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An experiment gone wrong? Part 2
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Wristan's Gallery (24)

An experiment gone wrong? Part 3

An experiment gone wrong? Part 4
Keywords undertale 10282, original characters 5828, catboy 3453, au 2499, monsters 2023, goatmom 780, male/male/male/female 417, goatbro 108, goatdad 44
In the morning you awaken to find yourself staring at Asriel, he's still sleeping peacefully, mouth slightly agape with a bit of drool pooling onto the pillow. You couldn't help yourself as you give a quiet chuckle so not to disturb him. You do your best to gently make your way out from under Asriel's arm that is wrapped around you and crawl your way out of bed. You look back to see him stir lightly before settling back to sleep and give a sigh of relief that you didn't wake him.

Walking to the bedroom door you quietly open the door and work your way out into the hallway gently shutting the door behind you. Walking down the hallway you make your way to the kitchen expecting to see Toriel there cooking breakfast, but upon entering you notice she wasn't around. You look around the kitchen and notice a note on the fridge that read, “To Asriel and Broderick.” Taking the note off the fridge you unfold it and read the contents inside.

“To my children, while you both are asleep I decided to get an early start and head into town for supplies. I have left you both breakfast in the fridge and I should be home before noon. Love Mom.” You take the note and set it on the counter as you look in the fridge to find some pancake's. You take the plate that has your name on it and take a seat at the table. You finish breakfast and make your way back to the bedroom to get a change of clothes.

As your coming down the hallway you notice the door to the bedroom open and Asriel step out. As you begin to greet him you felt a eerie chill run down your spine. You suddenly hear a voice, it was deep and cold sounding, “Kill him, Kill everyone down here. You'll only be disappointed, they're just using you and once they're done with you they'll get rid of you like everyone has. Your parents, those in the lab, in the end your just an object to be used.” You grab your head and huddle to the floor, “No, that's not true. They're different and showed me nothing, but love. They're my family and they won't abandon me like everyone else.”

The voice gives an eerie laugh and then scoffs at you, “No one could every love you. I mean look at you; you're not even human anymore. Your a freak and you'll always be alone. I'll help free your from anymore pain before you suffer again.” You felt your mind drifting and control over your body fading. You watch as your body stands back up straight and your claws extend. You're screaming as you watch whatever has taken control of you walk towards Asriel. Asriel turns to you noticing that you're acting not quite yourself and you had your claws out.

“Bro, are your okay? You don't look normal and your expression is scary.” Asriel tries to back up some, but is knocked over as you leap onto him. Your arm pulled back, ready to strike Asriel, but Asriel just reaches up and wraps his arms around you. The arm lunges forward and you scream out, “GIVE ME BACK MY BODY!!!” Your arm halts as tears begin rolling down your cheeks. “Shh, It's going to be okay Bro. I'm here for you.” Your arm falls limp and your lips tremble and in a shaky voice, “A-Azzy, I-I'm s-sorry.”

You leap off him, your mind still trying to make sense of what happened and you run for the front door. Asriel calls out to you, “Bro, come back. It's okay... I forgive.” He scrambles to his feet as quickly as he can to give chase, but when he get to the front door there's no sign of you, “Bro...” You ran to the barrier room tripping over your feet a few time on the way. As you stand before the gray form that makes up the barrier you clutch your hands into a fist.

You remember being told that nothing could pass through the barrier and read that anything that tried would be destroyed by it. You thought to yourself, “I'm counting on you to kill me. I can't continue to live with those down here. I'm a threat to them all. I almost killed my brother for god sake.” Tears were still streaming down your eyes as you proceed forward. You did hope you could find peace down here, but it seems the really monster was you.

That voice was right, you weren't human anymore, you felt more like a raging beast like the ones back in the lab, when whatever it was attack Asriel. You nearly added another life to your already blood stained hands. You stop shy, right in front of the barrier, and turn to your left punching the wall in anger. The impact from your fist makes the wall crack and web out and in the center your fist left an impression of itself. “I am the worst thing that could have ended up down here.”

As you turn you make your way back in front of the barrier and take a step forward again. The voice from before returns, “You so pitiful, you have so much strength and you're going to throw it all away for what? A family? You don't even know what it's like to have a real family. In this world people use each other to get what they want. They're all selfish looking out for themselves.”

