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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 84

Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 85
Keywords male 1198750, female 1089367, pokemon 192551, rabbit 139688, bunny 112846, human 108700, girl 93785, boy 81154, males 43340, woman 29273, females 24945, man 19103, snake 18532, the 16961, humanoid 15807, story 14016, boys 11364, girls 9828, sea 6346, of 6296, ocean 6230, lopunny 4827, series 4644, master 4357, men 3900, gardevoir 3538, battle 3392, snivy 2793, women 2744, serpent 2397, ship 2061, kirlia 1316, serperior 1226, buneary 1189, guardian 1082, tale 875, ninetails 867, ralts 540, chapter 502, servine 448, tale of the guardian master 304, totgm 258, cruise 161, gyarados 79
Chapter 84 - Guardian Overboard!!!

"Are you insane lad?!! You'll send every passenger and crewman alike into a frenzied panic!!" Rostron shout, trying to get up only to let out a crippled shout and fall back against Dragonair. "We want to save lives, not endanger them all the more!!" Smith added, trying to raise up himself only for his back to snap once again causing him to shout and freeze up before laying back down. "D-Damn it..." he groaned. "I'm not under anyone's employ so I have more leeway with the rules. The fact of the matter is we're all in danger, and the people on this ship deserve the truth. Even if you kept it secret they would still freak out once the fighting starts and that would be just as bad as not knowing what's going on, maybe worse." he point out, the Captain and Chief looking at one another nervously before giving a begrudging nod in response. "I still can't handle everything in here on my own. Can ANY of you get in here and lend a hand?" he asked, looking at the Captain and others still sprawled on the floor from the impact. Groaning, two of the officers managed to force themselves up, having suffered sprains and likely slight concussions of their own yet pushing themselves to limp back to their chairs as the phones began ringing off the hook. "You two handle whatever calls you can for now and explain the situation. Captain, think if I helped you could sit at the monitors and help keep tabs on the ships health?" he asked, Rostron trying to sit up once more. "A-Aye lad, that much I can handle." he replied, Chris nodding before handing the wheel over to Serenity and rushing to Rostrons side, lifting him and slowly guiding him to the controls. "Leg and arm both are broken huh?" Chris asked, sitting him down. "As long as I've got one of each I can still manage. Don't you worry about me. Rather, anything you can do for my men?" he asked. "I'll do what I can, we need to get you splint up somehow too though." Chris replied, looking around.

Using the materials that had broken off the bridge, he quickly splint up the Captains leg as best he could and tucked part of his broken arm through his vest to cradle it. "Alright, that will have to do. How's the energy look?" he asked. "Going by this we're already down just below 20 minutes worth of power. Once it's gone, the ships dead and we're as defenseless as a newborn." he replied. Nodding, Chris rushed back into Dragonairs room to look over the other officers, each having suffered what looked like broken limbs and possible spinal injuries, with two still out cold from slamming into the frozen tank. "Right as we were entering the blast hit. Sent everyone flying into stuff. The door slammed shut against the Captain and took out his arm and leg in the process, good thing ol' Dragonair here caught him. At least his fall was cushioned." Smith explained, Dragonair letting out a weak sound as she lay limp, her jewels now a pitch black color as if filled with ink. Doing what he could to splint everyone up and take care of the unconscious officers heads, he rest them on Dragonair before returning to the helm. "What's the status of the passengers?" he asked. "Chaos, no better word for it." one of the officers replied. "Crew's doing what they can to calm everyone but barely a soul wants to listen. If it continues there's going to be injuries and damage in no time." the other officer replied. "Hand me a phone, I'll see what I can..." Rostron ordered, cut off as Chris picked up the communicator at the helm. "Attention everyone, this is Chris again." he began. "I just want to let everyone know Captain Rostron is fine. We've got two officers on duty, two unconscious, and the others are too wounded to serve, including Chief Smith. You may have felt it when we suffered the impact, but the bridge has been blown to bits by a Mega Gyarados, which presently towers just before us. There's a swarm of other Gyarados that have encircled the Guardian, and I hate to say it but it's up to us to save ourselves." he explained, Rostron and the two officers looking at one another nervously.

"This is also a notice that I'll be taking control of your Pokemon, so don't panic when you see them acting on their own as they'll be following my orders. That said, this is also a warning that I'll have to use force on those who cannot remain calm. Some psychic type Pokemon will be kept aside for the sake of settling down any aggressive behavior, so please control yourselves so this resort doesn't have to be used." he warned. "L-Lad, force?" Rostron asked. "I'd rather knock a few out over potentially losing lives or seeing anyone else with broken bones." Chris replied. Hearing another ear piercing roar from the Mega Gyarados, the blizzard suddenly blast into the bridge, the wind battering the outside of the ship as the powerful Pokemon before them recovered from the electricity bit by bit, the swarm around them letting out cries of their own for war. "F-F-Freezing!!" Alicia shout, ducking into Chris's clothing as everyone covered their faces from the stinging ice flying in. "A-Alright, no time to waste. Serenity! Time to expand again!" he shout, the Pokemon nodding and standing by his side as he gripped the helm.  Closing her eyes, she let him know she was ready. "Rose, you go into Dragonairs room and do what you can to take care of them in there and stay safe, alright?" he ordered, the rabbit nodding before carefully heading into the room. Looking at Serenity, he nodded and put his hand on her head. "This is a call for all Pokemon on this ship! It's Chris again everyone!" he said. Glancing at the officers on the phones, they looked back with a nod. "The crew say the Pokemon have settled, looks like they all hear you." one of them reported. "Sounds like our own Pokemon hear you as well, you've got their attention. Plus it seems the passengers are settling a bit and taking cover." the other officer added. "Alright everyone! We've already told the humans, now it's your turn to know the truth." Chris began. Explaining the situation, he immediately went on to explain their orders.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading

"It's dangerous, but I need all, and I mean EVERY electric Pokemon to get outside and gather on the solar panels. Some of you may need to expose the wiring so you can pump as much power into the ship as you can. As far as all of you psychic types, hate to say it but you're gonna have the most work! I need some of you and the infant Pokemon to remain with the humans to keep them calm, while the rest of you position yourselves throughout and down into the ship and ready yourselves. It's gonna be up to you to help force the inner workings of the Guardian past their limit and make sure nothing falls apart while putting a barrier around the hull at the same time. You're our reinforcement!" he went on. Hearing this, electric Pokemon throughout the ship charged up towards the decks while psychics rushed in the opposite direction, heading down and throughout the ship. "Captain, the controls for the cameras should be near you. Think you can use them to give us a picture of how things are going?" he asked. "Aye lad, our screens are pretty banged up but they should still display images for us." Rostron nodded before working the controls, the displays flashing on one by one, the screens shattered yet operational nonetheless as some struggled to operate, randomly flickering and dangling by their wires. "Good! Alright, lets get some views of the panels, things like the ships pistons..." Chris ordered, Rostron displaying his requests bit by bit until every display had its set location. "Alright, we're in business! Time left?" Chris asked. "Looks like a little under ten minutes. Better finish your plan quickly lad!" Rostron warned, the current already beginning to fade as the Gyarados swarm inched closer and closer. "How you holding up Serenity?" Chris asked, rubbing her head. "Doing fine. Sure plan will work? We can still..." she tried to remind, Chris giving her a glare causing the Pokemon to jolt and glance away. "Alright, now this is a command for all remaining Pokemon with long range attacks. I need one of you at every single porthole on this ship, two if possible for double the firepower. You're going to act like canons and help keep the swarm at bay as best you can while I steer us through this mess. We're running out of time everyone, so hurry!!" he ordered.

