It's a surprise gift from Rael and Trajan, which come as a big surprise. Thanks to them again.
It's a really lovely pic. It made me all warm inside. So, who want to come and give a kiss to the non-cute little wolf ? Don't let the dress fool you, this manly wolf is french and can kiss. A little kiss on the nose and the cheek to have a good year all-around ? Let those little blue eyes lure you in... But if not, we have an adorable puppy to trade in for the wolf (Fiona Runt) or a little girl all pampering around (Trajan). I wish you all the best for this period.
I'm feeling good just now. I slept with my pacifier in my mouth (made me drool stupidly a lot) and my plushies last night. I felt all cubbish and relaxed. It's a nice feeling, even if the pressure of christmas is coming. It's a difficult period for me as it is all about family and friends and my family isn't that great. We ate together for the holidays, but it's all false smile and unhappy discussions. I also had last week for multiple nights nightmares about being abandonned and such. One of them had the same scene as I was looking all adorable wanting to join Grandpa, Grandma and mommy for celebrations in canada... only to be kicked out and left to die in the cold in front of their house looking at them through the window. But that is my life, as long as they are happy.