This little treasure was doodled for me by Kitazureskye and it's very special.
Phantasy Star 4 is my favorite RPG of all time. there are others that come super close, Chrono trigger, Final fantasy 7, breath of fire III and Earthbound (mother 2) to name a few but this one is my favorite.
This is Kevin Cos-playing as Rune my favorite character in the entire game. and a special guest got to be Alys! the first video game character to ever make me cry. She gets Killed in the game right before your eyes trying to save her little brother, the main character. Her death is extremely well done, she Suffers and though you try to save her it's to late. they dident just toss her aside and move on ether, this event marked a pivotal moment in the game's story and they give her a funeral and everything. You really feel like you lost this person who mattered to you, your playing as a person who if not for her selfless love, would no longer be alive. It really makes you committed to saving the world and it REALLY makes you HATE the bastard that killed her. When you face him a second time, your ready to rain hell down on him.
If you play the game to the end and go after Chaz's (the main character) secret ability , then the powers of darkness bring her back and make you fight her, this fight is emotionaly hard. X3 even if it's not terribly challenging. it's not really her of coarse just an apparition.
Considering this game appeared originally on the Sega Genesis it was YEARS ahead of it's time in terms of story and it used comic book style Manga cut scenes they fit the game perfectly. It also had one of the most inventive and refreshing Story lines and Musical scores for a game of it's time. This game left a mark on my childhood and forever colored my veiw of RPG's
Nice to see you again Rune Walsh and Alys Brangwin. You will forever live in the hearts and minds of your fans and never be forgotten, Farewell Algo Solar system and world of the Phantasy star games, you you to always be remembered, and not perverted with more terrible MMORPG's that have fuck all nothing to do with ANYTHING Phantasy Star related. Man I despised those games they could have been so much more.
Rune Walsh Alys Brangwin and Phantasy Star are Copyright there Original Owners.
Phantasy star 4 the end of the millennium is available on several of the Sega Genesis mega collections compilations on ps2 xbox 360 and ps3 and possibly on the Nintendo virtual console. =p you might allso be able to get it off steam in some kinda collection but i never looked
Phantasy star 4 the end of the millennium is available on several of the Sega Genesis mega collectio