Looking at the displays, it was like an explosion of Pokemon were infesting the vessel as they burst from the exits, sprinting, crawling, and climbing their way all over the place towards the solar towers atop the ship. Clinging to them one by one, it wasn't long before all you could see were Pokemon on the colossal structures, several ripping them apart to expose the wiring within as ordered. "Look at them all..." one of the officers muttered. "Everything alright out there?!" Smith shout, trying to sit up and look at them. "We're doing fine Smith, don't cause yourself anymore injuries than you've already got!" Rostron ordered, the Chief grumbling and laying still once more. "Alright, electric types are ready, looks like the psychics are almost set, the rest are just about prepped too." Chris muttered, looking over the displays as the current continued to dwindle around the ship. "Almost dead here lad, better hop to it!" Rostron warned, the monitors fading into yellow and red colors. Thinking about the passengers again, an idea popped into Chris's mind as he touched Serenity's head again. "Last second change of order! For those of you with vines, I need some of you to stick with the humans and help secure them! Strap yourselves together to anything sturdy you can find!" he said, countless Pokemon rushing back to the lobby's as he picked up the communicator, taking a deep breath before nodding and holding it up to his mouth. "Alright everyone! This is Chris again! Get down and stay safe, we're outta here!" he warned, watching the displays as the crew and passengers huddled together for safety, Pokemon arriving as told and helping strap them together against posts and the like. "Alright, this is it, this is it..." he thought, Rostron picking up one of the phones and patching through to the speakers. "This is Captain Rostron, don't you worry everyone. We'll make it out of here in one piece, I give you my word. Just take care of one another until we've made it to safety!" he added, looking back at Chris. "That goes for our passengers, AND our Pokemon." he finished before hanging up and looking over the monitors. "We're out of time lad! If were moving, then we'd best get!" he shout. With a nod, Chris put his hand back on Serenity's head. "Electric Pokemon! Psychic Pokemon! We move NOW! Charge up the ship and lets go!!" he ordered.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading

Hearing his command, the electric Pokemon engulfing the solar towers released their energy all at once as Chris ordered the defenses shut down, instead rerouting the charge into the ship herself as deep within her depths the psychic Pokemon forced her pistons into a blind furry, pounding away so quickly you could feel the ship seemingly explode back to life. "Steady there lad! It's too much at once!!" Rostron warned, the monitors blaring as the electric charge combined with the stress within the ship pushed the needles far beyond the red zone. "It's just enough! We're outta here!" Chris replied as the ship lurched forward, gradually picking up pace more and more as they sailed straight for the Mega Gyarados. The electric current now gone, the swarm rapidly charged towards the ship from every angle, and just as they were about to slam into her massive hull Chris gripped the helm as tightly as he could and let out the loudest shout of his life, everyone jolting and covering their ears in surprise as Ninetails aura exploded around him. Next thing they knew, they felt the bow of the ship lifting upwards until it was pointed at the sky, everyone holding onto whatever they could as the ship flew over the leader and swarm before instantly plummeting back into the sea with a colossal crash, the water flying into the air all around them as they sailed onward away from the enemy. "Don't EVER do that again!!!" Ninetails screamed in his mind. "Sorry!! Only way to get past!!" Chris replied. Looking at Rostron and the officers, they were looking at Chris dumbfounded. "What are you all doing!? I need coverage here!! Show me the swarm!!" Chris ordered, Rostron and the others snapping out of their looks with a "R-Right!!" in response. Redirecting the cameras, they could see them all rapidly charging after the Guardian from behind. "Alright, you want some, come get some." Chris grumbled. "Y-You okay?" Serenity asked concerned, noticing the sweat all over him from the stress of lifting the ship. "F-Fine, Ninetails is just pissed and won't stop screaming in my head..." he replied.

As the ship continued to reach higher and higher speeds, the output of power slowly balanced out the input, the monitors lowering into the yellow as the water began climbing higher and higher at the sides of the ship due to her increasing speed, slicing its way through the surface as the sea began rocking and lifting the Guardian. "Serenity, can you act as a two way communicator for me? I need to know how the Pokemon are doing. We don't need any of them passing out on us." he asked. "Can try, give second." She replied before closing her eyes. "Electric Pokemon doing okay, Psychic still good too. They say not do what you did again though, it hurt them when hull hit water." she explained. "Don't worry, Ninetails won't let me lift the ship again, she's cut me off." he replied with an irritated look on his face. "What's our speed Captain? Have we capped off yet?" he asked. "Still climbing, we're close to 30 knots but not quite there yet, the swells making it hard for the ship to progress." Rostron replied. "We've gotta get it past 30... We'll never have a chance if we can't even reach top speed." he muttered before holding his hand out to Serenity, the Pokemon nodding and placing her forehead against it. "Psychics! We need more speed! I need you to push the ship harder!" he ordered. Down below, the already straining pistons began spinning and pounding all the more, steam spewing everywhere as crewmen worked rapidly to keep the ship from giving out. "Steady lad! You're heading for the red again!" Rostron warned, noticing another knot of speed, followed by another, then another as the ship seemingly flew over the towering waves, crashing down again and again as the swarm progressed from behind. "Huh, maybe they're slower than I..." Chris said, suddenly cut off when something slammed into the side of the ship causing the Guardian to shake everyone to the floor. "The devil was that?!" Rostron shout, he and the officers quickly climbing back in their chairs as Chris gripped the helm once more, helping Serenity up as the cameras scanned the hull.

As the ship was slammed into once again, they held on tightly until the cameras found several of the Gyarados swimming along next to them. "Damn, some of them HAVE caught up." Chris thought. "Alright, offense Pokemon!! You ready?!" he asked with his hand on Serenity. "Can hear, they say ready!" she replied. "Alright then, on the starboard side, find those Gyarados and fire!!" he ordered. Watching the displays, countless Pokemon throughout the right side of the ship found their targets and began firing simultaneously, sending a wall of fire, auras, and more at the Gyarados, every porthole becoming a canon with every offense Pokemon on board the Guardian attacking as relentlessly as the enemy. Pushing them back, the Guardian continued picking up speed until it finally capped off at 30 knots, the Guardians top speed limit. "That's it lad, she's peaked!" Rostron shout. "No she hasn't." Chris replied, before thinking about his research and taking Rostrons hat off his head and placing it against his chest. "One hundred years ago, Arthur Henry Rostron pushed his ship past her limits." he began before looking up. "If you're up there watching, help us do the same and watch over the Guardian Arthur!" he shout, the Captain blinking at Chris in surprise before smirking. "Just like the old man, a prayer for luck." Rostron muttered before the ship was slammed into once again, this time several times on both sides sending everyone tumbling to the floor. Quickly getting back up, everyone prepared for the main onslaught as the swarm gathered around the ship, each ripping through the waves as they targeted the liner. Taking the helm once more, Chris put the Captains hat back on and lift Serenity up with a grunt, holding her against him causing her to blush as he called out to the Pokemon through her telepathy and turned on the communicator to order the people on deck simultaneously. "Alright everyone!! The ships reached top speed!! Now we're gonna push her even further!!" he commanded. "Psychics, I want those pistons moving so fast every passenger aboard can feel the burn! Electrics, amp up the juice as much as you can! Let the world see your power!!" he ordered.

Feeling the ship rattle from the immeasurable strain and the attacks combined, the electric Pokemon released enough electricity to seemingly power half the world, smoke beginning to rise from the solar towers as the systems worked triple time to handle the massive surges, a spark flying here and there. Crashing into wave after wave, within the ship passengers could hear the hull straining to handle the onslaught of sea and Gyarados combined, seemingly ready to split apart even with the barrier in place thanks to the psychic Pokemon. "Careful there lad! It looks like she could blow at any second!" Rostron warned. "She can take it! What's our speed?" Chris shout back. "We've just passed 35 knots and still climbing, but it's only a matter of time before things reach a melting point down below!" the Captain point out. "Melting... Melting..." Chris muttered as more and more Gyarados started ramming the ship. "That's it!!" he suddenly shout. "This is an order for all of you with ice abilities!! Head to the lower decks immediately and do whatever you can to keep the ships system from overheating!! If anything down there gives out we're dead!!" he ordered, the displays showing countless Pokemon leaving their positions and racing down the ship. "Offense Pokemon!! Port and starboard, keep both sides as clear as you can!! They're hitting us from all angles now!!" he added before having Serenity step back as he took the helm with both hands. "One good smash deserves another..." he growled before suddenly turning the Guardian hard to starboard, running clear over countless Gyarados and sending others flying as the ship smashed into their faces. "Hope that gives you a headache!!" he shout as the ship pushed on. As the ice Pokemon reached the pistons and engines, they took their positions and began carefully firing ice on as much of the ships inner workings as they could, everything letting out a groan and hissing as the ship suddenly climbed a massive waved and crashed down causing everyone to stumble before quickly resuming their duties.

"No wonder the Arceanic..." Chris muttered, suddenly turning hard to port smashing over more Gyarados. While ahead of them was a clear view of the ocean, at the ships sides and behind all you could see were Gyarados ripping apart the sea as the Pokemon did their best to hold them back, the Guardian finding itself slammed against repeatedly nonetheless despite the firepower of thousands of Pokemon blasting the Gyarados away. Watching the monitors, Chris could see Pokemon beginning to slip and drop off the towers due to fatigue, the psychics within the ship beginning to pass out as well due to the immense strain on their minds from securing an entire ship. "Crap, they're not lasting long enough..." Chris muttered. "Hey Smith!! Rose!! How you holding out in there?!" Chris shout. "We're fine lad! Even with my back out of shape I'd say Dragonair is in the worst condition!!" Smith replied. "Those two humans that were knocked out have woken up but they won't say anything, they just look confused!" Rose added. Looking back into the room, Rostron glanced at Dragonair and the two officers that had come out of their unconscious states with a nervous expression on his face. "Just hold on you lot, everyone's giving it their all to help us escape this mess!" Rostron said before being nearly thrashed out of his chair as the ship was rammed again and again, Chris struggling to maintain his grip on the helm as he once again turned hard to starboard, trying to maintain a straight path while using the ship to take out whatever Gyarados he could. "Sir! We're getting calls from the lobby's! The crew say the hull sounds like its getting weaker!" one of the officers shout at the controls, Chris noticing more psychics falling to the floor on the monitors. "Our barriers not gonna hold at this rate. If they keep giving out the hulls done for..." Chris thought.

