Tears fell down your face, “I can't do this anymore. I need answers why all this is happening. If what Chara told me was true then I need to put a stop to it today.” You pick up Asriel and place him down on his bed, “Don't worry Azzy I'm going to find a way to take back my rune stone so you don't have to act like a battery for me. I'll give you some time to recover from this, but before you wake up so you don't notice that I left. Also Chara didn't deserve this and I'll make them pay for doing that to her.”
You wait an hour and then head down to the barrier. You walk through and then use what your now calling, “Swift-Step.” So you swift-step to the location, it was a small facility on the surface, but underground it had homed you for a year. You knock everyone out inside and access a computer terminal.
You were grateful of the time you spent with Sans and Gaster. You learned how to bypass their computers in the underground. Sure the security was a lot tougher, but you manage to get into the system. You found the data about the rune stone. The early projects were terminated due to flaws of limited magic pool in the rune stones. That they could only recharge so many times before they would shatter.
New information showed that if one could harness magic that monster of the past possessed then it would be possible to have a rechargeable pool to draw from instead of the limited magic in the rune stone. Which is why they started the project to create a human/monster hybrid. You pool up the data on yourself and notice project zero-zero-one terminated. Your flaws was you showed no source of magic of your own and would soon run the rune stone dry. That the data collected would be used for the next hybrid.
You begin thinking, “So learning from what I'm seeing here they did research on the legends of monster from the past and were able to synthesize a monster Souls somehow. Though they learned monster themselves were fragile and fused a monster Soul on to a humans. Though before you all subject died during the initial stages.” You continued running through the system and found more data that shows they had created a hybrid in which they had a magic pool. Though something went wrong during testing.
This subject seemed to have destroyed itself from the magic overtaking its mind and driving it insane. You take a external drive and back-up all the data on the research of rune stone and hybrids. You also found a file with a single word in it, “C.H.A.R.A.” Your face darkens, “She was just another victim, but I'll make sure that this is the last time they do so. I thought I wouldn't have to kill anymore, but to keep people from doing cruel things like this...” You check over the system one last time before leaving.
You open a document and found some information that there are more facilities, but not their locations. You also found this was only a minor facility for the underground organization called, “Dualality” that was conducting these experiment. Though you did get a name of someone, “Jim Baldric lead DNA and RS Developer.” You'd have to look into him another time. As you walk away from the facility you hesitate for a moment. Then snapping your finger a pillar of fire engulfs the ground vaporizing everything behind you leaving a giant hole where the facility use to be.
“This is one facility they won't be using again. Though I doubt this will slow them down. At least Chara doesn't have to suffer anymore.” You head back to Mt. Ebott and decide to call it a day. You checked up on Asriel to see if you went overboard on magic. You enter the room and move next to the side of the bed where Asriel is sleeping. Putting you hand gently on Asriel chest you see he still had about thirty percent of his magic left.
You laid down on your bed pulling the drive out of you pocket, “I have no idea how I'm going to explain Chara to mom and dad. Azzy didn't really see what happened. So I might get away saying,“I took her back to the surface and back to her family.” Though Azzy did feel the pain and might have saw something. Ugh, I won't know til he wakes up, but I need to work towards getting my rune stone back. I've got to create my own supple of magic in my body. It should be possible since I do have a monster Soul.”
You rolled to your side and shut your eyes to get some sleep. Hours pass and you felt someone shaking your shoulder. You roll onto your back and turn your head to see who is shaking you. You see Asriel looking at you on the verge of crying, “Bro, what happened, where is Chara? I felt pain and then both of us screaming out. What I saw was hazy, but it looked as though Chara was hurting you before I blacked out.” Asriel looks at the blood on the floor and you follow his gaze.
You sigh, “Shit, I can't believe I forgot to clean that up. I got so lost in thought while I was waiting to head out.” You sit up and put you legs over the side of the bed. You pat the area of bed next to you, “Take a sit Azzy.” You watch as he slowly sits next to you with a worried look on his face. You pull your legs into your chest as the news your going to have to tell him makes tears well up.
“I-I'm sorry A-Azzy, she attacked me and in doing so hurt you. I reacted before I could think about what was happening. S-She's...” You bite your bottom lip drawing a bit of blood as you pull you legs closer. Asriel wraps his arms around you as tears start roll down his eyes damping his fur. You manage to choke through, “I-I'm s-s-sorry A-A-Azzy, p-please d-don't h-hate m-m-me.” Asriel just shakes his head unable to say anything from the lump in his throat.
