Sometimes, Life offers up opportunities for you to combine some things together to make something bizarre yet glorious like taking the minimal amount of ham, chicken and turkey you got from the deli and putting them together in one delicious sandwich. In this situation, said ingredients for Addy where Nori's fusion device, Milkie's sister Fraise, and his english tutoree Joyeux. Putting them together somehow he created Fraieux; a super smart, super strong, and energetic mouse girl with mountain sized tits! Milkie's a big confused while both Addy and Keco are excited. Think of the possibilities... :3c
Ok, this was just a strange little commission I conceived based on Keco having done several fusions of characters and thought to combine
's Fraise Souris and My Joyeux Luch into one seriously hyper titted mouse girl. The boob man in me couldn't resist the concept. Keco also did a second version where her boobs were transparent which I've posted along with this...and one where the inverse happened...and she didn't have any boobs at all. The horror! Hope you guys enjoy it.