"Hey, think we have enough energy to use the ships defenses AND sail at the same time?" Chris asked. "It's really not intended for use when the ship's accelerating lad. Normally she's meant to be shut down so the current is focused in one direction. I've no idea what would happen if we tried to shock the sea while in motion. It could fry the whole ship, and going by the look of those towers she's already cookin'." Rostron point out, smoke beginning to bellow more and more from the solar towers as they began slightly melting even with the freezing blizzard engulfing the atmosphere. Thinking it over, Chris was about to try using the ships defenses when all of a sudden a colossal iceberg appeared nearby. "C-Crap!!" he panicked, turning the ship hard to port to avoid the obstacle. "The hell did that come...?!" he shout, pausing when he saw the Mega Gyarados in the monitor, readying another ice beam from behind the ship. "Ooohhhh we've got more company!!" he panicked, Rostron and the officers noticing as well as Chris sharply turned hard to port as the Gyarados released its power and another berg shot up nearby. "He WAS the one who took out the Arceanic!!" Chris shout, thinking back on the pictures once more as Rostron and the officers grit their teeth. "There's supposedly no such thing as a bad Pokemon, but I beg to differ." the Captain growled before nearly falling out of their chairs as Chris swerved hard to starboard as another blast flew just past the side of the ship, narrowly missing it before exploding on the surface of the water sending more ice shooting up. Avoiding beam after beam, Chris did his best to steer the ship to safety while simultaneously losing more and more Pokemon along the way, even their offense began tiring out as they started rotating to give one another a break throughout the ship.

After a moment, the ice attacks suddenly stopped, causing everyone to panic as they searched the monitors and scanned the sea for the Mega Gyarados that had suddenly disappeared. "Maybe they've chased us off enough..." Chris muttered. Noticing the ships trembling beginning to settle as well, they saw the Gyarados swarm back away from the hull, still following nonetheless. "Gettin' a bad feelin' lad." Rostron warned as they continued looking over the monitors. Ahead of them was a towering wave that continued growing as they sailed closer, and once they went over the massive swell everyone froze wide eyed as the Mega Gyarados lied in waiting, having rushed ahead to ready another attack and surprise them. "Turn!! TURN!!" Rostron shout. "C-Can't!! We're going down at too steep an angle!!" Chris shout, straining to turn the wheel as the ship plummeted along the back of the wave they passed. Watching as the energy gathered more and more within the Gyarados colossal maw, the ship suddenly slammed into the sea as it reached the bottom of the wave before lurching back up, rocking about as Chris tried to change direction. "Come on... Come on!!" he shout, everyone watching as the Mega Gyarados leaned its head back before releasing its explosive power. "It's gonna hit us again!!" one of the officers panicked, both men quickly hiding under the controls as Rostron and Chris froze up, watching the beam head right for the bridge. Suddenly sprinting towards the windows, Serenity rocket out of the bridge into the air, Chris and Rostron jolting in surprise and shaking their heads as they watched her spread her arms out. "S-Serenity?!! MOVE!!!" Chris panicked. As the massive burst of energy rocket closer to the ship, both watched as the beam slammed into Serenity, the Pokemon halting it with a barrier just before the bridge as the electric types on the towers were blown off due to the explosive impact, flying all over the ship as Serenity continued taking on the blast.

"You... Not..." she groaned, gritting her teeth as she held her hands out in front of her, pushing the energy back as best she could. "You... Not...!!!" she repeat, shutting her eyes tightly. Suddenly, both Chris and Rostron watched as darkness exploded around Serenity, her eyes shooting open as her pupils sharpened and the white in her eyes turned pitch black. "You not... You not..." she growled as her barrier began spinning rapidly, absorbing the energy instead of deflecting it. "You... Not... Hurt... My MASTER!!!!" she screamed before suddenly firing back her own colossal charge of energy, combined with that of the Gyarados taking out its beam and sending the massive Pokemon before them flying back and slamming into the sea, Serenity sent flying back and smashing into the bridge as the ship sped over where the leader was. "Serenity!! You okay?!" Chris panicked, looking at her as she lay sprawled out in front of them. "F-Fine, really sting." she groaned, standing with a wobble and rubbing her head as her eyes slowly fade back to normal. "Are we clear of the enemy YET?!" Alicia asked, popping her head out of his coat and looking around. "Far from it. It seems like their numbers just keep growing, and ours keep falling." Chris replied, watching the displays as the electric Pokemon climbed back on the towers and did their best to continue charging the ship, what few were able to do so. "Power's dropping lad, and looks like our help down below is almost gone too." Rostron point out, the displays showing the pistons and engines and other workings of the ship surrounded by unconscious Pokemon, even those keeping everything cool starting to tire as the monitors showed everything dropping. "Wh-What about those calls for help?" Alicia asked. "No good, not a single response." one of the officers point out.

"Looks like it's time for a change of tactic then... Serenity! Could you tell all the remaining psychic types to forget pushing the ship? We need as many left as possible to help those left securing the hull. That barrier has to stay up. We'll have to rely on the Guardian herself to push us along now..." he ordered, Serenity nodding and closing her eyes, giving the order with a groan before stumbling and leaning against one of the window frames. "They hear, but not sure if I can keep doing that. Really sore." she told him. "Don't worry about it, you've done enough, just rest." he assured her. "As long as we can keep the ship cool and the electric Pokemon can keep up with the ships needs we should be able to keep it at top speed at the very least. We've made it a good ways so hopefully those things will start tiring out." Chris muttered before another round of the Gyarados slamming the ship began again, going on the offensive once more now that the leader had quit attacking. "Think we sailed right over where the Mega Gyarados was, not sure where the beast is now. I can't believe that Po... Er, girl of yours managed to take on a Mega Pokemons attack like that. And to use it in her favor, impressive." Rostron praised, looking at Serenity as she groaned. "N-No problem." she replied, waving her hand as they climbed yet another massive wave and splashed down. "We're not going to make it, are we...?" Alicia asked, looking up at Chris as he faced the clear sea ahead as if fate were mocking them. "Don't worry, we always have before." he reminded, gripping the helm. Looking at the displays, he saw all of the passengers huddled together with the Pokemon, screaming and covering themselves as the ship was mercilessly attacked. In one of the displays, he noticed Sally and her grandmother clinging to one another, holding onto the post beneath the Cherub in the first class lobby.

"All of these people, what am I..." Chris muttered, gritting his teeth before picking up the communicator. "This is Chris everyone!! Don't you worry, we're gonna be just fine. We've made it quite a ways and the swarm's gonna tire out any time now!!" he tried to assure them. Suddenly, he heard the familiar roar of the leader, and looking towards the right, he saw it preparing yet another ice beam, once again aiming for the bridge. "HOW DOES IT KNOW TO ATTACK HERE?!!" he shout. "You'd think a Pokemon would pick whatever target it could, but the demon really has his eyes set on our bridge." Rostron admit. "Can handle." Serenity growled, readying herself only to freeze up and groan, her body in a slightly paralyzed state from the strain of taking on one blast already. "Sorry, but I'm afraid your line of defense was a one time bargain, one I still can't believe you pulled off." the Captain point out. "No! Can do it!" she argued, readying herself to fly off only to wince and stumble onto a knee. As Chris tried to steer the ship away, it was to no avail as the swarm slammed against the ship with all their might, now trying to control it as the leader finished readying his attack. "No good sir!! Here it comes!!" one of the officers shout. "Down Captain!!" the other added, both men nodding before hurrying up to Rostron and pulling him down as the blast was sent flying towards them, despite his objections both verbally and physically. "No..." Chris muttered, his eyes widening as Alicia ducked into his clothes and clung to him tightly, Rose clinging to Dragonair as she coiled around the men as best she could. Noticing the attack heading towards the front portion of the bridge, Chris jolt and reached for his staff, jamming it in the wheel to keep it lodged in place. "Serenity!! MOVE!!!" he screamed, running towards where she was at the windows.