“Maybe at one time I would have believed that, but Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel showed me otherwise. I won't let any harm come to them and I'm taking out the one potential danger to them, me.” The barrier now surrounds you as you enter it. It was odd though, you expected a painful death, but you didn't feel any discomfort.  You had your eyes closed the entire time you walked through the barrier and after a few moments something bright was shining in your face.

You slowly open your eyes and notice the sky and a view of entire forest below you. The sun was shining, bird singing, and there you were still alive. You hear a chuckle, “Well tough break, so what's next? You have a nice mountain to jump from, how about it? They always say third times a charm, but with your luck you'd probably survive that as well. You really do suck at dying you know that.” Your claws extend and you reach up to your chest ready to tear your own heart out.

As your claws touch your skin you suddenly have visions of images flashing in your head. The scene was that of the lab and someone placing some sort of device in your neck, but you don't recall that happening. You reach back and plunge your thumb, index, and middle finger into the back of your neck. As you move them around you bump into something that felt metallic and hear that voice again, but this time it sounds more nerves, “H-Hey s-stop that, I don't know what your thinking, but...”

It was interrupted as you pull the object free and look down at a round device with blinking lights. You hear it speak in a low squeaky voice, “H-hey, p-put me back. You need me, you wouldn't have survived this long with out me. I kept you alive in that hellish laboratory.” It sounded desperate and you didn't believe it at all. You take it and roll it around in-between your fingers, before putting it back in your hand and close your fingers around it.

You hear its muffled shouts, but ignore them as you crush the device in your hand. Slowly you turn your hand and relax you fingers as pieces of the device fall to the ground. You just think to yourself, “So this device was the thing that took control of my body and nearly killed Azzy, but why did it activate now and not before?” You sit down for a moment to maul over everything and to clear your head. Then you realized, “Wait, I just walk through the barrier, but that shouldn't be possible. If those scientist create more like me, but someone that has more desire to kill, then every monster in Mt. Ebott is in danger.”

You didn't care much for human, but knew that not all humans were bad. It just seems like you always got the worst of what humanity had to offer. Questions just kept popping up in your head, “Why did they create me? Was I to be a tool for war? Did they know the full extent of what they created? Did they know about the monster that lived below Mt. Ebott? They did say take you to that location, so they must have had a reason they chose to bring you here of all places.”

You could ask question all day, but they resulted only making you more frustrated. The sun has started to set and you realized it was getting a little colder. You decide to put the questions aside for now and get back to your family. Toriel, Asgore, and Asriel must be worried sick about you by now. Especially Asriel, considering what you've done before running off on him. You stand up and brush yourself off before you turn to walk back through the barrier.

Once your back on the other side you look over at the wall, “I really hope no one is going to be mad about that. Then again, who else, but me knows I'm down here at the moment anyway.” You walk over to the stair and head up them. Once you were at the top something runs into you knocking you to the ground. You look up to see what hit you and there in front of you is Asriel. He shaking his head, then looks up and blinks as his eyes go wide. You wave at him with a sheepish look, “Oh, Hey Azzy...”

That was all you manage to get out before he tackles you into a hug, as tears well up in his eyes, “Bro, where have you been this whole time? We've been looking for you for hours. I g-got s-so scared t-that s-something b-bad happened t-to you. You j-just suddenly r-ran o-off before...” You pull him into a hug yourself, caressing the top of his head trying to help calm him, “Sorry Azzy, I had some weird thoughts running through my head and need sometime to myself to make sense of them, but I think I'll be okay from now on.”

He still sniffling as he pulls back to look at you, “What happened anyway? You weren't acting like yourself, but at the last moment it seem like you came back to your senses.”

“It seems a page from my past came back to haunt me once more, but lets just say I put it to rest.”

He just looks confused at you, “You haven't told us much of your past while you've been down here. You told us it was difficult to talk about, but you shouldn't keep things bottle up inside of you.” You nod, “Your right Azzy, but it's still hard to talk about it right now. I swear when I'm ready though I'll tell you, along with mom and dad. Just be patient with me til then, okay.” Images of your past flood your mind as tears rolled down you face. Asriel saw how much you were hurting and pulls you back into a hug.