Toriel and Asgore just returned from their walk around the underground checking in with people. They hear what sounds like crying and make their way to the room. They see you with you legs pulled up and arms wrapped around them as Asriel has his arms around you as your both crying. Toriel walks in and then notices blood on the floor. Dread fills her as she begins to speak, “My children, what's happened? Where did the blood on the floor come from? Where is Chara?”
That last question just ending up upsetting you both as more tears run down both your faces. They both sit on either side of you and wrap their arms around you feeling you both shaking and trembling. They spending the better part of an hour trying to get you both calmed down. You both traded off explaining through shaky choked voices about the attack from Chara and how the situation took a turn for the worst. They were both stricken with grief, but they forgave you and continued to comfort you as their own tears joined in.
You both were exhausted from the long couple of hours of crying over the loss of Chara. Those in the lab and Chara you hope would be the last lives you'd have to take. Though you knew the organization was still out there and they probably would come for you now that they knew you were alive. You were suppose to be terminated, but that seem to have backfired on them. Though for the time being you let sleep overtake you for the night.
Toriel and Asgore tucked you both in as they left the room to talk among themselves, “Tori, it seems I may have made a mistake bringing Chara to our home. I put our sons at risk of harm and caused another mental scar they have to endure. I think we both need to take time off our duties and be here for them. Then we can switch off, but one of us should be here at all time.”
Toriel nods, “I agree, even though I was home during the last attack I felt helpless as I watched our child have to take care of it. We could get Undyne or Gerson to help watch over them both if something urgent comes up. It just seem wither we're here or not something bad still ends up happening. Broderick seems to be shouldering most of it himself.”
Asgore spoke on what to do next, “I think from this point on anything that comes through the barrier should be consider a threat. Any machines will be eliminated and humans will be locked up until we can evaluate them as hostile or not. It's extreme, but everything that has come through the barrier after our son has been hostile. Even that of a child has been a danger to the ones we love.” They make some tea and afterwards both decide to turn in early and try to get a jump on what they talked about in the morning.
In the morning you make your way over to Asriel to see how he's doing and find his magic has recovered a lot through the night. You walk out to the kitchen and see both Toriel and Asgore their. Toriel is prepping breakfast and Asgore is looking at some documents drinking tea. You had a feeling that last night pushed them both into being more protective after the other previous incident. As you enter and take a seat Toriel stops her preparation and gives you a smile.
Toriel asks you, “Is Asriel up yet?” You nod side to side slowly, “No... Azzy still asleep. Dad don't you normally have your rounds and meeting at around this time?” Asgore looks up from the documents, “I've decided to take a break from them today. Tori and I thought we could all spend the day together. We could walk though the underground and later have lunch in the garden.”
You give them a mild look of concern, “Mom, dad, I know things have been rough recently and you both are feeling that you should be doing more to watch over and protect Azzy and I, but...” You pause for a minute, “I think the worst is over for now and I know I have put myself in harms way more often then not. You almost lost me...”
You pause again, “I didn't know about limitation on my rune stone. Had I know I wouldn't have been so foolish in what I've done, but then we may not be sitting here at this moment either. What happened with my rune stone was inevitable...” They both look at you with concern, “My child, what do you mean by that? You make it sound like it was going to happen regardless. Did Gaster and Sans find something out recently?
You let out a sigh and shake you head, “No, during the year looking for information about the barrier I also went checking around for anything on the people who did this to me. I used some of the money that you gave me to track down some leads. I did eventually find a possible location of a facility, but I didn't know it was the laboratory that I came from until yesterday when I went there.”
A haunted expression on their face and you understood their reaction. “So what did you end up finding?” Asgore asked you. You just lean back against your chair, “I found that the rune stone I had was flawed from the beginning which is why I was eventually thrown down here in the first place. They had already acquired the information they need for the next specimen.”
Asgore cut in, “So your saying that there is more people that are undergoing what you went through? Are they going to be thrown down here as well once they're done with them?” You shake your head, “They were flawed as well and the last one seemed to have destroyed itself after it lost its mind. Though that laboratory won't be performing anymore experiments. After I collected what I did the laboratory exploded. I think someone was trying to keep me from leaving and activated some sort of self destruct for the laboratory.” You lied, but didn't want to tell them what really happened.
They both looked horrified at what you said, “They blew up an entire building to keep you from leaving? Did anyone make it out alive?” You shrugged, “I'm not sure, but I'm surprised anyone was able to do so. I thought I knocked everyone out, but it seems I missed someone. I'm lucky I was finished when I did.”
They were still shocked, but seem to regaining a bit of composer, “My child, I hope this will be the last time you'll have to deal with anything from you past. I'm unhappy knowing you put yourself at risk without telling us, but also relieved that your alright. Just promise us this will be the last time you'll do anything dangerous like this.”