Looking at Chris, she blinked in surprise before looking at the blast as well, caught off guard and freezing up only for Chris to yank her by the arm and shove her towards the back of the bridge, the Pokemon stumbling over the controls and landing atop Rostron and the others. Quickly raising their heads up, all four watched the attack explode into the bridge, wiping out the front portion in its entirety as if in slow motion leaving a gaping hole in the structure and Chris nowhere to be seen. "N-No..." Serenity muttered, all four wide eyed as she shot up and stumbled towards where he was. "No, no no no!!!" she screamed, falling to the floor when Rose grabbed her along with two of the officers as she quickly looked around before finding Chris as he plummet towards the sea on the port side of the ship. "MASTER!!!" she shout, Rose screaming his name as well as Serenity reached her hand out yet was unable to help, her body still recovering from taking on the first blast as she clutched her torso and lay under Rose and the men, watching with tears in her eyes. As Chris got closer and closer to the raging water, he let out a groan and shook his head, jolting as he saw where he was headed. "ALICIA!!!" he screamed, the snake popping her head out, dazed from the blast as well. Yanking her out of his coat, he reared his arm back causing her to let out a confused "e-eh?!" as she saw the ocean getting closer, freezing up wide eyed until he hurled her as hard as he could back towards the ship. Screaming as she flew through the air, she slammed against the railing and clung on tightly, quickly looking back as Chris splashed into the water. "Wh-Wha...?" she muttered, hearing Serenity screaming and looking towards the remaining section of the bridge where she lay weeping, Rose and the officers doing their best to keep her pinned down as Rostron joined in, struggling to pull her back to avoid letting her get hurt as well.

"Ch-Chris...?" she stuttered, looking back at the sea and seeing him flailing on the surface as the ship pressed onward leaving him behind as the swarm followed. "Ch-Chris?!! CHRIS!!!" she screamed, rapidly slithering her way along the railing towards the stern of the ship. Releasing her vines, she repeatedly tried reaching out to him only for their length to wind up too short as the back of the ship grew closer and closer, watching as he dipped under the surface repeatedly and the Gyarados narrowly missed him as they swam along, seemingly ignoring him with their attention focused on the ship itself. "I can't reach him, I can't reach him...!!" she panicked as the stern grew all the more closer, her chances running out as the ocean flipped Chris beneath the surface once again, Alicia desperately trying to reach out to him with her vines and screaming for him to reach out as well, her voice drowned out by the sea and swarm combined. Suddenly, she was able to make out the sound of his voice nonetheless, watching as he waved towards the ship and screamed "Keep going!!! Don't stop!!!" towards the cameras. In the bridge, the officers and Rose were struggling with Serenity as she tried to dislodge Chris's staff from the wheel, expanding her telepathic range and screaming for other Pokemon to help while Rostron did the same at the controls, following Chris with the cameras while trying to call for the aid of his crew, noticing Chris's motion to sail onward. "That lad..." he muttered, gritting his teeth before shouting orders to do whatever could be done to help before the ship was too far away. As several of the men and women of the Guardian crew and the Pokemon hurried towards the decks, they grabbed life preservers along the way while trying to reach the outside in time, Alicia continuing to chase after him along the railing until she finally reached the stern. "No..." she muttered, her eyes widening as Chris float past the ship and began drifting behind it.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - The Queens Valor

"Chris... Chris..." she hicked, tears welling up in her eyes. "CHRIS!!!" she screamed, clinging to the railing as he drift further and further into the distance, swamped by the chaotic sea and bloodthirsty swarm. With tears streaming from her eyes, Alicia grit her teeth before leaping from the railing onto the deck, running along before turning and facing the sea. Shutting her eyes tightly, she suddenly made a rapid sprint towards the end of the stern. Catching her on one of the remaining displays, Rostron point Alicia out to the others, everyone watching as she reached the end and made a leap of faith into the air. Going wide eyed, both Serenity and Rose froze up seeing her act. Screaming out his name once again, Alicia suddenly began glowing before a bright aura flashed around her. As she splashed into the sea, it was only several seconds until a vine burst from the surface and shot towards the ship, snapping around the railing before Alicia shot up as well, her body still glowing as she rapidly slithered her way through the frigid waters, her form changing along the way as she went as far out in Chris's direction as she could. Once her vine clinging to the ship yanked her back, she scanned for his location before sending her other vine shooting like a bullet towards him. Struggling to remain above the surface, Chris saw the glowing vine heading in his direction, and gritting his teeth he ducked below the surface before shooting up and reaching for it, managing to grab the very end before he too was yanked along. Gripping it as tightly as he could, Chris couldn't tell what the object was due to the strange glow, quickly pulling himself along as he noticed the other end connected to the ship. His body growing stiff due to the frigid temperature of the air and sea combined, he could feel his bones beginning to grind against themselves, his joints slowly feeling as though they were locking up on him.

Finally, he reached the midway point between him and the ship and found a large form glowing before him. "W-W-W-Wha...?" he stuttered, pulling himself up close before grabbing hold of it. Finally, the glow along the vines and the form before him flashed away, and as his eyes went wide as can be, he saw Alicia now in her Serperior form, looking down at him weakly. "Y-Y-Y... Y-Y-You..." Chris stuttered before quickly shaking his head. "Y-Y-You i-i-IDIOT!!! W-What are you d-d-doing?!!! Y-Y-You'll D-D-DIE!!!" he shout, the snake unable to respond as her eyes slowly grew heavy, the frigid water quickly taking its toll on her reptilian system. Her head beginning to go limp, she tried to shake it off as she wrapped her free vine around him and tied it in place, tying the other end clinging to the railing as well so it wouldn't give as she passed out. Looking down at him, she looked down at herself as well, smiling weakly in an "I did it..." kind of way as her eyes closed bit by bit, Chris trying to shake her and keep her conscious. On the deck, the passengers and Pokemon summoned finally arrived, one of the women finding the vine on the rail and motioning everyone over. Looking towards the sea, they found Chris and Alicia together and quickly went to work, pulling the vine in together. Seeing this, the Gyarados finally took notice of Chris and set their sights on him as well, only for the electric Pokemon on the towers to act as a line of defense and attack them, keeping as many at bay as they could while trying to avoid shocking Chris and Alicia in the process. As they were pulled in bit by bit, Chris continued shaking Alicia, trying to force her to stay conscious. "C-C-Come on!! D-D-Don't give out on m-m-me now!!!" he shout. Suddenly, one of the Gyarados charged up and leaped into the air above them, plummeting down with its mouth wide open and ready to swallow the two, and just as it reached them it was suddenly blast away by a blue aura. Lowering his arm and opening his eyes, Chris saw the Lucario from before at the stern, helping defend them as well by blasting what Gyarados it could, noticing Garchomp as well as it took Lucario on its back and suddenly took off in the air. Rocketing towards the two, they worked together to hold off the onslaught as everyone on the deck pulled faster and faster until the two had reached the stern at last.

Gradually pulled up bit by bit, by the time they were finally pulled over the railing Alicia had gone completely limp, seemingly in a comatose state with her eyes shut, her shivering having ceased as well. "C-Come on!! H-Hey!!" Chris shout, lifting her head and shaking her while trying to listen for her pulse as everyone surrounded the two. "I-I-Inside!! T-Take her inside!!!" he shout, lifting the front of her now massive form and quickly trying to pull her along despite his own frozen body. In the bridge, Rostron and his officers were cheering excitedly, giving Smith an update as well causing him and the officers in Dragonairs room to sigh in relief. Flying into the bridge, Lucario got off Garchomp and offered to let Serenity and Rose ride down to Chris's side, quickly helping Serenity remove his staff from the wheel as one of the officers took control of it instead. Taking it with her, Serenity jumped on Garchomps back and lift Rose up as well before the Pokemon ran off and jumped back into the air, gliding down to the stern where the passengers were helping lift Alicia and carry her along, struggling to walk due to the ship continuing to suffer the onslaught of the swarm. "Chris!! We here!! You okay?!" Serenity shout, jumping off Garchomp along with Rose before running up, both Pokemon looking at Alicia with awe struck expressions. "She did it..." Serenity muttered. "She's huge!! She looks amazing!!" Rose added. "HELP US!!!" Chris shout, snapping the two out of their surprised mindsets as he and the others carried Alicia along. Jolting and shaking their heads, both joined in as they rushed her towards the third class entrance, stumbling repeatedly and nearly dropping her due to the ship continuously suffering blow after blow. Keeping his face forward, Chris kept his teeth grit as he pulled Alicia along over his shoulder, leading everyone into the ship and down the stairs. "Wh-Where we going? What wrong with..." Serenity asked nervously. "The spas!!" he shout abruptly, cutting her off. "Idiot!! Don't you die on me!!" he shout at Alicia, patting her face and trying to shake her as they continued climbing down before reaching the C deck where the spas were. Rushing her into one of the facilities, the water had splashed everywhere out of the jacuzzi's.

