Be warned, the paragraph after the comic description is me standing on a soap box.
Okay, I gotta admit, this comic is a manifestation of my nerd rage, but I always try to channel that kind of thing in a positive way. How can Sonic's 20th anniversary game not get a wii port?! Don't give me the hedgehog engine crap because a very minor graphical downgrade would allow it to run just fine, like Sonic Colors did. Think of this, there have been 11 Sonic games made exclusive for nintendo consoles (not counting re-releases of old games) which include pretty much all of the best reviewed and received. In that time there have been 4 games NOT made for nintendo consoles, the most prominent example being the now infamous "Sonic '06" which was made for Sonic's 15th anniversary. I can't believe Sonic Team would repeat that mistake from 5 years ago. I'm sure generations will be an awesome game, but people who own XBox's and PS3's probably won't be interested in it because they'll have memories of '06 and no particular attachment to Sonic, since it's not an FPS or gritty sandbox crime game. Wow this sounds so much like a fanboy rant, but is it so much to ask that I can count on a series to have all of it's games come out on one console, or at least be TRULY multi-platform?
I've noticed that people seem to have an unusually narrow definition of what a Sonic game is. I've received comments and arguments from people who say that games like Sonic Adventure, Black Knight, even Sonic colors aren't "true" Sonic games because only pure side scrolling platformers count. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP! I only ever hear this stupid argument coming from Sonic games, nobody ever claimed that Star Fox Adventure wasn't a Star Fox game, or Zelda 2 wasn't a Zelda game, or Paper Mario wasn't a Mario game...well I can go on and on about Metroid, resident evil, and a bunch of other series that make games in more than one basic genre. The fact is that every game Sonic stars in is a Sonic game, just as any other series is defined by its star.
13 years, 9 months ago
25 Apr 2011 23:33 CEST
Initial: 95d2be27622fc7e2db9d3a94f47a7287
Full Size: 18bbf02ca462b2fbceee9361a7631a87
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Small: cb2c4e93520750cf125781f859df9b4e
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