You'd better listen to your mothers, kids! They have means to to turn their threat into reality!
Poor foxgirls! They are under a surprise attack from the rear! Their sneaky cousins are now using their new battleship to perform an unexpected marine snowball attack!
As long as I can recall, I've been waiting for a snowless winter (any snowfall gone by end of the day), but tho I came near, it hasn't happened YET. To me, snow is shoveling or paying money to shovelers who may or may not show up. Each year it's harder for me to deal with unreasonable snowstorms.
Now this year it's now 1-2 and so far there has been rain, but -no snow. This means nothing. I've had winters where the snow did not hit until January. (I also recall one winter where it took me & my father 2 days to clear the driveway, and another winter where the first snow socked us just before Thanksgiving and it was #1 of about 11 snowstorms. Started early, ended late....)
As long as I can recall, I've been waiting for a snowless winter (any snowfall gone by end of the da