Art - :iconorcasandragons:
Writing - :iconruna:
This little story is but a quicky, less than 1500 words about a prey item being captured and swallowed in a meadow. Don't worry, he's okay with it :P
Aggressive Roleplay
Topaz was alone, exposed in the meadow with the long grass and flowers up around his waist. The treeline was equally as far away from him no matter what direction he faced. In the distance on one end, he saw a rising mist from a waterfall; on the opposite side, a red-shingled tower of a castle. This helped him get his bearings, since the sky was cloudy and he couldn't see the sun.
His tail swished around behind him, rustling the long blades of grass. His head was still a little groggy and he wasn't sure how he got here, but he knew he wasn't safe. The night before he'd heard his friends whispering about feeding him to something, and they were the kind to take a joke too far. He worried this was the result of such a joke.
He cautiously took a step towards the treeline to the north, only to hear a gentle rustling not caused by him, followed by the disruption of the grass of the meadow, parting in a distinctly s-shaped pattern. His hearts raced and his blood flowed, adrenaline flooding his system as he turned tail and started running in the opposite direction, southbound.
As he looked over his shoulder, he saw the massive head of an equally massive snake rise up and quickly bundle up in a strike position before lashing out at him. This creature's head had to be nearly as big as he was! The strike knocked him onto his belly with a deep thud, the impact knocking the wind out of him. Scared, he rolled onto his back, staring up through the tall grass to see a naga looking down at him.
It was flicking its tongue, blinking her intense green eyes down at him. “Well what do we have here?” She asked, voice sultry but also sinister. “Did sssomeone deliver me sometone?” She kept her head in place and pulled the rest of her body up to coil on the ground, the tail end swooping around to cradle at Topaz's neck, propping him up to stare directly in her gently parted, drooling maw.
“Wh-what do you want?” Topaz chattered, idly trying to pull away from her tail, which was now wrapping right around his neck, holding him tight.
Her tone shifted a bit, facial expressions softening. “I'm just hungry, is all. Tasty morsels like you tend to get caught up in my territory, and there's really only one place for them, my belly. You don't mind, do you?” She tightened her tail's grip on his neck and wrapped a single coil around his chest, holding him tight. Her words spoke of choice, but her body was making it clear that Topaz had no say in the matter.
“Well, Perhaps so, but I bet I could be of much, much better use elsewhere.” He was nervously looking around to see if there was any way out, but they were still more or less directly in the middle of the meadow, and a beast this size must have slithered many times faster than he could run. He knew it would be futile, so it was better to appeal to this naga's better half.
She slid in closer, practically rubbing her snout against his belly as her tongue flicked out, slapping between his legs. “Tell me more. I want to hear what it is you think you can do for me. I am hungry, you know. Can you help with that?”
Topaz shifted under her, tickled pink by her tongue but also nervous. It was clear she had devious intent, but her voice was so soft, so inviting. “W-well I'm not sure how I can help with that, but-” he was cut off as another coil of hers wrapped around his form, squeezing his chest and body as she nuzzled up to him. She was giving him a hug! He tried to speak, but found the pressure was too much on his chest to get out a single noise. He could breathe – barely – but barely do anything else.
“Well I can think of a way to satisfy my hunger. I hope you're not claustrophobic.” She leaned in to bump her muzzle up against Topaz's snout a bit, flicking her tongue out again to slap at his muzzle, a smile forming on her lips.
Topaz whimpered a bit, the dawning realization that he wasn't getting out of this hitting him all at once. He took in as much air as he could before closing his eyes and leaning back into her nuzzling. “Well, I suppose if that's what you have to do, it's what you have to do. I can't stop you.”
She nodded and prodded at him again, her grin morphing into a smirk as she slid her chin over her coils to position herself at Topaz's feet. She looked up at him with her emerald green eyes as she slipped her tongue out to tickle between his talons. Naturally, he squirmed, but that didn't stop her from parting her lips and wrapping them around his tail tip.
The dragon let out a whimper as he felt her teeth clenching down on his scales, tugging on the flesh as his tail tip pulled and curled up inside her maw. The teeth held it in place, and any attempt to pull it out was met with the jabbing of a dozen tiny needles. He felt he had no choice, so he laid his head back and relaxed his muscles. Almost immediately, he felt her soft flesh cradling his tail and slipping up towards his legs, her upper jaw clenching down on his toes. Like with his tail, his first instinct was to tug and pull, but the needlepoint teeth held him in place with only one direction to go – deeper into her gullet.
She slipped her tongue out and slapped up up against the small of her back as she released her coils, the tip of her tail unwrapping from his body as he fell to the ground, arms out to the side as the naga's maw sucked on his tail and feet. She hissed gently as she brought her body up in one big loop around him. Her jaw moved gently back and forth as she pressed forward, her lips sliding up over his knees, thighs, and eventually hips.
His survival instincts were kicking in and urging him once again to struggle, but everything he knew about snakes told him that once those teeth clamped down on prey, a snake's jaw was like a trap. Nothing could get out. Rather than cause a fuss, he wriggled his toes a bit in the soft flesh deeper in her throat than the lines of teeth reached, playing in the saliva and fluid that coated it.
She was surprisingly warm for a snake, her flesh as hot as it was moist, the throbbing veins pulsating against his scales with each of her heart beats. The sensations reminded him entirely too much of an overzealous partner, squeezing him tight in orgasm. He could get over the many teeth puncturing his skin, thanks to the ridges and mounds of flesh.
All at once, she reared her head back and gaped her maw open, letting him slide effortlessly down into her gullet, the copious fluids that her maw secreted a great lubricant for his passing. He didn't resist, instead her tucked his arms up against his chst and slipped into her surprisingly roomy gullet. He could feel her flesh distending around him, squeezing in to form the shape of his body as it slid into her. He could feel her teeth sliding over him, but due to the curved nature of them, they didn't poke or stab into him.
He looked up as the fleshy walls clamped down, her maw closing over him as her throat muscles squeezed in ripples from maw to belly. He could feel her contractions come in waves, her heart throbbing as her veins pulsed and squeezed all around him. He gave her soft flesh a nuzzle for a single moment before looking up one last time.
She was yawning, maw gaped open and gullet parted from his perspective right to the daylight, her tongue out at full length. HE smiled and curled up inside her as her esophagus closed one last time.
Her final muscle contractions pushed him deep until he was deposited into her stomach, and he took in a deep breath of her fluids, knowing that would be the end of it. A sharp pain filled his chest for a moment before the pain dissipated and he grew partially lucid, barely aware of anything more than the muscular contractions that were squeezing and massaging him from every angle.
Topaz would be fine. Leera would keep him inside her belly for a few hours before pushing him out the back end or spitting him back up. His friends were very kind for setting this up for him, and he played his role well.
9 years, 3 months ago
07 Dec 2015 04:37 CET
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