“A-Azzy, I j-just... Y-you a-all made m-me f-feel w-welcomed and loved. I-I never h-had anyone l-like that o-on the surface... I w-was...” You couldn't talk anymore as a lump felt like it was in your throat. Your emotions getting the better of you as years of pain just came spilling forth. Asriel just held you telling you, “Go ahead and let it out. I'll wait until you feel better and when your ready to tell us anything we'll be there for you, okay.” You just give a weak nod into his chest as your continued to drench his shirt with your tears.

After letting all that go you felt better, but it was draining to say the least. You gently pull back and nod at him as you work to stand up. He joins you and then looks at the stairs, “Bro, I've been wondering did I see you come up from the stairs there? Did you just come from where the barrier is?” You didn't want to lie to him and slowly nod, “Yeah, I did. After what happened I felt really bad and decided to do something foolish and walked into it.”
Asriel looks at you with a look of horror on his face, “W-w-what, but your okay. Mom and dad always told me when I was growing up that the barrier was dangerous to be near. How are you not hurt or worse?” You shrug at him, “I don't understand it myself Azzy. I read up on the barrier and your right I shouldn't have been able to do what I did. I passed right through it, I was over looking the scenery, and I saw the sky and sun shining down on me. After spending sometime to myself I made my way back and that was the time I bumped into you.”

Asriel face was trying to display so many emotions at once, “I-I... That's so cool, but at the same time brings up, how?” There's only one way that I can think of that would allow you to do this. When mom told you about a monster/human Soul fused together. Bro... you haven't killed any monster since you've been down here have you?” You shake your head furiously, “No, I haven't hurt anyone since I've been down here. With the exception of what I almost did to you, but I didn't have full control over myself at the time.”

“You know I've been curious about something ever since I saw you. Your appearance and how you look different from those in the books I've read. Though you told me your the only one that looks the way that you do and now hearing that you were able to walk through the barrier. I'm wondering if I could see your Soul?” You were taken aback by his request, “How am I suppose to do that? I saw Azzy show me his Soul that one time, but I never really followed up on how it was possible.”

Asriel could see the look of confusion on you face and gently grabs your hands with his. He cups them together as he brings your hand over you chest. You suddenly see a dim glow and feel something warm emerge. As you bring your hands out away from your chest you see a small purple Soul resting in your hands. Asriel is looking intensely at your Soul and notices that at the center of the purple Soul is a gray looking heart. He knew what he was looking at was a monster Soul, but the shade of gray was darker then normal for monsters.

“Bro, you have a human and monster Soul, which would explain how you passed through the barrier, but I'm still confused how you have both. I'm pretty sure though it has something to do with how you look, am I right?” You were looking at your Soul as it hovers there in your hands. You always felt you lost your Soul years ago. You give a slight nod, “I'm going to be honest with you Azzy. I didn't always look like this. I looked like a normal human, but at the age of ten I was taken to a laboratory where this happened to me. I spent nearly a whole year there before I ended up down here.”

Asriel looked confused, “So humans can change how they look, how does that work? I guess I shouldn't be surprised since monster have been down here for a long time. You said you were taken, what do you mean by that?” Your eyes are downcast looking at the ground, “I didn't know something like this was possible either and I have no idea how it works. I... it was all done against my will. I didn't really have a choice in the matter as I was pulled along the lab. I was in a glass cylinder and I was injected with something. The pain was excruciating and I passed out and when I awoke I was as you see me now.”

Tears were welling up again and Asriel saw how hard it was for you to talk even this much about it. He walks over and embraces you in a hug, “I'm sorry Bro, I didn't mean to bring up such bad memories. I had no idea you gone through so much. I can't even imagine what that was like and being alone through it all.” You shake your head slightly, “There's not much that can be about it now. Humans can be so cruel and it was hard to live day to day...”