Quickly programming the largest one to refill itself, Chris adjusted the heat before having Alicia dropped inside, demanding a cloth and dipping it in the water before wiping her face. "Come on, wake up!!" he shout, Serenity and Rose watching nervously as the passengers and Pokemon remained silent with solemn expressions. In the bridge, Rostron had found them on the display and was watching along with his officers. "Her type in waters like that, I don't know." he muttered, the officers looking at one another nervously. "S-Sir, how do we escape this now? The towers are done for and those psychic Pokemon are almost completely out of it." one of them point out. "Captain! What's going on in there?!" Smith shout. "Looks like that Alicia Pokemon might have done herself in saving the lad. And it looks like we're out of time too..." Rostron explained, Smith and the officers in Dragonair's room looking at one another in concern. In the spa facility, Chris continued patting Alicia on the face as her head rest limply against the side of the jacuzzi. "Wake up!! Please wake up!!" he begged, tears starting to well up in his eyes as Serenity rubbed her arm in silence. "Never get along much. Always make mad. But she still risk life to save him even though she always act stuck up and like she not care. She even evolve to save him... She know that water kill her." Serenity muttered. "She's gotta be okay. She's gotta..." Rose added, holding her hands together nervously. "Alicia!! Come on!! Please!!" he begged, shaking her again before his tears finally began streaming. "I beg you!! P-Please..." he hicked, pulling Alicia in his arms and holding her tightly as the water steamed around her submerged body and he continued rubbing the hot cloth on her. Feeling the ship getting hammered once again, Chris clung to Alicia all the tighter as the water splashed everywhere from the tub. "Alicia... Please?" he begged again, this time his voice quieter as he began sobbing.

After a moment, an aura slowly rose from Chris's back unbeknownst to him and hovered above everyone before taking on the form of Ninetails, the Pokemon looking down at Chris and Alicia while the passengers and Pokemon looked up in surprise. Noticing Ninetails themselves, Serenity and Rose looked at one another with wary expressions, remaining silent as well. Looking down at Alicia, she also faced Serenity and Rose before giving a nod of approval, both girls blinking at on another confused as she began to seemingly melt, her aura trickling into the jacuzzi giving the water a feint glow before returning to normal. While Chris continued sobbing and begging Alicia to stay with them, everyone's eyes went wide in awe as they saw the snakes eyes slowly open, her gaze meeting everyone's as she looked at all the people and Pokemon confused before noticing Chris's grasp around her neck. A surprised and touched look on her face, Alicia smiled while slowly lifting her tail out of the jacuzzi. "Hey fool. You're going to strangle me to death..." she giggled before giving him a soft swat on the back of his head. Jolting in surprise, Chris pulled away and looked Alicia in the eyes as she raised up before them, towering high with her new body and holding her head up proudly. "A-Alicia?" he stuttered, the snake looking down at him and grinning. "Who else? Is this form so striking its left you speechless?" she asked. "Or... Is it the opposite?" she asked nervously, glancing away as Chris remained dumbfounded before suddenly hicking again. "C-Chris?" Alicia asked, blinking in surprise as he started crying again before jumping against Alicia, both splashing down into the water as he held her tightly. "You're alive!! You're alive you're alive!!" he shout excitedly, catching her off guard before laughing and patting his head with her tail. "Naturally! Who do you take me for, a weakling like Serenity?" she replied with a grin before looking at the girls, Serenity crossing her arms with a scowl at the statement yet smirking with a nod nonetheless, Rose smiling excitedly with a wave as the passengers and Pokemon smiled and nodded.

In the bridge, Rostron and the officers were cheering once again despite the situation around them, updating Smith and the others as well causing them to laugh and cheer alongside them, Dragonair raising up and smiling too. However, after a moment they stopped cheering and slowly went silent, looking around as they noticed the attacking had stopped. "You lot feel that...?" Rostron asked warily, everyone nodding just as cautiously. "They've stopped... Have we escaped?" one of the officers asked, walking up to the gaping hole where the other half of the bridge once was and scanning the ocean. "Captain, the Gyarados!" he shout excitedly, everyone showing curious looks as Rostron looked over the monitors. "My God... They're fading off the radar! They're leaving!!" he shout excitedly, quickly picking up the communicator as everyone in the bridge began cheering all the more. "Attention everyone!! Attention!! This is the Captain speaking!!" he began, everyone freezing up and listening. "You're not gonna believe it, but the beasts are turning tale on us!! We made it!!" he said, everyone looking at one another before screaming excitedly together throughout the ship. "W-We made it?" Chris muttered, looking up before facing Alicia again and grinning ear to ear before squeezing her again. "G-Goodness, ease up! You really DO wish to strangle me!" she laughed before coiling around him for a hug, not realizing her new strength causing Chris to let out a loud "urk!!" and fade various colors in his face. "S-Stop that!!" Serenity panicked, Alicia tilting her head before looking at Chris and quickly releasing him. "S-Sorry!! I'll need time to get used to this form..." she apologized with a nervous smile. "I-It's alright. I'm still just glad you're here, so squeeze all you want!" he smiled, waving the issue aside and hugging her again. Smirking, she pat him on the back with the tip of her tail. "You hopeless fool... Bawling like a newborn just because I passed out for a bit..." she giggled before coiling around him once more, carefully this time as she leaned down and affectionately rubbed her cheek against his, the tip of her tail rattling excitedly as she teased his ear with her tongue causing him to laugh with her.

Once he was sure she was ready, Chris and the others stood aside as Alicia carefully slithered out of the jacuzzi and onto the floor with a slight plop, looking herself over nervously before raising her head above everyone. "W-Well?" she asked. Remaining silent, everyone looked at one another before smiling at her and applauding, people and Pokemon alike as Chris grinned with a thumbs up. "I'd say there isn't a Serperior out there on par with you!" he praised. "You look okay." Serenity added with a shrug before smirking again. "You're really tall now..." Rose point out, looking up at her. "Naturally! I've always been the best and now it's I who will be looking down on YOU! This is the perfect form for one who deserves to stand above all others such as I!" she replied with a laugh, holding the tip of her tail under her chin while doing so. Smiling warmly, Chris nodded and gave her a pat. "No argument there. You deserve it." he smiled while facing up at her, causing the snake to jolt and blush slightly before clearing her throat. "Y-Yes, well... I do have you to thank." she replied. "Maybe for the first evolution, but this was all you! And that's what makes it even more awesome!" he point out before suddenly scowling. "But don't you EVER scare me like that again!" he affirmed, giving her a push. "Don't carelessly put yourself in danger and I won't have to!" she point out, giving him a swat on the back of the head. "Now you know how I felt!" she told him with a slight blush. "Going on and on about having no life without us, you don't think it's the same feeling on my part?" she point out, poking him in the chest with a scowl of her own. "Being the best means little if you haven't the right person by your side to be the best with in life. You have to have someone to show off to who gets who you are and appreciates what you have to offer! At least, that's my opinion..." she added, facing away with an embarrassed look.

Rubbing his chest where she'd been poking him, Chris chuckled and nodded. "A-Anyways, come on. I wanna head up and have a look at everything now that the Gyarados are gone, plus it gives us the perfect chance to show off your new form!" Chris grinned, rubbing Alicia on the side causing her to blush slightly once again and smirk with her head up. "Come on girls! Lets go!" he told the others, offering an arm to Serenity while Rose suddenly jumped atop his shoulders and hugged him excitedly causing Chris to stumble. "E-Easy there!" he chuckled, taking his staff from Serenity with a quick thanks. Before leaving the spas altogether, they found a stand in dryer people could walk into after being in the water and used it to get dry together before heading back out. Along the way up, countless people paused in awe as Alicia slithered past, her towering form drawing attention from all classes as she held her head up and smirked. "This gonna make her even worse. Living with be impossible now..." Serenity muttered with her arms crossed, thinking about how she saved Chris and rolling her eyes, deciding to let the snake have her moment as Chris walked with his hand against Alicia, looking up with a grin and getting a quick wink from her in response. "So... What's it like not having legs now?" he asked as they made their way up the stairs. "You know, it's awkward, yet it feels rather natural. Oddly enough I feel as though this is how I've been my whole life." she explained. "Funny how evolution works for Pokemon then I guess." he replied. "Many things are altered, not just our bodies. In a way our minds evolve as well to adapt to our new form so we need not struggle with the change." she added. As they went through the ship back to the first class section and reached the exit back onto the deck, Alicia hesitated and slithered back slightly. Noticing this, Chris smiled and gave her a pat. "I don't blame you. Just wait here while we have a look around. The outside of the ship is pretty much frozen solid so I'd prefer it if you just wait inside for us." he assured her. "S-Sounds like a plan." she nodded, slithering back all the more while Chris and the girls stepped out.

