Character Sheet for Astus
Character Description
Look at the reference
Head - Muzzle mark on the right side of his muzzle only (its like a litttle smudge)
Arms - has a black stocking on his right arm about up to the elbow
Astus is in fact a kitsune, but only has one tail
At a younger age Astus is very independent and free; he has a logical intelligence far above any normal two year old but falls prey to his self image (because he is a baby) and lack of bodily control. He will deny that he needs a change or anything of the sort because he doesn't like to admit it. He loves science and going out and exploring as well as learning and discovering new things. he is very crafty and will always try to get his way.... will also never admit he is wrong even if he is obviously wrong. He is also very submissive/gets nervous when people are stern or angry with him, so to satisfy his other side he tries to get out of it by blaming others, etc... he also has an irrational fear of the undead... and needles
His older personality varies based on the background he comes from, which is shown below.
Likes : adventure, getting what he wants, play time, animals, nature, fun, bottles, cuddles, his plush mr. foxy, bedtime stories, getting fed, closeness, friends, dress up, girly things (read below about mother)
Dislikes : being told what to do, being called a baby, called out for on baby like actions, vegetables, fruit.
He first appeared as a character in a story i wrote called "A Fox Tail" as an antagonist to the main character, his brother, Lucifer. Essentially his mother fell in love with a man named Xavier, who was a long line of individuals who had a gift to easily access their soul energy (very similar to hunter x hunter). After Astus was born, Xavier had a bit of a crisis and left Astus almost right after he was born. Not having a father around or mentioned made Astus look up to and follow his mother, who was constantly moving around and saddened by the loss of her husband. Astus copied her kind spirit (which later turned to hate for others), her cunning, and her feminine clothing style; because she was the only thing he had. They moved around a lot before his mother found another lover with whom she had another child, Lucifer who became Astus's brother when astus was around 5. Astus grew up with an intellect higher than that of his peers and later the elders, which threw him into an existential depression which eventually ended with him taking his own life after a few terrible things happened.
In another more common side of the story, his mother leaves astus up for adoption at the age of 1, not being able to take care of him on her own. this is the more common story I use to describe his origins.
Fox Tail : Xavier, Lucifer, His mother (Xylonia), his stepfather (no name)
Other origins : Kodi (adopted brother)
The world he originally came from was only populated with Kitsune, in a social world where the amount of your tails symbolized social status. He had hidden potential to use his own soul as energy to fight (much like hunter x hunter) and others could obtain the ability as well.
Look at above info and the ref sheet
His most common outfit is shorts, scart, a t-shirt, and a diaper.
He also almost always has a collar, usually pink with a silver bell, on. he has an irrational fear of the undead and he was told that the bell keeps zombies and such away; but really he has it because he always goes off adventuring and the collar is to keep him close on a leash when they go out because he likes to run away.
among other things his favorite dress up outfit is a pink frilly dress, with pink booties and mittens, as well as a tail bow situated near the base of his tail.
in terms of diapers he usually wears pink diapers or something more girly like but will sometimes wear regular white diapers
As stated above, pink collar with a silver bell, scarf, diaper, etc...