More tear roll down your face, “I-I'm sure there's nice h-humans, but I-I never m-met them...” You voice gave out again as Asriel gently ran a hand over the back of your head. “Shh, you don't have to force yourself to say anymore if you don't want to. I got an idea now what you've been through. So lets just leave the rest for another time, okay?” You nod and pull back wiping the tears from your eyes, “T-thank you Azzy for listening to me and I'm sorry I d-dumped all this on you s-suddenly. I should have been more open and told you, mom, and dad sooner. Though it does feel good to have a bit of it off my chest.”

“I think we should get back before we worry mom and dad more. Unless you need a bit longer, I don't want to rush you.” You nod, but look down as you realize your Soul is still cupped in your hands, “Um, but before we head back can I ask you something. How do I put my Soul back?” Asriel chuckles and shows you how to put your Soul back inside you. It was amazing to see the difference between your Soul and Asriel's, but that raised another question, “Do those scientist back in the lab realize they created a human with a monster Soul or was it a complete fluke?”

You had to put the question on hold as Asriel has already started walking towards home, “You coming Bro?” You jog a bit to catch up, “Yeah, sorry I'm still trying to take everything that has happened today in. Hey Azzy, could you keep this barrier matter and the little bit we talked about between us? I just don't think I could handle explaining any of this again right now. I'll tell mom and dad later when I'm feeling more up to it.”

“Well we really shouldn't keep thing like this from mom and dad, but I'll let you do so when you're ready too. So I promise to not breath a word to them.”

“Thanks Azzy, I appreciate it.”

The rest of the walk home was pretty quiet and once you enter the house you see both Toriel and Asgore sitting at the table with a worried look on their faces. They both turn towards you as you walk in and rush towards you as they embrace both you and Asriel in a hug. Toriel speaks up first, “My child, where have you been? We looked everywhere we thought you might have gotten off to, but we found no trace of you.”

You give a light chuckle, “Well you could say, “I was right under your noses the whole time, but at the same time I was above you.” You look at Asriel as you both gave a chuckle as Toriel and Asgore give each other with a look of confusion on their faces. Asgore asked what you meant by this, “What do you mean my son? Is this some kind of riddle?”

“I've been in the castle this entire time. I was down in the barrier room, I know I shouldn't be down there because its dangerous, but I really needed sometime alone. I just couldn't think of anywhere else that would allow me the privacy to do so. I promise I'll stay away in the future and I'm sorry I worried you both.” As you look up at them, you see they both have more of a look of concern then anger, “I'm just glad your safe my child. Everyone needs time to themselves and as long as you understand then everything is fine.”

You adjust yourself to give Toriel and Asgore a hug, “Thanks mom, dad, I'll try and be more open about anything that is bothering me in the future. I just needed time to sort some stuff out before I could do so.” At that moment Asriel's and your stomach growls and everyone starts laughing. “I guess you two are hungry considering it is past dinner time.” After a nice warm meal the night winds down and you get a good night of sleep. Sure you had a few images as you slept of your past, but they seemed more distant after today.

After breakfast you and Asriel start your first day of magic lessons together, but you were having a hard time understanding the instructions Toriel was giving you both. She was talking about envisioning the magic and give it form, but nothing about words for the incantations. She saw the confusion on your face and ask what is wrong, “My child, is what I'm saying difficult to understand? I figured it would be easier to understand since you said you knew some magic.”

“Well I do know magic, but the magic I know has words that I read in my mind. Then the magic just happens, there's no envisioning or form to give.” She thinks about what you said, “The magic you described sounds like magic of old that humans cast. The same type of magic that was used to place the barrier, but how does someone your age know of such old magic?” Thinking it would be faster to show then tell, you focus for a bit as a diamond-shape stone object with four side on the top and bottom appears in front of you.

On two of the surfaces it has two glowing runes, one is a green color, and the other is a light bluish-white color. Asriel at seeing this stops his magic training and comes over to get a closer look at the object that is floating in the palm of your hand. Asriel asks, “What is it?”

“From what I was told it was called a magic rune stone, but for how it exactly works is beyond me. It was completely blank when I first received it, but over time these two runes appeared. Each rune is a spell I know. When I focus on it, I see the word form in my mind and then it just happens. This one here...” You point to the green rune, “Is the healing spell I ended up using to heal Azzy and this one...” You point to the bluish-white rune, “Is a lightning spell.”