"The sky's still pretty dark but the swirling and snow and all has quit. The ocean's still a bit of a mess too." he muttered, looking around before turning and looking up at the solar towers. "Those things are smoking bad. They really fried em'." he added. "Still, even if we can't really move now they should be able to have some kind of signals going through with the weather improving, so help should be on the way." he nodded. Walking along the deck together, they saw all of the electric Pokemon that had been on the towers now collapsed all over the place, crew and passengers alike tending to them all. "I really wish we didn't have to push em' like we did." Chris said in a somber tone. "It okay, I the one who make them." Serenity point out. "Wadaya mean? They were listening to me." he replied, raising an eyebrow. Glancing away nervously, Serenity laughed slightly and scratched her cheek before fidgeting. "I kind of have to use mind control. O-Only a little though! But, they not listen well if I not use force. Just a little force though." she explained. "Aw man, you had to control them? That kind of hurts the macho vibe a bit." Chris replied with a slight grumble in his tone. "Still, either way it got the job done and we've all come out of this alive, so I can't be mad at you for having to use force. If anything, I'm glad you did." he smiled, rubbing Serenity on the head causing her to blush slightly. "You did real good, especially the way you protected us in the bridge. I really owe both you and Alicia major props." he grinned. Hearing this, Rose poked her fingers as she remained atop his shoulders, silently saddened by his statement. "Guess when it comes to me I really haven't done much." she said quietly. "Wadaya talking about? You kept everyone in Dragonair's room safe the whole time! Plus you were the first to jump into action and stop Serenity from getting hurt!" he point out, both girls blinking at him in surprise. "What? I could see you when I was in the ocean. If it weren't for Rose you would have jumped out the bridge and possibly died yourself! Rose is as much of a hero when you consider how timid she always is. The fact she threw caution to the wind and tackled you down with her own two hands shows she's got major moxie!" he grinned, holding his hand up for Rose to give him a five, the flattered rabbit flushing and tapping his hand before fidgeting with a giggle.

Heading for the bow, they saw the crew going over all the damage that had fallen from the bridge, already setting up means of helping Rostron and the others as they prepped medical staff, guiding them up the remnants of the stairs leading to the bridge. As they headed for the bow, they paused when they heard a voice calling out, looking behind themselves and finding Alicia quickly slithering along the deck. "A-Alicia? Wh-Wadaya doin' out here?!" Chris panicked, feeling her as she shivered from the cold. "N-N-Not about to let these two ha-have you to themselves after being the one wh-who just s-s-saved your life!" she replied, shaking off the cold beneath her body due to the snow and ice covered deck and regaining her composure. "Y-You sure you'll be okay?" he asked nervously. "It's f-fine. A chilly underside I can handle. It's being s-submerged in frigid water I can't take." she assured him. Looking up at her for a moment, she gave him a scowl causing Chris to nod and let her stay by their side as they looked at all the fallen parts of the bridge. "I'm still kinda nervous though, the clouds aren't letting up and the sea's still rough..." he muttered, looking around them and at the sky. Noticing one of the crewmen nearby, he walked up and asked for a communicator, getting a nod in response. "Here you are sir. Need to speak with the Captain?" the man asked. "Yeah, it's probably nothing but something still seems a little off." he replied before putting it on. "Hey Rostron! Can you hear me?" he asked. "Ah! Good to hear from you lad! We saw the entire thing from the bridge! What a show that was!" Rostron replied excitedly. "How's the dear girl doing now?" he asked. "Alicia? She's okay now that she warmed back up. She's on the deck with us now but she says she can handle this much cold." Chris replied, looking at Alicia and smiling and getting a nod in response, the snake shuddering the second he looked away causing Serenity to snicker only to get swat in the back of the head by Alicia's long tail. "Hush you." she growled, Serenity rubbing the back of her head and growling back.

"A-Anyways, do you think we're really in the clear? This reminds me of one of those... Eye of the storm situations. That swarm is gone but the sea is still pretty riled up and the sky hasn't changed save for the swirling and all." Chris point out. "We don't have anything showing on radar so we're in the clear far as I can tell. Rest easy lad, we've even received messages from a few ships finally! We'll have help on site in a few hours!" Rostron revealed. Letting out a sigh of relief, Chris nodded with a "good" in response, letting the girls know as well getting a smile from them. "Guess the ship can't move on its own now huh?" he asked. "You fried everything up pretty good lad. It may have saved our skins but the Guardian's definitely near the point of no return with those towers out. She still has some limited capabilities, but that's pretty much just keeping the ship lit and everyone comfortable. We've got a full charge in our reserves so we can easily tend to peoples needs even if we can't sail anywhere at the moment, but once those reserves are out we'll be as dry as a raisin until we can get someone to repair our towers. We've already arranged to have the ship towed the rest of the way to Arcticu Valley if the towers can't be repaired so we'll arrive at our destination no matter what. I need to get quite a few things done now so I'm afraid we'll have to cut off for a while. We've got the medics arriving too looks like. I'd like to give you our thanks lad but it'll have to wait." he told Chris before shutting off the line. "Well, guess that's that then." he muttered, handing the communicator back to the crewman. Looking at the girls, he shrugged and let them know everything the Captain had said before glancing up at Alicia who was forcing a straight face, her body shivering as people walked around her, continuing to look up at her new form wide eyed.

"Belly's gettin' chilly eh?" he teased, nudging the snake and getting a grumble in response. "All the admiration warms you up though I'm sure." he chuckled, Alicia blushing slightly as she glanced at the people and Pokemon beneath her. "You know, you really don't have to go out of your way to make yourself look taller than you already are. Far as I know most Serperiors move around with their head pretty close to the height of your average person even though they're twice our size. I know being on top of the world is a big thing for you, but don't be afraid to come down to our level." he told Alicia, the snake shaking her head. "N-No thank you, the less of me touching this frigid deck the better." she point out. "Ha ha, so you're pullin' a tip toe kind of act because you're cold, not for attention. I told you to stay where it was warmer." he teased, nudging her. "Would you care for a swat again?" she growled. "No thanks, I'm good." he smirked. Heading for the tip of the bow, Chris looked around once more, noticing something strange happening to the water and motioning for the girls to take a look. "What wrong?" Serenity asked. "Doesn't the way the water's moving look kinda... Off?" he asked. "Does it matter which way the water's moving? It's the ocean after all, it goes all over the place out here." Rose replied. "Exactly, out here the water goes wherever it wants just about. But look, all around us the water is heading in the same direction, like it's being pulled kinda by force." he explained. "So... The water's changed direction. Doesn't that fit in with what the ocean does?" Alicia asked, looking down at the water and shuddering with a disgusted expression. "I dunno... I've seen water move like this before on TV but only near land. This kind of stuff usually only happens when a..." he paused, thinking it over before going wide eyed. "Tsunami..." he muttered, looking back down at the water as it pulled into the horizon ahead of the ship.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Tsunami!!!

"Tsu... Wiiwii?" Serenity asked, tilting her head as Rose did the same. Looking at the water herself, Alicia suddenly went wide eyed as well. "You know what they are?" Rose asked having noticed her change in expression. "Well, I'd like to think it's nothing to worry about out here, but I've seen them on TV as well and when one of those kind of waves hit the land it can take out entire towns and cities easily, maybe more circumstances depending. Out here it'll likely go right under us and we'll just feel a tiny sway." Alicia explained. "So tsunami just mean big wave? Then like Alicia say, we not worry out here then if only affect land." Serenity replied, waving her hand. "I dunno girls... I still think it'd be best to give the Captain a heads up." Chris told them before heading back to the crewman with the communicator and calling for Rostron again. "Lad? I told you we're busy at the moment." he reminded. "I know sir, but I think you better have a look at the ocean." Chris point out. "The... What now? Alright..." the Captain replied before going silent on his end. Having one of his medics help him to the end of what remained of the bridge, he took out his binoculars and scanned the surface of the water. "Huh, I'd know that sign anywhere." he muttered before looking ahead of the ship. After a moment, the Guardian could be felt gradually swaying as the water slowly pulled her along in the same direction, the speed of the water increasing until it was obvious to everyone what was happening as it rushed past the ship, looking as if the ocean were running away from something as Rostron returned to the controls. "Whadaya see out there sir?" Chris asked, countless passengers and crew pointing out the ocean. "Looks like we've got trouble again lad. I gotta be honest, you're making it hard to enjoy hearing from you..." Rostron replied. "From the looks of it I'd say we've got a pretty big one comin', and I don't mean a number two either. I don't think this is something we'll just float over." he point out. "Oh man..." Chris groaned, the girls looking at one another as Rostron made the same sound on his end. "Alright, back to securing everyone then. I hate telling lies but mother nature detests us today." he said before cutting off the line and turning on the speakers.

