... And your struts. Some Bob Seger came onto the radio and I thought about Vamp Gwen being totally into trashy classic rock like this, with no shortage of "women are exotic dangerous creatures" thematics. It was an entertaining thought. : )
Sed walks along behind at a respectable distance, carrying fresh batteries, spare headphones, and VampGwen's purse. It's not how he thought he'd end up, but boy does it have its benefits.
Seriously, though, I don't think there's anything I don't like about this drawing, warmup 'though it is. Aside from the more... prominent details, there's your artwork, Keco's colouring, and all those little sparkles on that translucent Lisa-Frank-as-a-fetish outfit. You know my admitted bias, but -- well, I like!
Sed walks along behind at a respectable distance, carrying fresh batteries, spare headphones, and V
I'm not really a fan of vampires, and for some reason the whole idea of an alt-u Gwen who wasn't raised by Alexandra doesn't appeal to me? I'm unsure why
On the other hand, dat butt. And dat strut.
Mmmh. I'm not really a fan of vampires, and for some reason the whole idea of an alt-u Gwen who was
Vampgwen would totally be into that sort of music, given that she seems to love flaunting her stuff and beguiling the minds of mortals. And beguilment would be worth it to watch her strut.
Vampgwen would totally be into that sort of music, given that she seems to love flaunting her stuff