I know its been quite awhile since I posted last. Truth be told, I've been spending most of my free time playing Fallout 4 and Starcraft 2 episode 3. I posted this artwork more than two weeks ago on FA, just as Fallout was unlocking, and then I didn't upload it anywhere else because I was knee-deep in the wasteland. :)
Anyway, so I am just catching stuff up here now, in anticipation of my annual Thanksgiving artwork.
This poster was promotional artwork for the (Furry) End Of The World Convention, which took place on December 21, 2012. I was kinda waiting for a good opportunity the post it, but... you know... Fallout... Vaults... seems perfect. So here ya go! Posted :) Enjoy
----- Artwork by :iconNateDay: Etheras the Fennec (c) www.etheras.com Other characters include Soron the Panda (c) :iconSoron1991: Misc charcters (c) their owners Furry End of the World Convention (c) Kanouse Entertainment Group
----- Want more Etheras Fallout art? You're in luck! I have another one of those: Fallout Fennec
Or more video game tribute artwork? Here are a few more: From Starcraft, and More Starcraft, from EVOLVE, and another from EVOLVE. Here's a tribute to Borderlands (also by Atryl, and featuring Frenor's Horse char). There are plenty more in my gallery, but I want to skip to the first image I ever posted on FA as Etheras, which depicts him as Illusive Man from Mass Effect (only much sexier IMHO). ;)
----- Repost Authorization Rating: LIMITED LIMITATION: Furry sites only please! Dunno what that means? Please be sure to read this: http://www.sofurry.com/view/365517 ... before reposting.
In a painting of the Jetsons, their home floats over a radioactive wasteland populated by mutants,admidst wreckage and firestorms. "Heaven and Hell". We never saw what their home floats over in the TV series,did we ?
In a painting of the Jetsons, their home floats over a radioactive wasteland populated by mutants,ad