Warning: Turtlecest, language.
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: LeoxVenus, RaphxLisa, DonxPurple, MikeyxClover.
Ages; Leo - 19, Raph - 18, Don - 18, Mikey - 17,
Venus - 18, Lisa - 18, Purple - 17, Clover - 16.
It was late and a peaceful evening, turtles sisters and turtles brothers sat on the roof and talked to each other.
Venus; What a beautiful moonlight.
Leo; Yeah, I was thinking exactly the same thing.
Venus looked at Leo's eyes.
Venus; Leo I ...
Mikey: What do you chatting?
Leo; Ah!
Venus; Ugh!
Leo & Venus; Mikey !!!
Mikey; What?
Clover; Let's do something, I have a dull moment.
Lisa; You are not the only one.
Raph; Yep.
Purple; Well, to initiate an evening tour of the roof now?
Don; Yeah though.
Raph; Whatever.
Leo; Yeah initiated.
Venus; Let's go.
Turtle brothers and sisters began their tour of the roof, which they had done every night.
Everything was calm until the part of the woman's squawk sound.
Clover; What was that?
Venus; Let's go look!
When they arrived, they saw the purple dragons raid.
Raph; Purple Dragons.
Lisa; The bad guys?
Mikey; Yes, the city thugs.
Purple; Well, uh loot they do not get, or what Venus?
Clover; Venus?
Suddenly, Venus fell on the roof and Leo took him captive.
Leo; Venus, are you okay?
Venus; Hm, Yeah I am, do not worry.
Leo; Good, let's go then to teaching purple dragon.
They were jumping from the roof down, until the edge of the roof broke down and the girls dropped to the bottom.
Leo; Venus !!!
Raph; Lisa !!
Don; Purple !!!
Mikey; Clover !!
The brothers jumped down from the roof over to the girls.
Venus; Ouch.
Leo; Are you okay?
Lisa; Yes we are ... Ouch!
Raph; Take it easy Lisa.
Purple; We're fine, do not worry.
Don; OK good.
Mikey; Guys, where the purple dragons disappeared?
Leo; Huh?
Venus; Where are they?
Leo; I do not know.
Don; There, but after all they are!
Mikey; Robots !!!
Clover; But why use robots theft of activity?
Purple; Repair, remote-controlled robots.
Don; Yeah, I ... I mean, we have to take this home.
Leo; All right.
Meanwhile, across the street from one end of a police car sound.
Venus; All, sewer fast!
All jumped into the sewer.
Mikey; It was close.
Clover; So it was ... ouch!
Lisa; Ouch, my feet.
Purple; I can not walk very well.
Venus; Same here.
The brothers looked at each other,
Leo, Raph and Don raised Venus, Lisa and Purple their arms.
While Mikey brought Clover piggyback.
Girls flushed completely, when the brother turtles were carrying them to the home.
To be continued....
9 years, 3 months ago
28 Nov 2015 18:35 CET
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