Character Sheet for Jacen Fatality Wolf
TekWolf, ShadowForbiden, UltraSonicWolf, MonkeyBoy, VioletWraith
Naive, Stuborn, Curious, Shy, Playful, Protective, Emotional
Likes: Sunsets, Games, Swimming, Biking, Hunting, Racing, Vehicles
Dislikes: Religion, Abuse, Waste, Spiders, Death
Born in South Carolina Rasied in North Carolina, grew up training with Navy father for shooting and hand to hand combat, took up gaming at age 6, learned to drive at the age of 8 from a adopted uncle and quickly got into street racing and hunting, lost dad at the age of 9 and began getting into the wrong crowd, took up hacking at age 12, came clean after losing best friend, in collage for mecatronics.
Mother: Blue Phenoix, Brother: Ezrio NintyNine, Adopted Brother: Beast Tamer, Adopted Sister: Juno Diva,
Transdimentional (can exisist in any)
Average slightly muscular built, 5'10", 134 Lbs, 14' wing span,light gray fur, red eyes white scalar, Violet stars on wings, magic circle tattoo on right solder, hexagon helix ring around right elbow, black hair and band running down the spine to the tip of the tail, red and violet bands in bangs, black paws, white claws, violet lichtenberg figures descending from the left eye to the jaw, off white from the collar bone down to the base of the tail, parallel stripes below the ribs on the left side black, violet, and red in descending order. red and pinkish interiors of mouth
combat boots specially designed for digitegrades, cargo shorts, hooded mens tank top, sleeveless leather trench coat, leather gauntlets with mettle plating over the forearms, dark purpple sash belt
one silver crescent moon necklace