"Attention everyone! It looks like we're not out of the woods yet! We've got a tsunami on the way so I need everyone back below decks and taking cover once again!" he ordered, the passengers looking at one another before suddenly running towards the entrances , the crew directing them along. About to head inside the ship himself, Chris suddenly paused and froze wide eyed when he heard a familiar roar echo from the direction the water was heading. "You're kidding me..." he muttered, slowly turning back as the sea continued picking up pace, rushing faster and faster in the direction ahead of them and yanking the ship along with the worsening current. Hearing the roar themselves, everyone began screaming and rushing back inside the ship all the faster, the already struggling crew having to work all the harder to keep everyone safe while at the same time helping all of the worn out Pokemon inside the ship simultaneously. "C-Captain? We've got no Pokemon and it sounds like the leader's..." Chris said with a nervous pause. "I know lad, we heard it too. Someone up there REALLY hates us today." Rostron replied. "Even with our reserves fully charged as they are it would only be another half hours worth of defense, but that's only an estimate because we've no idea how much all that electricity may have fried things beyond the towers themselves. Activating it now... Could cause some unsavory explosions..." he added with a wary tone in his voice. "It wouldn't do us any good against a tidal wave anyways." Chris replied, looking ahead as the horizon began moving. Heading towards the tip of the bow, Serenity closed her eyes and squat down before placing her hands on the deck. "Serenity?" Chris thought to himself, walking up behind her. "Tell me it's not what we think it is?" he asked as she remained silent for a moment. Opening her eyes, she had a solemn look on her face as she stood and faced him.

"They coming back, all of them. Big one and normal ones." she revealed, Chris and the others turning pale. "They all together, and they on top of big wave, REALLY big wave. And it still getting bigger. By the time wave reaches us..." she paused, looking down as Chris went wide eyed and nearly fell back, Alicia catching him with her tail. "H-Hey now! Don't you go passing out this time!" she shout as he leaned against her tail. "All those Gyarados, the leader, and now some giant wave? We've got no Pokemon to help, other ships are hours away, only reserve energy left. And if we defend ourselves, we'll either get hit by the wave anyways, or blow up." he muttered. Raising himself up and watching the horizon, the shapes of the Gyarados slowly came into view as did the wave itself, rushing towards them while the sea sucked them in its direction faster and faster simultaneously. "C-Captain? What if we use the reserve energy to get away maybe?" he asked. "No good lad! We've been trying to turn her around but the girl won't budge, the currents got everything locked up!" he replied. The closer they got to the wave, the more the atmosphere began returning to the way it had been before, Chris and the girls rushing into the first class entrance as the rain mixed with blizzard began hammering the ship once again, another terrifying roar echoing from the wave causing the ship to tremble. "What we do?!" Serenity asked, once again bringing up the alternative of letting her carry them all away to safety. Gripping the frame, Chris looked ahead of them as the wave continued growing the closer they got. "No, we can't. Or... I can't." he replied, looking back at them. "If you want to escape, I won't stop you. I won't judge you. You're my family and no matter what you staying alive is what matters most to me. But I can't leave everyone on this ship. Ninetails... She's harsh, and unless you actually take a moment to think things through, she's impossible to understand and you can even hate her in the moment." he admit, thinking back on when the Gyarados attacked before. "But if she says this is what's right, if she thinks I'm ready for something, then I've gotta follow through with whatever her mission for me is. I've always made it through no matter what, we all have. And it's thanks to you girls I remembered that and believe again, in us and in Ninetails." he told them before showing a smile.

"I've got a tough life ahead of me, and you girls have helped me push through some crazy times. Whenever somethings come up I couldn't handle on my own, you've been there in your own ways every time. I really can't tell you enough how thankful I am that we became a family, how much I love you. But my life was created for the sake of others, to be there whenever the need for help pops up. Even if I'd like to be selfish sometimes and fend for myself, I just can't because deep down that's not who I am. And it's not because of Ninetails, but because that's just me at heart." he explained, Serenity going wide eyed as she flashed back to when she saw his heart, untouched by Ninetails influence. "Being terrified is part of being human. But taking on whatever challenge comes your way, and finding a way to make it through no matter what... That's what it means to really be alive, that's what really makes you stand out from all others. I've done so many things alongside you until now. You girls have suffered because of my fate time and again yet you've always put up with the troubles and dangers that come our way anyways and find a way to keep a smile on your faces. You've made this cursed life of mine perfect, and it's thanks to you especially that I'm able to call it a blessing after all these years. It's thanks to you in ways that I was finally able to bond with Ninetails too, and look at all the good that's come out of it! She even pitches in from time to time to help us along, and to go out of her way for me even if it's not something dire." he added, facing down with a guilty look. "I really owe her an apology after what she's done for us, and one way I can prove I'm sorry is by believing I'll be alright no matter what and face what's coming our way. There's a reason I'm here, and it's my responsibility to find out what that reason is no matter my doubts, because the one who brought me here believes in me even if I gave her a hard time. She believes in all of us." he went on before looking at the girls.

Facing one another, they remained silent for a moment before facing Chris and nodding together. "You took on a truck for me, so I'll take on a tsunami for you." Rose smiled, holding his hand. "You give me sight to see world, but it not world worth seeing without you." Serenity added, taking his arm in hers. "I suppose without you I'd have remained in my sorry state forever, that or died in some muck filled ditch. And now here I am in the very form I've feared for so long because a hopeless oaf like you had to worm your way in my heart and drag me into all your drama." Alicia said with her nose up before glancing down at him and lowering her head to his height. "But... I will admit you're the only one I'd ever wish to be on even level with. If it means proving my faithfulness to the one who helped me overcome what FEW blemishes I suffered from, then I'll take on a tsunami as well." she nodded. Looking at them, Chris smiled once again before hugging them all and heading back out towards the bow. Following behind, all four did their best to make their way along, clinging to the railing for support. Once they were at the tip of the bow, they stood together watching as the wave, littered with the Gyarados army and their leader at the very peak, rushed towards them and seemingly touched the sky, towering hundreds of feet before them. "I don't know what to say lad, but you're certainly a man among men to me." he heard Rostron say through the communicator in his ear, having forgotten about it. "C-Captain?! You heard all that?!" Chris shout. "Whatever happens next, it truly was an honor to meet you, and you can believe we all feel the same. Thank you... For everything you've done on this cruise lad. If we don't make it... You gave us an ending worth dying for." he told Chris, the others shouting "HERE HERE!!" in agreement in the background.

Biting his lip, Chris's eyes welled up with tears once again as the wave got closer and closer. "Y-Yeah, it was great meeting you too." he replied, the girls looking at him before each held him tightly as he gripped the railing. Hearing the leader roar once more, the ship began slowly climbing the towering wave, the ocean pulling her along causing the bow to slowly raise towards the sky as the ship slowly lift at more and more of an angle. "I love you girls..." he said, holding them all as best he could. As the top of the wave soared over the ship and prepared to come crashing down, Gyarados now falling like rain all around them, Chris repeat "I love you" again and again, the girls doing the same as they each thought of their lives together. However, there was one moment, one recent moment, that suddenly came to Serenity's mind. "I know all of you will do whatever it takes to ensure he lives a happy and safe life. Which is why I want you to take this, because there may come a day when the strength on hand isn't enough." she heard Gerald's voice echo in her mind. As Chris continued repeating his love for them all, Serenity felt a sudden pulse run through her body, followed by another and another as if a second heart was beating against hers. Looking at his staff, her eyes widened as the Gardevoirite began to glow, seemingly calling out as his Key Stone did the same. Feeling yet another pulse run through her, each grew stronger than the last as the stones began glowing brighter and brighter, and as the wave finally gave and came crashing down from above, Gyarados swarm and all, Serenity reached out for the staff in Chris's hand and grabbed it where her stone was...

Then... As a blinding explosion of light appeared at the bow, the wave finally collided with the ship, and as the sea calmed and the Gyarados swarm returned to the surface, the S.S. Guardian... Was gone...
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 82
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 85
Some time ago, a young man named Chris, now 23, discovered he was chosen to carry a curse passed onto him through his bloodline by a Ninetails his grandfather saved long ago, having grabbed its sacred tails to save it from falling to its demise. Burdened with this fate, which the young man now calls a blessing, Chris accepts the life chosen for him and allows the curse to guide him freely in life, destined to forever put others before himself, to forever follow the path the curse guides him along towards those in need most...

Along his journey thus far, Chris has come across a Ralts who was abandoned by her former trainer for being blind, hurled off the edge of a cliff and left to die that has since evolved into a full fledged Gardevoir by his side, swearing her life to the young man with the mysterious and terrifying ability to use the power of a Shadow Pokemon, granting her the title of a mysterious new Shadow Hybrid... Also traveling by his side is a Snivy who has since become a Servine, abandoned by her former trainer for refusing to evolve after a terrifying battle she had with a Serperior that left her mentally scarred, resulting in her former trainer neglecting and starving her in an attempt to persuade her to evolve, until he finally left her to die as well followed by a Buneary who has since evolved into Lopunny, who's former trainer became enraged due to her refusal to battle and tried to kill her off when he discovered she could only evolve via friendship...

