshit that makes shit like this possible.
Hey that happened to me :D except it wasn't porn and I couldn't even get to show proof since they en
problem is its a 2 way street just as many commisioners have been fucked by an artist who seems legit but then after they have a certain amount of money just stop working...sometimes its legit and we can forgive that but other times they bail out say 'fuckyall my money now' and all we get is bitter yeah, half up front half on delivery of finished product is realy the best way to go at least till an artist has established a long runing tradition of trust in the fandom.
problem is its a 2 way street just as many commisioners have been fucked by an artist who seems legi
I imagine the majority of times that happens, the "artist" has maybe one or two posts. You might even be able to search them by image and find someone else made it. There's a lot of things one can do to see if someone's legit.
I imagine the majority of times that happens, the "artist" has maybe one or two posts. You might eve
You can imagine whatever you like, but there are a surprising number of artists that actually do art then get a bunch of prepaid commissions sold and suddenly skip without doing the art. Later they pop up with a different account and do the same thing again. Often times they do good work and show no signs of being a scammer. The only time anyone finds out is when someone manages to connect the multiple accounts together somehow.
You can imagine whatever you like, but there are a surprising number of artists that actually do art