Gift art from Nelson and Victor, based on a silly idea I had. Thanks to them again.
So, it was time for the Christmas play at the school (they sure had a lot of those there, the teachers believing in creativity, imagination and costume-wearing) and it was the story of a group of orphans finding gifts and family under the tree. Such story involved them learning about their mistakes (through humiliating spanking sessions from the local equivalent of Krampus) until Santa Paws arrived to tells them they had earned their gifts.
Loupy was really happy to have been casted into the main role (which means he was not going to be on stage long and would not be among those spanked) but he had a problem. His thick pink diaper kept showing up to the public during his only scene during the rehearsals. He had to find a way to not have people look at it while singing his musical part... and the idea came to him. He sabotaged Remy's costume so his diaper would show up more and people would only focus on his butt. And so it happened and people had a lot of fun watching the clumsy reindeer... especially when Loupy added a final scene to the play by changing his diaper on his sleigh in front of everyone (even if they couldn't actually see his private) !
Don't read further if reading about my nightmares bother you.
I had a big nightmare last night, it repeated itself a few times. I was a little puppy, leashed to a pipe in the streets. Sitting in a cardboard with some newspapers under me, a broken plastic christmas tree and the text : please adopt a puppy for christmas (badly written). And I looked at people passing me by, some I think I knew. And the light dimmed and the snow came... and I died in the cold. Over and over. Cold is a soft death, you forget things as your body goes numb. Better than starvation, really. Not that I wish anyone to feel those pains, even if like me they had to endure them only for a short time. But it wasn't a pleasant dream at all... I am so tired, headaches are hitting me hard. I guess it come from the time period, christmas is a time of depression for me. My parents make a big dinner and we have to glares at each other for hours, trying to do small talk while pretending to be nice to each other. It's not a nice moment, and this time we are going to spent it at my brother's house so I will have little place to get out of it... but so is life.
9 years, 2 months ago
23 Dec 2015 12:31 CET
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Full Size: ca0ee6e8709fbb3415162b7abf1f4e02
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