You give a weak smile, “I hope this will be the last time I have to deal with my past as well. Though I do need to look over the information I brought back a bit more to see if I can learn anymore about the rune stone.” Asgore rubs his hand over his beard, “Do you require any help with it maybe Gaster and Sans can look it over with you.” You get up from the table, “Maybe later I think as you said, “We can use a break” I'll go wake Azzy up and well spend the day together.”
As you make your way back to your room Toriel looks at Asgore. “Gorey I'm still worried, but now that this laboratory isn't around anymore things may settle down a little. I think it would be a good time to see if Gaster had any luck with those cell phones Broderick brought back with him. Knowing him he's finished it, but got distracted by another task.”
Asgore just nods, “I'll ask him about it tomorrow. Then we could keep in touch with each other when were out. Also I need to talk to Gaster about a new upcoming scientist named, “Alphys.” She wants to really help out with the research down here, but she is a bit shy I hope she'll be okay.” Toriel smiles as she resumes breakfast, “I'm sure Alphys will be fine, I've meet her before and after she settles in she feel at home.”
In your room you make your way over to Asriel's bedside and shake him gently. “Hey Azzy, ready to start the day?” He slowly stirs as he sits up and rubs his eyes, “Morning Bro, is breakfast ready?” You reply, “Mom was in the middle of it, but we all got talking about somethings. She probably gotten back to it by now. Also mom and dad are going to take us out around the underground and we'll be having lunch in dad's garden after we get back.”
Asriel gets out of bed and pulls out some clothes for the day. You just remember your still in you pajamas and decide to pick out clothes for yourself. You put on a purple t-shirt, and gray sweatpants. Asriel is wearing a green with yellow strip sweater and a black pair of pants. You just giggle, “Same green and yellow sweater, don't you have anything else in your drawer?”
You pull open the drawer and see it full of identical sweaters, “Um... You want to talk about it Azzy?” He just shrugs, “Not really, I just really like those two colors together. Also your no better, you seem to like purple a lot.” You giggle, “I guess it's really grown on me.” You both laugh at this and make your way out to the kitchen for some breakfast.
The day is pretty relaxing and you all went around the underground. People were coming up and greeting Asgore and Toriel. They talk to them about concerns and you and Asriel waited patiently. A few monster kids came up to both of you. One of them asked, “So do you know anything about an explosion that happened near the castle at Newer Home a couple of months ago? We've been asking around, but no one seems to knows what it was. I figure you both may know something since you were near it.”
You both look at each other and you speak first, “We don't know the details, I think Gaster was over or something. They were experimenting with some new invention. I wouldn't worry about it to much.” you lied to them, but it was for the best. They all look at each other and seem to accept what you've told them. Asriel looks at you once they walked off, “I feel bad not telling them the truth, but I understand that this is for the best.”
You pat him on the back, “Don't let it bother you to much and enjoy the day. Telling them about something from a couple months ago won't change it. All the news will do is cause an uproar as it spread throughout the underground.” It takes a couple of hours, but you were all at the Asgore garden and Toriel went to get lunch. You pull Asriel over away from Asgore while he busy tending to some of the flowers.
“So Azzy I need to ask you something. I was wondering if you could teach me magic?” Asriel looks at you confused, “Bro you know magic don't you? The magic from the rune...” You interrupt him, “I mean the magic you, mom, and dad use. I found out some information and I think if I learn how to use monster magic then I'll be able over time to transfer back the rune stone.”
Asriel had his head tilted still confused, “I'm still not following how learning more magic helps.” You sigh and take a breath, “I went back to the surface when you were out from when Chara attacked me.” His face was downcast at hearing Chara's name and again you sigh, “Sorry Azzy I didn't mean too... anyways I found the lab that did this to me and was able to get data on the experiments for the rune stone and myself.”
Asriel now gazing at you intensely mouth slightly agape. You just laugh at this a little, “You okay Azzy? Cat got your tongue?” Asriel shakes his head coming back to his senses, “Does mom and dad know about this?” You just lay back, “That's what we talked about before I woke you up this morning. They were unhappy about me going of course and were more relieved that I came back home safe.”
Asriel follow suit and laid back next to you, “So what did you learn and how does monster magic tie into getting your rune stone back?” You just keep looking up at the ceiling, “Well what they generally were trying to do was create a hybrid that could use magic like monsters and sturdiness and determination of a human. Though enhanced strength and reflexes were a bonus on top of the combination. Problem is I was a dry well running off a limited source of magical power.”