Asriel holds out his hands, “Is it okay if I hold it?” You smile and giggle at him, “Sure, just be careful with it alright.” You let it transfer over into his hands as it slowly rotates in place. Taking it in one hand, he takes his other hand and with a finger touches the surface of it. You begin to chuckle and Asriel looks at you confused what's so funny. You see the confused look on his face, “Sorry, your fur is really ticklish.” He looks back down and touches it again.

You giggle and chuckle at it as he asks, “So you can feel me touching the surface of the rune stone?”

“Yeah, they said it's linked to me. Also something about it being the core, but I'm not really sure what all that means. The first time I experimented with it and touch the surface it felt like I was literally being touched.” As Asriel goes back to examine the rune stone he continues touching it which causes you to giggle from time to time as you turned your attention back to Toriel. “So judging on what you said about old magic I assume this works differently then the magic you know.”

She nods, “Yes, It's still magic, but is definitely that of which I haven't felt in a long time.”

“Well I guess I'm back to being self taught from now on, but I'm still more then happy to keep practicing along side Azzy.”

“I'm sorry I can't be of more help in how to control your magic, but you are more then welcome to keep practicing with Asriel.” You nod and then giggle again, “Okay that's enough of Azzy playing with my rune stone.” You walk over and asked for it back and as he about to hand it back to you one of the faces on it flare up brightly. Once it dies back down you notice a third rune glowing red on the surface. Asriel looks at it, “I-I didn't do it, it's not my fault, at least I don't think it was my fault.”

He hands it back to you and you let it float back inside of you. You focus on the new rune as the incantation scrolls across your mind. You have a grin on your face as you realize what the magic is. You hold out your hand and a fireball appears above the palm of you hand, “Interesting, I'm not sure if in someway it was able to draw out magical properties of Azzy magic by having Azzy interact with it, but it appears I have a new fire spell.”  

Toriel and Asriel look at the fireball hovering in your hand, “It seems we were able to help you learn some new magic after all my child. I find how you're able to cast magic very interesting and would like to continue to help you learn more about it. I'll look into the books we have here in the underground and see what I can find after we're done practicing magic.” Asriel eyes sparkled in excitement, “This is great, now we both can work on practicing fire magic together.”

You let the magic dissipate, “As much as that sounds fun Azzy, I think I should focus on practicing the spell that I have more difficulty with. It seems magic based more on elemental magic is easier for me compared to my healing spell.” Asriel expression is doleful, you walk over to him and place a hand on his shoulder. He looks up at you, “Don't feel sad Azzy, I'm still going to practice right along side you, but I'm just going to be working on different magic. That doesn't mean we can't support one another.”

Asriel smiles at you, “Your right Bro, its not like we both won't be working hard. I just thought I finally had someone to practice fire magic with.” You just chuckle, “Azzy you have the best person you can do so with in this room. Mo...Toriel is the best teacher you could have and beside our two types of magic are completely different from each other.” Toriel giggles a bit, “He has a point my child, unless you think I'm not good enough to have as a teacher anymore.”

Asriel blushes a bit in embarrassment, “N-no, I didn't mean anything like that. I just meant having someone to practice with that's around the same age as me.” Toriel give another giggle, “I was only kidding my child. I know what you meant and even though your both practicing different magic you still be together while you do so.”

 “Toriel is right Azzy, I mean I can use all the support I can get while I try to get healing magic down. That first time I cast it successfully on you I couldn't believe how much of a strain it was on me, but the motivation to help you allowed me to cast it. So in a way you did help me, but I don't want to be in a situation like that again.”

Even though it was a terrible situation, Asriel was happy that it allowed you to do something you couldn't do before, but wished it was under better circumstances. You both got back to practicing magic after your little break and you are having the most difficulty. Asriel seemed like he was enjoying himself and you felt as though you are on the verge of passing out. There was just so much sweat soaked into your shirt. After about ten minutes of practicing your healing magic you throw your hands in the air in frustration and lay back on the stone floor.