Chris has met many people and Pokemon alike along his journey, each left as inspired by his presence as the last... He's nearly sacrificed himself to save Gardevoir and Servine from a deadly attack by a pack of Houndoom, lead by a Mega formed leader by hurling himself off a cliff to catch the two and nearly dying... Resulting in his lengthy stay in a location called Millennium City where he provided a hospital full of children an awe inspiring play room full of wonders any child would adore... Saved thousands of Pokemon eggs from dying out when their colossal incubation system malfunctioned in one of the cities many centers, and it's the location he saved Lopunny when she was a Buneary from being struck by a massive truck after being hurled into the highway by her former trainer... He's met and inspired a kindhearted old butler named Gerald who served the group during their stay in the city, and even came across the mysterious N from the Pokemon series, inspiring even this strange person during his stay in the city resulting in Chris being deemed a man worthy of keeping an eye on...

Most recently, Chris had become a criminal during his efforts to free Lopunny from her former trainer altogether, having forced his way into the city's top prison the man was held within and taking not only the Pokeball belonging to Lopunny, but taking all of his other Pokeballs to free the Pokemon within them as well only to discover the mans father was the Warden of that very prison in the process. Finding himself intrigued by Chris, the Warden gave him a chance to avoid prison time by revealing he was also the city's Gym Leader, striking a deal that if he won he would be pardoned of all crimes and allowed to leave the city.

Before the day of the match arrived, Chris found himself becoming close friends with the city's top scientist, Professor Rose, and together along with her staff they managed to complete Project Celebi, a device that could transplant sight between two people without surgery! The project turned out to be a success after Chris offered the sight in his left eye to give Gardevoir the ability to see the world for the first time via her right!

After this, the time for his showdown with the Warden arrived, and after a lengthy two part battle, Chris turned out the victor with the support of all those attending the event and beyond... To thank them for fighting for his sake, Chris gave Gardevoir, Servine, and Lopunny their own unique names, gaining the titles Serenity, Alicia, and Rose respectively, with Lopunny being named after the professor who had done so much for the group during their stay in the city...

Now, after regaining his freedom and spending a week at Arthur and Angela's massive manor on the outskirts of the city, Chris has finally bid everyone a fond and tearful farewell, having set sail across the sea as a first class passenger aboard the brand new S.S. Guardian, the first pollutant free ship in the world relying solely on solar power reservoirs currently making its way along its maiden voyage on a seven day trip to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the loss of the legendary R.M.S. Arceanic, the unsinkable ship that mysteriously vanished without a trace after messages calling for help were sent one fateful night long, long ago...

male 1,198,750, female 1,089,367, pokemon 192,551, rabbit 139,688, bunny 112,846, human 108,700, girl 93,785, boy 81,154, males 43,340, woman 29,273, females 24,945, man 19,103, snake 18,532, the 16,961, humanoid 15,807, story 14,016, boys 11,364, girls 9,828, sea 6,346, of 6,296, ocean 6,230, lopunny 4,827, series 4,644, master 4,357, men 3,900, gardevoir 3,538, battle 3,392, snivy 2,793, women 2,744, serpent 2,397, ship 2,061, kirlia 1,316, serperior 1,226, buneary 1,189, guardian 1,082, tale 875, ninetails 867, ralts 540, chapter 502, servine 448, tale of the guardian master 304, totgm 258, cruise 161, gyarados 79
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 9 years, 3 months ago
Rating: Mature

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9 years, 3 months ago
yeeeees.  finally new chapter. and finally appears serperior, thanks god
9 years, 3 months ago
Damn that was intense reading xD

...and what an ending to the chapter "Then... As a blinding explosion of light appeared at the bow, the wave finally collided with the ship, and as the sea calmed and the Gyarados swarm returned to the surface, the S.S. Guardian... Was gone..."

I think that is the worst cliffhanger I've come across so far...and by worse, I really mean the best xD
9 years, 3 months ago
that damn cliffhanger, but an awesome read.
9 years, 3 months ago
Intense Chapter! Everyone desperately struggle to survive. It made me forget my surroundings completely. Chris sucking up Ninetails power was funny, though. Followed by an exciting escape from a vast amount of Gyarados. Using up everything they got to flee as fast as possible and minimize the damage, only to be confronted with an even worse situation. Aaaaand cliffhanger…

Alicia evolving into Serperior to safe Chris was also very emotional. Even though the outcome of both being alive was a little bit expected, I still had teary eyes from the sad feeling of losing Alicia and then from the joy of seeing her showing signs of life. A new body and a different size ratio compared to Chris, I wonder if there is a possibility for her to slither lovey dovey along with him. Serenity and Rose can grab his arms, but for a Snake… considering her personality, it’s probably negligible. However, the situation in bed would probably end up similar to this:
Especially on cold nights… the nights in the village they head to will give lots of opportunities to maintain her temperature and such.

Ok, I admit, I totally forgot Serenity can control minds, or at least she said she could. It explains the cooperative behavior of so many Pokemon, too bad for Chris and his ego. XD

Although I’m not sure how pistons fit into a ship that relies solely on solar energy. Or was it a misinformation from Gerald…
9 years, 3 months ago
Modern technology my friend, if you want pistons in a ship for that old school touch, you can make em work with solar energy too. All a matter of mind over matter.

Keep in mind the ship also has a replica of the Arceanic Grand Staircase, so the inner working are also a touch of tribute in ways, swamped by modern tech as mentioned.
9 years, 3 months ago
That’s actually a good enough explanation. I remembered and realized that the Pokemon universe already has a lot off advanced tech. Complaining over some pistons, probably not reasonable from me.
9 years, 3 months ago
Great chapter. You handled this all really well. The disaster being a swarm of Gyarados led by a king and how Chris chose to respond and guide the other pokemon and the solutions were all good. Though I was surprised he didn't try to call on fire pokemon to counter it's ice beams.
Lot of good touching moments too, like Serenity stopping the beam and Alicia going after Chris and evolving (can't wait to see how things change with this form). Very well handled. Though again surprised Chris' megastones weren't used before this last possible moment. Like in character anyways. Author level i see why as it provided opportunity to solve this last issue and have a cliffhanger.
Some complaints though. When he lifted the ship and dropped it. First, you made such a big deal about how big the King was and how it towered over them, so it seems odd they were able to simply fly over it. Plus you didn't really show much of the impact when the ship hit the water again. Other times you mention impacts from the swarm casuing it to rock and almost knock people over. But hitting the sea again would have been harder than any of those. Well...unless Chris was controlling it right up to the impact then ig uess that would make sense...
Next was how you had Serenity say "What we do!?" And then said in narration she brought up again, the idea they could just leave. If she said it aloud then you should have included it as dialogue as it seems awkward to leave out a line and just mention it in narration.
Lastly...I know I mentioned this before but you really need to work on your paragraph formatting. It can really get difficult sometimes to read these big blocky paragraphs. I keep losing my place as my eyes wander and have to reread sections three times to get what is happening and it gets confusing as to who is talking when you don't put paragraph breaks between them. You'll have a line of dialogue, then "she groaned" and then another line and I don't know if the "she groaned" was for the previous line or the next until i read them a few times and figure out who said what.
9 years, 3 months ago
Regarding the Mega Stones he carries, in this series I want to keep them used as little as possible for the greatest affect when they do come into play. Such as Rose at the arena, and Serenity here right as the ship is engulfed by the sea. Mega Stones are far too heavily spammed in general as their very description is about being a temporary change that relies on reservoirs of energy. I'd prefer keeping them around as a strictly "last possible option" kind of thing rather than being the go to solution. It helps to emphasize what is required for their use no matter how much the canon series spams them to say otherwise. I like them being the ultimate final resort best.

Regarding the whole "what we do?!" issue, rather then typing out the same question a second time that's why I narrated it as though she said it again during her conversation. Since she said it already, narrating how it was repeated worked best to me.

As far as the ship flying over the leader, you have to keep in mind the distance between it and the ship and how sharply/suddenly the ship was lift combined.

As far as when it landed, keep in mind for the most part people are secured on board. The only time those such as Rostron in the bridge got knocked around was when it was an off guard, slip of the hand type of moment. When the ship was lift then dropped everyone had as tight a grip as they could on nearby objects/controls.

About the writing... It's just a personal way of doing it. Might not be grammatically correct, but that's how it is. I provide the spaces in between each section of writing for readers to pause at if/when needed and that's how I prefer keeping the series.
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