You look over at Asriel, “So the rune stone that shattered had a design flaw and eventually it would have shatter regardless. They knew this from preliminary test, but they haven't had a full field test. Which is were I come into the picture. They found out from my data mostly what they could do to make improvements on the next subject. Then they basically threw me down here and the rest is as you know it.”
Asriel look deep in thought and you gave him time to take everything in. A few minutes passed and Asriel spoke, “So you said, “dry well”, and so I assume that you found a way to fix this problem?” You nod, “Basically I need to learn monster magic and build up my own pool of magical power. Before I was just running on the magic stored inside the rune stone and the limited times it could recharge.”
Asriel sat up, “Still how do you know this will work? That you can even learn magic like us?” To answer that you bring forth your Soul and point at the gray Soul in the middle, “Because of this, I have a monster Soul, and so through enough training I should be able to do it. Though one of the other specimen had a small amount of magic, but the data does show it did increase over time. Well until it lost control and destroyed itself.”
Asriel give you a fearful look, “Wait how do you know this won't happen to you?” You shrug, “I don't.” Asriel just looks at you even more scared, “W-what, b-but isn't this to risky to try then? I-I don't want to lose you, we already lost...” he went quite as he started tearing up. You sigh and reach over pulling him close to you, “I know Azzy, yes it's risky, but I don't want you be burden with my rune stone. That rune stone shouldn't have even went to you, but I didn't know what I do now. I'm going to do whatever I can to fix this.”
Asriel head is on you chest as he's sniffling, “I don't know if I can do this. I don't want to see you destroy yourself.” You pull him tighter, “Look Azzy, I've been through so much and it just would be such a wasted effort if I didn't at least try. I'll ask mom and dad if I need to, but I wanted to spend the time with you. I think you'd be great at teaching me the basics and once I learn then we could practice together.”
Asriel face brighten up a bit, “That would be nice Bro, but it still has me worried.” You put a finger to his mouth, “Lets just take it one step at a time. Well see if I can even generate monster-type magic and then go from there. Also I'll teach you human magic in exchange.” Asriel is curious, but also looks a bit confused, “I don't think I'm able to learn...”
Again you cut him off by putting your finger to his mouth, “I found a neat book, but wither its fact or not I'm not sure. Though from what I read a monster did learn magic of old from a human. Though this book was so old and in a case at a museum and most of the pages were missing. The page that was displayed on describes the possibility.”
Asriel interest looked peaked, “So your saying I might be able to cast magic like you can?” You nod, “Yeah, but since you probably have to cast it by saying the incantation it would take a little longer to perform. The rune stone speeds it up so it looks instantaneous, but I'm thinking since your link to it maybe you can activate it and see the incantation for yourself. Though I'm still uncertain how much of a bond you share with it.”
You both were going to talk about this more, but Toriel arrived with lunch and you all gather on a blanket she puts out. You all enjoy the relaxing atmosphere forgetting about everything of recent that has happened. Though you would look towards Asriel from time to time and your sure he noticed. A couple of hours go by and packing up everything used for lunch you all decide to head home. Asgore decided to stay behind though, “I'm going to tend to the garden a little more.”
Once you were back at home you and Asriel were walking back a bit behind Toriel. “Hey mom, Azzy and I are going to play out front for a bit if that's okay.” She turns and nods, “Just don't wonder off to far.” Once she was inside you turn towards Asriel, “So ready to teach me my first lesson?” Asriel looks a bit surprised, “W-what now? Don't you want to just take it easy? There's no rush, we can always start tomorrow.”
You shake your head, “We wouldn't have the time for the next few days. Mom will be keeping us busy with our education and your magic lessons. Which will make you unavailable. So this is the best chance to get a start on the basics.” You see that worried look in his eyes as he starts rubbing his arm, “It's just so sudden, we just got done talking about it hours ago and I just don't think I'm mentally prepared.”
You sigh and knew he was going to be torn over the matter, “Look Azzy, I don't want to force you to do this, but the sooner I know if it is possible to learn monster-type magic then I can start working towards building up my own magic. I know there's a risk and of course I'm worried, but I've been through more risk then I can count. I'm willing to see this through and besides I would feel more confident with your support.”
Asriel was still looking uncomfortable, “A-alright Bro, I'll help you, but only if you promise you don't push yourself to hard.” You smile and put an arm around him, “Okay I promise I won't go overboard and I'll rest if I get to tired.” Asriel smiles weakly and the lesson begins. You struggle for two hours trying to get anything to appear. It was definitely more difficult then you thought it would be.
Feeling out the magic around you and gathering it to give it form was vague to say the least. Though what Asriel was teaching you other monster learned at a younger age, but you were determined to get it down. Finally you form a small white pellet as you smile at it before laughing and collapsing on your back. Asriel was worried that you passed out, but he saw that smile still on you face as you held up your hand and gave V-sign with your index and middle finger.