You just lay there completely exhausted after cast it a few times, a couple of them just fizzling out on you. You really didn't understand why it was so difficult to cast over your other spells. It seemed like a bad joke and that you shouldn't even know it in the first place. Toriel turns and sees you sprawled out on the floor, breathing heavy, and looked as though you are fighting to stay awake. She claps her hands to get Asriel attention as he stop to look in her direction.

“Asriel I think it's a good time to call it a day, it looks like Broderick is at his limit for the day.” You just raise a shaky arm and wave at her, “Don't mind me me... I'm fine. Let Azzy continue practicing if he wants to. Don't let little old me ruin it for the rest of the class.” You chuckle as you arm slumps back to the floor. Toriel ignores you and walks over to pick you up in her arms. It always felt nice being held by your mom and you watch as she walks to the door way.

Asriel follows behind both of you and you peek around  her to put yourself in view of Asriel, “Help Azzy I'm being kidnapped by our teacher. Tell mom I may not get home til later.” Everyone chuckles and shortly on the way home you fell asleep. Asriel catches up so he walking along side Toriel, “It really seems healing magic is extremely tiring for Bro. He was only at it for about ten minutes or so before he had to stop.”

“My child, any magic can be difficult if you haven't much experience with it. I remember a certain someone having trouble casting fire magic their first time.” Asriel blushed, “Y-yeah, but I don't remember ever being worn out like Bro is.” Toriel thought to herself, “It's true he does seem to have a lot of difficult with his healing magic over his other spells. His other spells seem to come so naturally to him. I hope I can find a book in the underground which may explain how to make the process of casting magic of old easier for him.”

Upon getting home Toriel puts you to bed and heads to the kitchen to start making dinner. Asriel in the mean time decided to relax by drawing pictures with crayons.  After a half an hour passed Toriel asked Asriel from the kitchen to go wake you up for dinner. Asriel heads to the bedroom and stands at your bedside. He gently shakes your shoulder a bit, “Bro, dinner is ready.” You mumble something that Asriel couldn't make out as you curl into a ball like a cat would.

Asriel giggles at how cute this makes you look and decides to let you continue sleeping. He sits at the table as Toriel brings dinner out. “I don't think Bro is going to be joining us for dinner mom. He did something cute and curled up into a ball like a cat. I just couldn't bring myself to disturb him seeing him like that.” Toriel giggles at what Asriel told her, “That's alright, he was pretty exhausted from magic lessons today. I'll just set some aside for him to have later.”

You never did get up and slept through the night. When you wake, you stretch, and yawn as you brush the sleep away from your eyes. You hear your stomach growl at you and you realized how hungry you are having slept through last night dinner. Walking to the kitchen it's earlier then you thought it was as Toriel wasn't even up yet. So you rummage through the fridge and grab the left over dinner.

You also decide to go ahead and make a light breakfast to have along side it. After your meal, you pat your stomach and look to your left to notice Toriel coming down the hallway. Toriel walk towards you and once close enough she give you a hug, “Good morning my child, I hope you slept well.” You nod, “I did mom. I went ahead and had breakfast along with last nights dinner. So you don't have to make any for me this morning.”

Toriel nods, “Then I just make breakfast for the rest of us, but I do have something for you. I found it last night and I think it might help you with your magic casting.” She walks over to the bookshelf in the living room and pull a small book from it. She walks over to you and hands you the book. You look over the cover and there's text on it that you can't make out, “What is this mom? It looks really old and the text written on it looks strange.”

“I forgot I even had it. That book was from one of the humans that sealed us down here. It was a gift and she said it may come in handy someday if monster and humans ever were to come together again. Asgore asked what was written in the book they just said, “It is a book with my works and theories on magic. Who knows what might change for us over the years and I know you'll take care of it.” You look back down at it, “So it was from a human who knew about magic like me. Is it alright if I take time today to study it?”

“I rather you continue your normal studies, but I think a change of pace might be nice. I hope it helps, but it might be hard to figure out what is written inside of it. No one has been able to translate it and we have had hundreds of years to be able to do so.”

“I'm not sure how much luck I'll have at it if you and other monster down here haven't had much luck, but I'll see what I can do with it.” You stand up and excuses yourself. You went to every location in the underground that had books you hope could help you translate what was written in it. In the end you found yourself back home and laying on your bed as you glare at the book in frustration. You think you manage to figure out a few characters, but nothing groundbreaking that was going to help you.

You rest the book on the bed and pinch the bridge of you nose, “This is turning out to be as hard as Toriel had made it sound. I feel like my brain is melting and I'm no closer to figuring out what any of it means. I think I'm going to need more resources then what's available down here. As much as I promised mom and dad I wouldn't go near the barrier again, I think it's time for a  field trip to the surface and look through a few libraries. There's a city not to far from here, I could see it in the distance from Mt. Ebott.”

Now the other problem was how not worry everyone while doing so. Leaving a note with a brief explanation and how you'll explain everything upon returning would be the best option to go with. Looking over at the clock you noticed it was around four in the evening and decide it best to wait til tomorrow before you made the trip. You then thought that maybe you could also see about checking out some new martial at the library. You could bring some more updated information back for Toriel to use to update the curriculum she was teaching you and Asriel.

Another hour passed by, Toriel and Asriel seem to be taking longer with lessons then normal. Deciding on getting out of the house and putting in a little magic practice might be a good way to wind down the day. You chose to stick to the magic you had an easier time handling and summon a ball of lightning. You focus on it to change its form to that of a dragon and focus on controlling it as you move it around. After a few minutes of this you dismiss it and switch to your newly acquired fire spell.  

You create a small pillar of fire and have the center be hollowed out. You thought this a good way to trap someone to limit there options and then you follow up by bringing a bolt of lightning down the center of it. This seemed to be a good combination of the two magics to stop someone movement and end a conflict that may pose a threat quickly. Lightning magic wasn't great against moving targets and anytime you used it you had to aim where the target might end up.

You thought up a name for the attack and decided on Plasma Ark. The attack rang out and echoed for a good bit. Which seem to caught the attention of Toriel, as she and Asriel came bounding toward the house. “My child, are you okay. I heard a loud noise that seemed to have come from nearby.” You just had a grin as you scratch the back of your head, “Sorry mom, I didn't mean to worry you. I figured since you weren't home yet to practice some magic. I didn't think about how loud the end result of the magic would be.”

Toriel let out a sigh of relief, “I think you should hold off from practicing such magic. I think most of those in the underground may have heard that and it would cause them to worry.”

“hehe, Yeah, I guess I'm going to have to practice that new combination of magic in a more secluded location.”

“What new combination of magic were you working on Bro?”

“I combined both of my fire and lightning magic. I used fire magic to cover the lightning magic limitation of not being able to hit a moving target very well.” Asriel eyes lit up, “Really? Oh, can you show us? I really want to see it in action.” You look over at Toriel, “I'm not sure that's a good idea Azzy. Mom just told me not to and I promised to do so in a more secluded location.” Asriel looked up at Toriel with pleading eyes and sighs.

“Alright, but this is the last time and if possible could you do it so that its a little less noisy. Also move it away from the house so you don't accidentally cause any damage to it.” You nod in agreement as you move some distance away from the house, Toriel, and Asriel as you prepare to show them. You summon the pillar of fire like you had before, but this time you held back on the lightning strike. Asriel runs over to you, “That was SO COOL!! Could you teach me how to do that?”

A shiver runs down your back as you look over your shoulder and notice Toriel giving you a glare, “Ha ha ha, I don't think that's a good idea Azzy.” You move in closer to whisper in his ear, “Mom doesn't look thrilled at that idea and is giving that, “you better not” look.” Asriel looks over at Toriel and notices what you mean. He ends up scratching the back of his head, “Ha ha ha, on second thought it looks hard to pull off and I can't even use lightning magic anyway. So um... how about we just go inside for dinner instead.”

You all head in and have a nice meal before the rest of the day comes to a close, you lay in bed thinking about your plans for tomorrow as you slowly drift off to sleep.  


by Wristan
Here's the third chapter. Next chapter maybe delayed due to being sick, but it's mostly ready. I just have to proofread it one more time.

undertale 10,282, original characters 5,828, catboy 3,453, au 2,499, monsters 2,023, goatmom 780, male/male/male/female 417, goatbro 108, goatdad 44
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 9 years, 3 months ago
Rating: Mature

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