He just smiled at you, “You did it Bro, though you look really beat from trying for so long. I thought you broke your promise to me of not pushing yourself when you fell back.” You just chuckle, “Nah... I'm fine... a little winded... but I'll be okay... once I rest...a bit. Then it's... your turn.” you say in-between breaths. Asriel just shakes his hands out in front of him.
“We can do that another day. You really should just rest and relax. I'm in no rush to learn human magic. I mean if I can even learn it.” You manage to catch your breath and sit up, “Non-sense, I can take it easy and couch you all the while. It's the least I can do and I remember how much you liked my Plasma Ark.” His gaze is downcast as a blush shows up on his face.
You chuckle, “Your so cute when your embarrassed. I'll teach you the lightning magic first, because I think it'll be the more challenging of the spells since you already know a type of fire magic.” You see the words in your mind and using a claw write them into the ground. You teach the incantation a word at a time to Asriel until he has it memorized.
He stick out his hands and begins chanting, but it was on a whole other level as he was knocked on his butt as it goes wild striking you in the process. Your fur was sticking up on end and a tingling sensation going through your body. Lucky for you it wasn't to strong and you've hit yourself with worse when you practiced it for the first time.
Asriel didn't feel any feedback from it though, “Bro are you okay? I d-didn't mean for that too...” Your laughing just interrupted him, “Hahaha, I'm fine Azzy, and I've stuck myself with more then that when I practice on accident. You look confused why your not feeling any pain after that. It really didn't hurt me so much and my healing only intervenes for serious injuries.”
Asriel sighed with a bit of relief, “I-It was a lot more then I'm use to. I guess human magic deals more damage to physical and monster magic deals damage to the Soul. Though now I know to brace myself for it next time.” Your just sitting there smiling the whole time watching Azzy try again, but he still gets knocked back a few more times. During these next few attempts your more ready and dodge any stray wild electrical energy.
On his tenth cast it collects and strikes the ground leaving a small impression. Though this one had a lot more behind it and Toriel came out of the house, “My Children what was that noise?” You see Asriel looked panicked and just look back at Toriel, “Sorry mom, I was showing Azzy how I can make a thunderclap with my lightning magic. Don't worry there wasn't any lightning or anything flying about the could hurt anything or anyone.”
Toriel just gives you a glare, “Well my child as long as nothing serious happened, but please don't do that again. It really sent me into a panic that something was happening again.” You nod and apologies again, “Okay mom, I'll have to practice that one outside or something.” She goes back in and you look at Asriel who still processing what transpired.
“Well I guess that's enough magic lessons for today. I think mom knows we're doing stuff we shouldn't be. So any future lessons for lightning magic we'll have to do somewhere more secluded.” You both just lay on the ground eyes closed, “Hey Bro?” “Hmm?” You reply. “Is it possible to take me outside? I know it has been dangerous, but I would like to see the sunset.”
Your taken back by this at first as you look over at him. Asriel is also looking at you, “Only for a bit, I just thought it would nice, and then we can come back.” You think this over at how to respond to his request. You reach over and grab his hand, “Sure Azzy, but it's going to take a bit to allow this. I'll need to change the barrier restriction around, but It's really draining and currently we're tapped for today.”
Asriel just blushes at the your hand in his, “U-um... O-okay I can wait. I've waited this long and it's close to dinner time anyway.” The day finished up with everyone having dinner. You and Asriel take a bath then head to bed. Tomorrow after your studies and while Asriel was practicing magic with Toriel you were going to practice on you own.
In the next four months you've practice at your magic lesson and you passed what the other specimen in the lab reports had accumulated. Though this pool of magical energy wasn't at the level Asriel had, but it was more then you had when you started. You figure measuring your self to Asriel while he was asleep one night you were now at about forty percent.
Tonight you walked over to his bed and held your hand over his chest. You commanded the rune stone to come forth, but nothing seem to happen. You try again and you thought the response was going to be the same, but suddenly the small rune stone appeared. You held out your hand as it hovered in your palm. You see the four runes glow and shimmer as it seems to dance in your hand for a minute.
You watch as it then slows and then vanishes back inside you. You whisper and put your hand to your chest, “Welcome home.” You feel as you say this a warmth pulse and you see a new spell you couldn't see while it was inside Asriel. You smirk, “Seems you have been busy. When did you learn this? I'm going to have to give you a test run in the morning, but in the mean time I'm just happy the burden is finally mine again and Azzy is free of that responsibility.”